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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. I would put it in an ING account until February, then buy a new baot at the boat show.
  2. Does Hazel fish as well? What a great job and an amazing talent (both of you). Thanks for sharing that. Jim
  3. Welcome!
  4. Is there anything better than a trip with the boys? I think not! Congrats on the PB.
  5. What a fantastic thing to read about. For every crummy thing you read or hear about there are a thousand stories like this that never get told. Thanks for telling this one. Jim
  6. What I remember more about those lanterns and stoves (we had both) than the light, was the sound of the pressurised gas (from covering the plunger and pumping) as it burned. I also distinctly remember the smell of them both. I loved that smell. Thanks for reminding me. Jim
  7. Yes, it's a good time to buy.
  8. I have two set-ups that I use for most of my fishing. They are: A Daiwa Exceler 2500 with a Cabela's 7' Tourney Trail Med/fast rod and, A Daiwa Exceler 1500 with a Cabela's 6'6" Tourney Trail Med/fast rod. I have just ordered another Exceler 2500 (from LeBaron) and a BP Bionic Blade (on sale, Bass Pro) 7' Med/fast. I put Fireline Crystal 14lb. on all and use a 15lb. Flouro leader (about 3’ long) I love those Cabela’s rods but they just got weird about shipping to Canada, so I am giving Bass Pro’s rod a try. Jim
  9. Wow! Congratulations! Now get it back under the car port before it fills with water.
  10. I think that I first happened by the OFC when I did a google search on a topic (probably while I was boat shopping). Now I'm afraid, I have somewhat of an addiction. On a slightly unrelated note, as I try to expand my knowledge of the sport I have found as of late that the "search" feature is my best friend. Jim
  11. I don't know squat about Salmon (other than it comes in a can) but that looks like a nice one. Congrats on both of your firsts!
  12. Let me respond to my own post. I do sound like a moron. Since then, I have searched this site for GPS threads and learned loads. But I have mostly learned that I have much to learn. Thanks all.
  13. At the risk of sounding like a moron, I am not sure what you just said. Are you saying that there is not enough room in this unit for large maps? Let me ask this: If I go to Doe lake, will it have it on there somewhere and will it help me to find the shoal? Or will it have the water depths in Erie marked? I am not much of a drive to Florida type, but I would like to mark some spots on different lakes for return trips. Have I got the right unit? Thanks, Jim
  14. I just checked with our Caledonia CT. They had none (I got a rain check) but she said that Stoney Creek and Hamilton Centre had 5 left each. I checked Radioworld and they are $149, but Canadain Tire's is a bundle that icludes "MapSource MetroGuide Canada CD, dash mount, USB cable, 12V charger" All extra at Radioworld. If anyone knows why I should not get one of these, please say now. Thanks, Jim
  15. Hi Andrew, I used it for a while with my Bell phone and the 407. In both cases I found that I never knew if I had paid the bill or if I still owed on it. That is to say that even if I paid it (and say, forgot to delete the bill) it would say that it was due. I know that it had to be my fault, but I found them to be very user unfriendly. I guess I never knew if they were current or not. I ended up cancelling the service and going back to paper bills. Jim
  16. I was refering to the fact that generally (in my mind at least) summer is filled with fishing reports and talk of getaways and lodges etc. This topic just reminded me of winter topics, as in your locked in the house looking to buy fishing stuff on-line, kind of winter topic. How's that, as clear as mother's milk?
  17. Get educated. Then you can be the smartest guy in the tree stand.
  18. Hi Guys, I know that this seems like a winter subject, but how do you determine what rod length to use? I use spinning reels (Daiwa 1500 & 2500). I have a 6’6” rod and a seven footer. I think that I enjoy fishing with the 7’ more (both are Med. strength, fast action). Is that a good enough reason to buy another 7’ or am I missing something? Thanks (ps. I fish for bass and walleye mostly, also picking up whatever swims with them)
  19. I'll second the O-ring thing. It works like magic plus you can ring up a bunch of colours for variety and quick change them. If you don't use an o-ring you will find that you will be going through a lot of worms.
  20. Your post was a nice tribute to his memory. My condolences. Jim
  21. Thanks for that. It was a pleasure to read. Jim
  22. Hi All, I managed to get out to Port Maitland Sunday morning while the wind was down and the rain to the west. We diddled around on the reef for a couple of hours. My buddy had two nice fish on but couldn't get them into the boat. I grabbed this one (3 lb, 4 oz) while dragging a (pumpkinseed) tube jig, before the weather turned for the worse. The highlight of the day was meeting another OFC'r. Thanks for stopping by to say hi Lexington; it was great to meet you. Here is a snap of the one we boated. Jim
  23. You guys are an inspiration! Nice report, thanks as always. Jim
  24. You are a lucky man. Congratulations! And nice report. Jim
  25. Hi All, Now that I know how to do this report thing, I am going to make a couple of retro-reports. I hope that this does not break any rules (written or un). These smallies were caught during my first trip to Lake Erie (on the last calm day, August 7th). All of the fish that you see me with were caught on a wacky rigged Dinger PMP/CHART (I know, I'm a one trick pony). I did not have my scale at the time, but you can see that these are some healthy fish. My nephew nabbed this beauty.
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