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Everything posted by JeffBornFishin

  1. Had a couple of light hits but no fish landed. Got off the lake when the thunderstorms kept rolling through and the wind picked up. Still nice to get out
  2. Very nice Nice looking fish and merci pour la report!
  3. Neighbour down the road is on the Peterborough County OPP Marine unit...they want to see proof of vessel registration and insurance on the water every time they stop someone for an inspection...they just wave at us on the water kinda nice. I have been told if you are behaving yourself and wearing your life jackets they may move on to someone else I have copies in the boat The trailer ownerships always in with the tow vehicle. Dont get caught with yer pants down this summer folks 'cause it's expensive.
  4. Fish Sanctuary. It is closed from Lock 19 all the way through to a point in Rice Lake.
  5. More and more officers are taking it upon their own iniative to do spot or random vehicle stops. Something else I have learned recently...an OPP officer is trained enough to do a road side vehicle seizure including plates without being a licened motor vehicle mechanic. That means they can do a quick inspection and see if your vehicle or trailer is in fact "fit". A few weeks ago we were out for a tour and came across a single officer in Madoc. He was stopping all traffic...check drivers licence, insurance, sticker on the plate etc. It is good to see. Keep the crap off the road eh
  6. It is very difficult not to see where the tracks are. A friendly reminder unless you have detailed local knowledge of the water you are on you must have a current edition of the Small-Craft Nautical Charts for the water you are on. Now I have been going to Rice since i was 5 years old. Guess what...still got with a chart Two years ago a guy I know that used to dock at our marina ventured out to Rice with the wife and kids. Hit the rocks/tracks at 40 mph and destroyed the boat. His wife and kids are now terrified and dont want to go out in the "new" boat. Always be safe and prepared. Conditions change very fast there with the winds. Be prepared to get off the water quickly if need be.
  7. Huntin' slabs with some much needed softwater therapy. been a long wait
  8. Have fun launching a boat...there are no docks in. The water is very high right now...was working down there yesterday.
  9. Attended the FMZ 17 meeting last night. Was a well organized and informative event. I had some questions answered and a few myths dispelled. Was great to see you again Bill (b2kptbo) and to finally meet Dutch (Darren) Ron and Michael Brown! I want to thank the volunteers on the FMZ 17 council as well as the MNR staff who are only interested in bettering our FMZ and for putting in all this time and effort. Dutch, thats a great post and I think you covered it all there Now we patiently wait to hear the results from all this work.
  10. Excellent report and pics Great video! Pull that out someday when she is about 16 Thanks for the post!
  11. Go green? Hows this for a start: Stop removing all the big fish, putting them all in one boat and dropping them all off at one spot in the water. I know they "drop" the fish at different places during the events but those big fish never have a chance to return where they came from. Everytime there is a tournament on the tri-lakes (Chemong, Upper Buckhorn and Pigeon) the lakes are a right off and I don't want to be anywhere near it. A very unpleasant experience every time for locals. Maybe limit the number of entrants per event? Just my $0.02. Let the slamming begin
  12. I will be attending tonight. I am trying to get more people interested...got one pro tournament guy attending that I work with. See you there.
  13. Nice fish guys Sounds like everyone had a great day despite the conditions. Thanks for the report and pics Nothing beats an OFC get together
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcjyC8_8lXc You remember this? OK I know ya wanna crank it! Uh oh getting the evil eye now...!
  15. Best of luck guys...weather sounds good! Have fun
  16. ROFLMAO!!! Had a 1982 Dodge Adventurer pickup SE Club Cab 2WD with the 360 V8. Let me tell ya that was no female piece of machinery! Took ten bucks in gas just to start it!
  17. Great post Cliff! Now I wish I had taken video off all my 140 horses coming to life today Got 'er running mint and ready to go. Gotta love that direct exhaust sound when it is not in the water Nothing like waking up and smoking out the neighbourhood burning off that storage seal Hope to get 'er wet next weekend for the panfish opener for FMZ17
  18. Great post and pics Boss Glad everyone had a good time...and I thought it was too far away for us to go As far as that 407 thing goes now that you have done it you wont want to take anything else again! They sure planned that BPS close to that 407 eh
  19. Picked up some of these at the Sportsmens show. Looking forward to trying 'em out on the water and at work. Was unable to find any for sale anywhere in our area last year. I have been told the more you sweat the better it works.
  20. ROFLMAO Bly, go take it where you told me it was going when we were at the fish lift in Cobourg That it is the best choice.
  21. Well done and glad to hear you all had a wonderful time Thanks for taking the time for the post and pics Welcome back to the land of ice and snow eh
  22. Great report and pics Dave even without the fish porn That lake you had the canoe on I have never fished. Always wondered what was in there. Drove past many times Thanks for the report!
  23. Best of luck Cliff I know you will bag one or two!
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