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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. LOL GCD I have a heck of a time trying to get him to write a report on my own site.....He hates computers....lol....
  2. I have seen a group of well over 50 or more every single day for the past three weeks in two fields very close to my home...... I don't hunt but have been thinking about taking a course. Good luck cliff.
  3. I know & the beauty about it is no one else is around.....
  4. Well after working all over the easter weekend at LPB. Yesterday evening got home close to 6.00pm and decided to drop the boat in at a local spot we fish for cats here in Dover...... We launched close to home and fished a favorite spot of ours....Were not long there when i caught a little Guy ....Tossed her back and a few minutes later caught a nice channel cat... Put her back in the water when sins pulled in a little guy also. a few minutes after that i get a hit rod goes down and i knew i had a big fish on.....Tryed to let off some slack on my line but was to late and lost my whole set up....Man was i ever niffed....lol... Then before we knew it sun was down so headed back in.....Hope to get back out in the morning..... even though i spent all weekend working the cart it was nice to be able to get out for a few hrs before sundown......Something tells me i won't be having much time for fishing this summer.... Some of my customers who stopped by for a NAUTIDOG THIS PAST WEEKEND. Hope everyone had a great easter weekend. Nauti.
  5. Great pictures...I love snakes sinns & I sometimes go down to a local spot in the summer looking for snakes Sinns is a little wary of the,...There are lots of them.... I remember when i was a wee lass on the farm me and my Aunt who is four months older than i use to catch them and sneak in the house & put them in my mums underwear draw along with frogs.. ..lol.... Ahhh the good ole day's..
  6. Welcome Becky. Nice to see another fellow fisherwoman aboard. Nauti.
  7. WTG Victor.. There alot of fun i have been out chaseing kitty cats myself these last few days.....
  8. Yup happy belated B-day Bly! Hope you had a good one...
  9. No white stuff here in port dover just over cast and drizzly rain....... You can keep the white stuff.... Look on the bright side though we are forecast a beautiful easter weekend to date! Yes i know that could change but i'm staying postive... I want to get out for some perch on thursday!
  10. Happy birthday.
  11. LOL HD. Must be the pink i'm wearing....
  12. lol GCD. U know when i am fishing the pier and i see a guy pull in a cat and he puts it on the ground and puts his foot on it while removing the hook then trys to put is back in the water by useing a ft.........I Chuckle....I don't mean they kick as in kick hard they just don't want to touch it....lol I love Cat fish especially the larger channel cats.......They put up such a good fight and there pretty too.....
  13. Sorry mike no perch in yet......But they are doing good on the inner bay.....
  14. Addicted. This is just one room in my home if i could i would have every room in my home look very similair to this... And when this grl says her room yes i mean this is my room . Done with my own hands and my hangout where i can sit and ejoy reading my fishing mags which may i add i have boxes and boxes of.
  15. Thanx alot guys..... Yes it was nice to be out on the boat again and the water.......It was even nicer to feel a half decent size fish on the end of my line....lol.... Really hopeing this rain dies down a little so i can get out later and giver her another shot......If not i may just put on my waterproofs and head to a spot from shore and fish there......
  16. Sinns & I will be there. Its close to home so will be stopping by.
  17. Well after getting back from LPB this avo and working the cart for a few hrs......Man OH man.... Today was a beautiful day My youngest Sheldon came to help his mom today... We packed her in around 2,00pm and headed home to find both my work shop and the hall plus the basement all flooded...... When i got home i had unloaded the van and got the Boat motor & gas tank in the back along with our rods tackle and so on.......Not expecting to find a firkin flood downstairs....So spent two hrs cleaning up that mess....Sinns got home basically turned everything off...I currently have no water....Felt so bad for my lad Ricky he worked 11 hrs today (Jodie's lawn care) and was black when he came in & the poor lad could not even shower....I felt awefull......So got a guy coming in the morning to fix it..... So i said sod this lets go fishing so a fishing we went. We took the boat for A QUICK SPIN OUT ON THE LAKE...WOW was it ever warm and the sun was still beating down on us... After a spin out on the lake we decided to head back in & fish the creek. The channel and creek are just loaded with minnows right now they were jumping every where. Saw a few big fish jump too. Anyway we fished out near the yacht club and i got into my 1st little channel cat of the night. He was released when i had another hit and sure enough another little channel cat. Sinns did have something on his line but he lost it.... So a little later on we decided to move further down into the creek as the wind was picking up a little so we found shelter where there was less wind. Not even five minutes of having my line in and Bam big hit.....New this one was a good size..... I think by this time sinns was getting pi shed at me cuz he had not yet caught a fish...lol Here she is and what a beautiful looking channel cat. It was starting to get dark pretty quick once the sun went down and we were ready to leave when i get another hit. This time a little bullhead..... So in all even though it was a crappy day had a great evening out on the water fishing kitty cats..... Hoping to get out again tomorrow evening. And last but not least cannot forget to post some pretty pictures i took this evening... ;D
  18. Very Nice Joey! Congrats on the new ride!
  19. Leather & bright pink to match my Hat and booties....
  20. Had planned on going for the longest time.tommorow with sinns........But now tommorow is my BIG day so now i cant make it.... Have fun everyone & just remember to pack a bottled water in your pocket or purse....
  21. lol @ everyone....... I was not aware that OFC was down till a member sent me a message on facebook asking what was up......They could not acccess OFC.....AND thought they had been banned because of a certain riske thread or something like that....I saiddd Naaaa they don't play that way with out warning you 1st.....Came to log in everything was fine for me........Told him must be a Glitch. When i came to log on next day nothing......I wasen't worried though not with A team like we have at the Helm.....Not for one second. I know you guy's would have it fixed........
  22. Thankyou cliff.......
  23. Glad you guys got things back up and running.......Good to have OFC back.
  24. 2 out of 3 so far....Its the only time i order an XL....LOL...When i win a freebie...My son bought my 1st one when it started which was a winner then i got another three days later and another winner......Used that today and won...Please play again....
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