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Everything posted by walleyemaster

  1. hey billy bob...im gonna buy me some as well...i never use black that much ..but im gonna try it for sure..thanks for the tip
  2. irish sorry i did not get to the map...on where that water fall comes from in the south arm.....but i will send you info as soon as i can...when are you going again...
  3. very nice boat...looks like your gonna have fun with that baby
  4. johnnyb ....leeches to cold for early may..they just roll up into a ball water is too cold...i use worms they work great...sometimes better than minnows.....
  5. thanks fang for the info ill be there may 31 this year i will try shinning wood bay..its nice in there havent fished there that much i have to say but will take your advice...are you casting on the shoreline or are you just jigging and trolling ...also how deep do u fish when jigging there...
  6. yes i meant pitch not inches and i found out its a 23 pitch and my gps showed 58 mph...the boat is a harbercraft and yes it is lighter than most boats its 19.6 feet and nothing to it but aluminum 1.90 gauge and no wood in this boat or carpet or plastic ...just aluminum..very cold boat....but smooth as silk on the water...i have owned many boats in my life all aluminum and i have to say this is the best boat by far ive ever owned....so i do appoligise for my mistakes on prop info and total speed 58 mph not 60mph .....friend of mine has a lund baron with a 150 yamaha...he cant keep up to me..boat is bigger than mine and i guess alot heavier.....the 150 suzuki on my boat is the same size as the 175 suzuki.....same size just less horsepower....
  7. got it wayne...hope to meet you there......maybe catch a fish or two....by the way nice motor on that boat....nothing but the best i see.....
  8. lets see i get there saturday and run out of beer on tuesday or wednesday.....of course that is just the beer...what about the rye.....thank god i drive sober could you imagine how much the trip would cost me if i was plastered all the time...lol
  9. thanks for the info...but im sure the waterfall im talking about is not the same one....i will find out tommorow and send you info on it......so were on the lake are you wayne...i stay at temagami lodge and i have stayed at other lodges in the winter because temagami lodge is closed for the winter...
  10. Irish..i would start in the south arm...i usually cast the shoreline and rocks sticking out of water with a round chartruse color jig head and white 3 inch grub body...cast to the shoreline like fishing for bass and jig back towrds you slowly ....this works great for me in the early spring....i will give you the name of the bay i like to fish..later when i find it on my map....there is a water fall there and walleye are always in this bay tight to the shore line in early spring....and lot of rocks sticking out of water....nice laker spot there too.... No i dont know where to find you.....let me know maybe i will swing by and actually meet you...
  11. thanks Don..i will check it out and maybe find a team....
  12. hey bill...is that true?..lol so do u have a favorite lure for temagami walleye....
  13. Now irish that is what i call a great catch...sunny day walleye 6 feet of water? WOW !...nice to here ice is moving off the lake im gonna be fishing temagami May 31st for a week (33) days to go but whose counting.... irish can you tell me what they are talking about when people in here are making teams...i would like to join a team but dont know how....are you on a team? ...thanks rob... p.s would love to fish temagami with you one day it would be my pleasure and a learning experience im sure.....
