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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. Hey Chris, tried to send you a pm...no dice. clear your inbox...
  2. great stuff bud. looks like you guys had a great time
  3. Going to the trailer park for the weekend. Was hoping to get out with someone during the week. Maybe next week will be better
  4. beaut
  5. lol. I hadn't checked the weather report for this week.
  6. Anyone looking for a partner on Simcoe this week? Haven't been out in a while. Willing to share expenses. Thanks guys, Curt
  7. Nice fish man. I'm still trying to break into the 50 club
  8. awesome
  9. Great stuff man. I finally got my act together and will be writing the test for the Ontario hunter card. My kids have a blast every time we go hunting in NFLD with their Pop when we take fall vacations. They love fishing even more than I do which is a blessing. Easier to get out more when I take a couple kids. My 6 and 4 year old boys are self sufficient in fishing now and my 3 year old just needs me to bait the hook and cast for him. My 1 year old daughter loves the boat and likes to play with the fish so I assume she'll be out with us on those 5am trips in the next few years. Now to get my hunting license and take them out would be a real treat. Keep him out there and keep it up. He will grow up to be a great hunter and even a better person due to an upbringing like this. Cheers
  10. Hey Lew. Was this about a month or so ago? I was at the trailer on Pigeon and this guy came over the park very low. Scared the hell out of the wife lol. The kids and I went to the dock and watched the thing circle around the lake for about an hour. Pretty awesome. Once it was heading straight for our dock very low and flashed its lights. The kids thought it was so cool.
  11. Thanks guys. Elwood Epps seems to have some good deals on used gear
  12. Are there any classifieds sites to buy used rifles and shotguns in Ontario?
  13. sweet. nice rack on him. hope no one shoots him. is there even a season on them in Ontario? I'd like to see the population grow to a point where they could sustain a controlled hunt. Thanks for the pic
  14. I'm in Acton and I am at Pigeon Lake every weekend just south of the narrows.
  15. I do have a PAL. I just want to go over the book. It's been 15 years since I did the course.
  16. Hey guys. I want to challenge the hunter exam. I had my license in NFLD but need to take the test here. Does anyone have a Hunter Education Manual kicking around I could buy or borrow? Thanks Curt
  17. My Kids been catching big blue gills and sunnies all year from the dock. South of the narrows
  18. There's another in my park now asking 6,000
  19. My trailer park is on is on the east side of Pigeon Lake. We had the wind blowing everything to our shore all week last week. I saw a few dead carp and a lot of dead sunfish/bluegill. Not one bass. The water was stupid warm, of course there will be dead fish. This article sounds like the old man 'Get off my lawn' syndrome.
  20. Hook, Line, Rod, Bait....rod optional...
  21. hydro included at our park
  22. that was mine. Sold in the spring. There is a couple for sale in my park. Sandshell Trailer Park on Pigeon. Look up Floods Drive on google earth. There's a 40' with i believe 3 tipouts coming up for sale very soon if not already. I think he's asking 13,000 nut would probably go for closer to 11. I'm up there this weekend from Friday to Tuesday if anyone wants to come by and look around. Just pm me and I'll give you my number to call or text.
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