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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Well Mr sinns finally got around to writting a new song for my fishing video's this year. I think it sounds great but he is still complaining about the sound...Musician thing i guess huh?....lol Anyway thought i would share....He wrote the music and lyrics in a little over two hrs and this was his second time singing and playing it.. Boy do i ever wish i had his gift!! Here is the video..... The name of the Song is. We've gone fishing. Nauti.
  2. Happy belated Anniversary hun.... Great report too.......Thanx for shareing.... Nauti.
  3. Congrats to you both what a beautiful baby! Make the most of it they grow up way to fast , I can remember my daughter being born like it happened only yesterday and she will be 26 this year. So cherish every single second. Thankyou for shareing.
  4. Me luves me Garlic....lol
  5. Yup if you do a Google search For carp recipie baits you will find lots of great info on how to make your own....Or as someone suggest just buy a can corn....How ever i like to use old stinky garlic sausage works a treat for me. The carp you see me holding on my avatar was caught with Garlic sausage.
  6. lol suits u too Roy..... John PM sent & thankyou so much.
  7. Thanx so much Alie. It's appreciciated. Nauti.
  8. Thanx so much Leechman...... It was a fab day and i am looking forward to doing it all over again with a great bunch people.
  9. Good morning everyone. I wanted to ask everyone if they know anyone who sells food decalls. Something simliar to this... I have been looking and looking on line but cannot seem to find anything local......I was really hoping that maybe there was some where in the brantford,hamilton or GTA erea that allready had decalls like this made up. I am needing them A.S.A.P As i am getting ready for an event in two weeks time... This is my new cart i bought in the fall last year & any help would be very much appreciated... Thankyou so much. Nauti.
  10. Nooo Dirk i did manage two lousey smelt on my last trip out....lol...........
  11. LMAO Packrat! Just you wait......
  12. Long point or should i say the inner bay is very busy during the winter months when the bay is frozen and the oporaters are up and running. I fish the bay alot never had a problem but then i know not too hit the bay on Bass opener day....Just like bass opener on any other body of water it is crazy and i do not enjoy shoulder to shoulder fishing in a boat. As for the Sanctuary click on the link. http://www.longpoint.on.ca/sanct.htm
  13. LMBAO..... GO ON RIZO HAVE A LOOK...Trust me its worth the look...
  14. Thanx Mike..... No i never happened to hear how much that perch weighed to be honest i was so busy talking to people....lol.....Then the next thing i notice is a few people taking pictures so i quickly ran over to get a few shots of my own. He was so cute......It was fabulous seeing the kids out with dad fishing today. That little guy was more interested in his new fishing pole than the perch....lol...
  15. Feb. 22 / 2009 Hi all, Just returned from the 1st annual Jimmy Riggin's (Rotten Ronnies Bait) Long Point Bay perch ice fishing tournament. Theres something special about a first annual event like this because it turns into a tradition, and this one will. In twenty years, people who are still going will say "I was at the first one ever". Its so nice to see the kids and families enjoying outdoor events like this one together. The weather and roads were pretty nasty this morning so I thought the turnout was great. We started the day meeting Dave (Northerner) and his wife Darlene, Steve (Nightwatcher) From ammo's aka (Nautifish) fishing site at Rotten Ronnies Bait in Long Point. Jimmy Riggins the owner and reason the tournie happened was there with his wife to greet the competitors. Always a warm reception from both of them, truly nice people. After a wrong turn dead end (every road in Long Point is a dead end, including the main road in) we found Old Cut and met our ride out. A very special thanks to Rob Saunders and his son Matt for giving us a lift onto the ice and for supplying the hut & heat....we can't thank you enough. The ride out to the hut was comparable to a cross country trek in the arctic. Rob set us up in our temporary home on the ice and left us to fish. Steve set up his luxury accomadations ..the "CLAM" and we were off and fishing. I kept checking to make sure Steve ( Nightwatcher) was still alive in his little tent as he disappeared inside and wasnt seen again. We're pretty sure he had a T.V. , microwave and bar fridge in there but he wouldnt let us in to see. lol Darlene , Ammo (Nauti) and I set up shop in the hut ...Dave earned his name Northerner and fished outside claiming that it was a summer day compared to where he comes from. Ammo ( Nauti) soon learned that her head was higher (and softer) than the roof of the icehut when she banged her noggin on it ...... twice. As if she isnt dizzy enough. Darlene supplied the caffiene in the form of chocolate covered coffee beans. We looked for a Hortons but the Long Point Bay market hasnt been tapped by them ...... yet. Dave caught the first fish. He won our private tournament by catching the most fish of the day, I think he caught five or six, Steve got two,This was his 1st fish of the day. I got two and Darlene got one. Darlene fish. Sinns fish Sinns second fish and darlene eating her chocolate covered coffee beans..lol Have you noticed who's name isnt mentioned in the fish catching dept. ? Even the perch queen can have an off day and Im sure Dave is going to remind her of it. Time flew on the ice, which it does when you are in good company and soon our ride was back to pick us up. My face is still thawing from the ride back in. I had a helmet without a visor and I looked like I had come back from an arctic expedition when we got back to old cut. My eyes kept freezing shut. Back at Rotten Ronnies the hot chocolate was flowing and the hotdogs were steaming. The weigh in produced the winner. Like most competitions experience and age dictated the winner. He stood tall and proud .....well not too tall. He was two or three years old and had a whopper of a perch. All in all, an excellent day. A decent turnout and alot of fun. If you didnt make it out to this one, plan on attending the 2nd annual. Thanks to Dave,Darlene,Steve (the man who lived in a clam) for making it so enjoyable. Once again, a huge thank you to Jimmy, his wife, Rob and Matt for making our day a memorable one. See you all at the 2nd next year !!! Sinns & Nauti. A couple more photo's.
  16. I never saw that show nor did i see the one when he was in temagami
  17. Xeon The show i watch he is alone. No camera crew he does all the filming himself, He has no one with him he is dropped off at a certain location and has a week to make it to the location where he is to be picked up....
  18. Great report and beautiful fish......
  19. Never had a feeling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMTVUQz30Lg This means more to me than anyone will ever know.
  20. lmao thats not the only one either ....lol
  21. \ I went out and bought myself a lurvly new pair of shoes today.....Does that count? Ok just kiddin i diden't really......
  22. And to be perfectly honest i think i would be more worried about trying to survive after this Mushrooms if this ever happened. not the economy going for crap.
  23. Les stroud is the one Bill.......I think its a great progam...... But why is the other guy putting himself in stupid situations? After all its about survival right?
  24. If i win i will take everyone fishing in the Amazon for a week..... Then i'm gonna buy me a huge peice of land Preferably an island...:) and build a parrot Sanctuary.
  25. I watch survival man on Discovery and there is another program similar forget the name though....Great program all about survival in the wild & the toughest terrain, laugh if you like, But i have learnt alot watching that program so i like to think i'm good too go.
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