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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. I must say Wayne...you are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you.
  2. Is there an equal value clause or can you straight up trade anything for anything?
  3. I only knew about this from a facebook post my wife got from her vegan cousin. They are forming a petition....
  4. No, but I used to make pretty good lager. Haven't done it in years. Should pull out the old ferment keg one day
  5. Think again http://www.chch.com/rbg-deer-hunt/
  6. Royal Botanical Gardens too. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/news/deer-hunt-closes-part-of-hamilton-royal-botanical-garden-1.2466019
  7. Just saw this on TSN
  8. I plan too one day. One step at a time
  9. Sitting in a stand is not hunting either. when I hunted moose, caribou, bear, duck, goose, rabbit, or grouse back home we always walked the bush and bogs looking for the animals. If you were lucky enough to peak over a ridge and spot a few ducks or geese down in a pond that's where the easy part ended. then you had to sneak down to the pond, with no tree cover, and try to get close enough to get a shot. one or two ducks was a good day. 3-4 fantastic.
  10. Funny isn't it? I've heard (don't take my word for it) about bow hunting for carp tournaments on Rice Lake where all the fish were trucked away. No one cares when it's not the 'elite' fish.
  11. On a brighter note he probably didn't get cold out in the elements
  12. That's very intricate for plasma. Great work man
  13. Went again today for a few hours. Hammered them again. All released as I had enough from yesterday for the family for dinner tonight.
  14. They were delicious.
  15. Just curious. If the government changes hands, will the contract still be guaranteed? Also I hear the government pays the 'farmer' more for the hydro produced than is collected from the end user. Is this correct?
  16. Awesome
  17. I did research those. No hard decision as of yet. Still lots of time before turkey
  18. Ohhhhh.....just a little spot I know...
  19. not sure. i went to one in mississauga
  20. they would have given 7 bucks credit but i didn't have the old one with me there. Took it to a scrap dealer later and got 10 bucks
  21. auto wreckers. i bought one recently for 35 bucks
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