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Everything posted by walleyemaster

  1. will be looking for you tom if you go out
  2. very well put, i guess that's why we are all still fishing
  3. hi doug, i know where they are but this year people are having a hard time do to slow ice conditions. very few have ventured into deep waters. i have spots gps ed on this lake for the last 10 years but have only produced perch so far, but yesterday i found them and i will be back in the morning..
  4. Hi guys took the day off yesterday and went out on simcoe... found the whities finally. took about 2hours to find them and about 10 min to catch them. was using the williams and was in 85 feet of water
  5. ok i take it back, i can see those straps working quite well...
  6. i drive too fast my things would fall out. but i have to admit you can remove it quickly, nice box
  7. I like to use the shortest thickest rod i can find when on simcoe i have one made by lakeland, this rod is heavy and short with big eye holes so they never freeze up.. i use this rod strictly on simcoe the reason being when i have a fish no one can tell that i have one on and then no one can crowd me.. most of the time when someone has a fish on, people move in to fish close to them sometimes too close, almost in their hole..
  8. wayne if you look in the backround you will see my buddy jeff he carries the auger so he is my auger carrier
  9. i wish i had of known.. would have said hi.. next time i guess..
  10. hey terry nice report, the pictures of my sled with the box were from today on simcoe. i drove up the lake from gilford all the way up between fox and snake i also fished every area around there up to the 9th line.. found 5 inches and more in all places, tons of snow.. all i got was perch..i cant find the whities..looked all around
  11. Hi guys would like to see how you carry your stuff I had this aluminum box made. i measured the back of my machine then i had my buddy make me up a cad drawing, i bought a sheet of aluminum 4X8 and i had a guy cut and weld the box for me..it cost me about $260 in total i know its kinda costly but it should last a long time.. i could have cheaped out and bought the regular aluminum instead of the checker plated kind, but i think it looks much better.. i can fit all my tackle, fishing rods, drinks and live bait bucket with lots of room to spare.. the best part of all is there are no holes in my machine and i can remove box when i want..
  12. Wow hope you feel better Dano,
  13. the pro is a good place but not always the best priced place..i know they price match but you have to prove to them the price from the other store is less and no flyers show the other stores entire price list.. for example le baron has.. fishing line, dipsy divers, lures ,rods and other products for less and they are not listed in any special flyer, so if you happen to be at the pro take a look at what you want then price it at le baron and see.. dont get me wrong i love the pro but i also hate buying something for more money if i dont have to, besides this is a place to help others who love fishing like me and i hope i helped..thanks..
  14. nice report emil, by the way never got the invite to annual simcoe trip...
  15. welcome moxie, have fun
  16. I like to call them walleye, yes its the eye in the wall that i like. and if you like the wall in the eye then you have your answer either way. plus look at its eye theres no eye in pickeral and no wall in pickeral so it has to be called walleye.. should stop drinking about now im actually making sense to myself... no fish were hurt during this photo shoot all fish were let go to be free.. WALLEYE
  17. im with you wayne still praying..there's times i look at my boy and you and your family pop into my head and i would not know how to handle it wayne, you ,your family and your daughter are brave and thats why i know all will work out.. stay strong buddy
  18. well if you do i will look you up wayne
  19. never catch anything with the riggers so why waste the money
  20. Im getting ready to book my temagami hard water dates, would like to hook up with any of the guys fishing the hard water in temagami. im looking to book end of feb begining of march..here are a few shots cant wait..
  21. i like big john's myself their easy to work on. if you have problems all parts are out in the open not enclosed and motor is a windshield wiper motor easy to replace. but all down riggers are good from what i have used..
  22. WALLEYEMASTER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< need i say more
  23. Wayne..your daughter sounds like a real tough cookie and im sure she got that from you as well as your your wife.. im here for you wayne as much as i can be and im sure she will be just fine, with the determination she has shown and a great supportive family there is nothing but good that will result from this situation .. you and your family will only be stronger wayne and so will she...i will have your family in my prayers tonight wayne i promise you that..from one dad to another
  24. oh yahhhh no walleye in lake temagami
  25. well i finally recieved some pics from my buddy and now i can post..the weather was not that great but the fishing was just fine..took some time to find the fish but we managed ok..every morning we would catch our lakers and whitefish jigging in 50-100 feet of water we took the downriggers but never used them.. morning catch the clouds moved in pretty much all week and some were down right nasty yet beautiful another morning laker lakers and walleye yes walleye during the day all day more day time walleye we had a great time fishing and once again more memories made with great friends.. temagami is gods country
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