  14. Hi guys...was just sitting here wondering what bait is the best for temagami walleye when fishing from the boat...me myself i like to troll just like any other guy but i love to jig....i have had success with both but for me the jig comes out # 1...my favorite colore for temagami is blue and white, pink with a close second...oh yah always tipped with a little meat...how about you
  15. hi muskyhart..i fish temagami 3 times a year for one week at a time...in the spring (first Sat in June) i troll in the day for lake trout..they are usually pretty high so i dont use my riggers although i have caught some nice lakers using my downriggers at this time of year....at night we anchor on a shelf that is surrounded by deep water and jig with our led jigs col(orange, chartruse, blue and pink) these work even better when they glow and are tipped with a minnow....we catch all our minnows at beaver dams using a minnow net and bread....these minnows work great just make sure you find a live beaver dam and try not to take too many minnows only what you will use that night... in summer i fish for lake trout, white fish and walleye....the broom islands is a great place to start jigging a crippled harring silver...anchor in 90-100 feet and start jigging a 1 oz crippled harring...and get ready those lakers will hit that harring and your line will go limp cause they always hit it comming from the bottom going up....i also down rig for the lake trout...i do the same thing for walleyes in the summer as i do in the spring...i just change my locations...i find that the walleye move great ditances in this lake....i find them in deeper water and far from the spring locations...i anchor on a shelf a little deeper than the spring and jig with the same colores and minnow that we trapped....now one of my favorite times winter in temagami...what can i say its so beautiful and then i hit other lakes around temagami because its so easy to reach by skidoo.....so i fish kokoko and browns and secret lakes just to mention a few...and i fish temagami....for walleye white fish lake trout......hope this helped....if you want some actual walleye spots try rabbit nose just anchor in 20 feet of water and jig the colores i told you and tip jigs with a minnow and you will have success just as soon as the sun goes down.....hope this helped you.... TIGHT LINES
  16. hi guys i have a harbercraft 20 foot and i bought it with a 150 hp suzuki four stroke...24 inch stainless steel prop...boat does 60mile per hour with 2 people in the boat...the motor is so quiet you cant even here it running when your at the dock...many times you get out of the boat and forget to turn it off...i have always had mercs and was really hesitant to buy the suzuki but after alot of research...the suzuki won..the 150 hp is 175 cubic inches it at the time when i bought was the lightest 150 hp on the market....thats my thoughts hope they can help...ps i was told that the new evenrude is supposed to be the best engine out there...thats for this year..every year someone else is on top....
  17. hi guys i was just telling wayne that those little fish are actually speckles...and the meat was so pink inside..females im told....they were really fun to catch...we used a switch (tree branch) and ran when we saw the smallest twitch..we we re running from hole to hole when the feed was on...we were falling all over the place...it was fun
  18. wayne...thanks so much for all your help in posting this for me... i would never of had a chance to share my pictures... i hope i can figure out how to post reports myself...although the fish looked huge its weight was 22 pounds...the little speckles were also fun to catch and tasety too...all my friends and i will be in temagami may 31st for 1 week and we are currently booked at temagami lodge....if anyone can get away for this week or just this weekend please let me know... would be so glad to meet you and maybe fish with you.... its really nice to know people love this place (temagami) as much as i do....and irish how do i post or upload my pictures...who should i ask for help...evertime i try to upload i get an error..again be gentle im not that great with computers....thanks again...
  19. wow wayne ..i hope she gets better soon
  20. hey irish any chance in meeting our crew feb 29th...thats if you can get away again....we are a group of 4 guys and we would love to meet new freinds that love temagami as much as us..would like also to catch a huge laker like that as well ...that was a grat fish..we are staying at linda wigwams for the 4 nights on bear island..anyway let me know if u can come up again and that goes for anyone here in this great forum if u can get away that weekend let me know and i will meet you there..hopefully i will also have pictures to show when i get back...
  21. WOW nice pictures ..im heading up to temagami on feb 29the 4 nights 5 days cant wait we usually fish temagami and kokoko ..dont know where you were exactly but looks very nice..this is my third ice fishing trip to temagami and let me tell you its like gods country..ive fished the spring and summer in temagami for many years but only recently have i enjoyed the ice fishing there and i have to say ice fishing is my favorite on lake temagami...
  22. hi guys...ive fished stergeon and found that big boats run up and down lake going from lock to lock all day long and cause allot of movement on the water..also found it a bit too noisy but vernon fairy and pen ..they have great pike fishing as well as huge small mouth and the odd snapping turtle and i mean big snapping turtles..we always do well in all three lakes...we have also found some walleye in vernon..but very few and lots of work catching them..we fished fox lake which from what i was told runs into vernon...fox is stocked with walleye and we caught about 35 walleye there 5 guys in 3 houres..sizes were 1-3 pounds nothing huge but great eating..hope i helped you in this matter oh yah penn fairy and vernon are quiet lakes not too much action on them especially penn and fairy
  23. that was a great video,,cant wait to go fishing with my boy hes 2 1/2 now..
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