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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. 5 dollars ain't much for lifetime. Try going to LeBaron and buy an annual
  2. I had a 2006 SantaFe and the dash and radio was the same. A cool looking blue in the day time but at night even with it dimmed all the way down was blinding. My Sierra goes low enough and my Neon can turn completely off.
  3. Holy Winternet!!!
  4. I like them wrapped in strips of bald eagle breast simmered in loon broth
  5. Story of my life
  6. I make my own Irish creme. way better and waaaaay more kick without too much cream flavour in the coffee
  7. Sorry to hear pal. Water damage can be a serious thing. Hope they get it cleaned up quickly for you.
  8. I saw a sign at the end of a laneway one day and it read..... Rabbits 4 Sale Meat or Pet You Choose
  9. LMAO
  10. Yessir!!!
  11. It has lot's of uses. was thinking someone may have missed it in the flyer or couldn't get to the store that week.
  12. Hope he works it out for you Terry. Last year I got both things i asked for...a sweater and a piece of ...both were too big!!!
  13. Thought I saw a thread about this earlier but I may have been Mistaken. What is on your wish list this year? Fishing and hunting related. I got a new ice toboggan that might have to be broken out before St. Nick Arrives... Looking at a new 12ga shotgun but don't think my PAL renewal will be here before year's end.
  14. only good for 30 days guys. and yeah make your own cover way cheaper and better
  15. Just made some Bailey's. Really good too
  16. That bird looks delish. Gotta get me an old fridge
  17. That's what they get for using IE lol
  18. My old neighbor gave me his used Lowrance x52 after hearing I bought another boat this fall. Does anyone know much about these and can you pair it with a gps and if so which ones? Thanks, Curt
  19. pretty cool. they are upside down standing on the under side of the ice
  20. Bought a Pelican Snow Trek 60 last week at Canadian Tire for 37.48+hst. I Had a rain check for it but it still rang in at the previous week sale price. So, I still have a rain check if anyone wants it. they are 74.99 regular price.
  21. Thanks. Never thought about maple syrup places. Um...syrup...yeah syrup. That's it.
  22. My fishing all but stopped after having 4 kids in 5.5 years. A couple of years ago we bought a trailer on Pigeon Lake. It will be good for the "kids" we said. It's great...my kids love fishing. It didn't feel right to be on the water all day and leave the wife at the park with all the kids. But lucky for me I take them with me. My 6 and 4 year old boys would kill me if I got up at 5 am to go fishing and didn't wake them. We usually go out at daylight and head back in when the wife texts that breakfast is on. Best thing is I am not the one having to say one more cast. I have to disappoint the boys and head in. Truth be told, I spend more time teaching and observing the boys than wetting a line myself but I love it. Then usually we fish off the dock with all the kids late in the afternoon to the evening and me and one of the boys will go out in the boat now and then and fish till dark. I tell you...if it weren't for the trailer, my fishing wouldn't be 10% of what it is now.
  23. Anyone know where one could purchase a stainless steel drum/barrel in Ontario? New or used? Been looking online and not too much up this way.
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