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Everything posted by DanTheMan

  1. Tuned up and ready to go!!!
  2. Ya, just like this play, right??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaG4GSyQ-tQ WHAT EVER!!!!!
  3. I think you hit a nerve on that one!!!
  4. :angel: :angel: :angel:
  5. My deepest condolences to you and your family Wayne. Take Care man!!
  6. My sincere condolences to you and your family Lew!!
  7. My deepest condolances to you and your family
  8. Thanks for the post bud , very nice website
  9. My deepest condolences to his family and friends !!
  10. If you enjoy donating blood, then your good to go bud!! :D
  11. Mine are actually very dim right now,so Im guessing ground or something
  12. Working great bud!!! Thanks!!
  13. Great report and pics bud!!! I love the sceneri pics.I afto agree , we all clean fish on a back of a truck tailgate Great stuff!!!
  14. Here's what she uses, its perfect fit and has a handle on it
  15. Thats exactly where we are bud!!!! Is Kirkland Lake, and its about 1hr and 30 mins from Timmins and about 2hrs and 30 mins away from North Bay Dont be bud, just come out and join us next time Actually bud, its something very simple.The pickerel rig proved to be the lure of choice again this year Here's a pic of how we set up All the walleye in that are FAT!! There is some much feed in that lake , its crazy.They feed on smelts/hearing/pearch and what ever else they eat (lol)
  16. I voted #3 also. I do eat lots of walleye , but release them also.But, when I am hungry for them, well, I keep my share
  17. Cause she uses tons of bug spray and I hate using that (lol) @solopaddler, we fish for them In the river, so kinda tough to judge.We where catching them in 5 to 10 ft of water, Hope that helps bud!!
  18. My Holidays started out on June 1 and headed up to my annual Spring Walleye hunt on Round Lake in KL. Meet up with Rocky on Sunday morning at 7 am at his cottage and proceeded straight out to our fishing grounds. Well, it didn’t long for our spot to produce. We did manage a few quality fish, but not the big splash that where usually spoil too. I only manage a couple of fish that day and Rocky kick my butt again(lol) The next morning , headed back to our spot again and pretty much same results .Some very decent Fish, but no trophy’s yet. I did manage to get the biggest one of the day and my PB 6LB 25 inches long Walleye. The next couple of days where pretty much the same. We caught some more decent eyes, and still manage to get some great fishing done and had Fantastic weather. I consider this trip of the BEST weather trip we had there. We had great weather the whole 5 days we where there. I couldn’t have asked for better. Oh, did I forget to mention the black flies yet?? Well, they where INSANE!!! Out of all the years I been going, this had to be the WORSE season yet. They just would never give us a break. I think we had 1 day break from them when we had 30 mph winds (lol) but, that’s the way it goes, you want fish, you handle the black flies!!!(lol) On day 5, I decided to come home and take 1 days rest from the bugs and all and I also, Wanted to clean up and shower up. I talk it over with the wife and we decided to head back for the weekend to finish up my weeks holiday. So on the weekend, we pack up and headed up for a second chance to get “Bubba” And Once again, fantastic weather and MORE black flies this time. Not sure why they where worse, But I guess there mast producing over there (lol). Well, It didn’t long for us to catch fish again. Same spot and same results. Lots of 3’s and 4 lbs . It seems that was average size, and don’t get me wrong, it’s all GOOD in my books. And sure enough, the wife out fish me this time. (lol) She actually got her PB also on this trip. She landed a beauty 7lb (26 inches long) walleye. Well, that’s pretty much the basics of my report, I’m sure there’s more little details, but I don’t want to bored you guys with it. Its was a FANTASTIC 1st weeks vacation, and something I wont forget and cant wait till next year to do it again!!! Thanks again to my buddy Rocky for the GREAT trip and hospitality and thanks to my FAVORITE fishing partner in the world, my WIFE for great trip and fun time!!! Till the next hunt!!!! Dan Here’s a bunch of photo’s for you guys to enjoy!!!
  19. So sad and NOT FAIR!!
  20. Now thats funny !! But true
  21. Crystal is all I use and I love it.I just bought a another spool and will pick up a couple of more on weds.
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