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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. I know kinda sucks.... Maybe we should start an interior decorateing store strictly just fishing....lol.... I'll drop you an email Joey if i find anything....
  2. Thanx hun.... I found it at Liquidation world in Norwich of all places just before xmas..2007. .it was only $4.99 a roll too which i thought was really good..... I plan on taking a drive out there again this weekend, if i see anymore i will be sure too let you know. I looked and looked every where and no one seems to carry it.....So i lucked out......Now i just need to get my curtains made....Coud not find anything i liked so i bought my own material that has well basically fishing stuff on it.....lol....
  3. Almost. Well as you know this girl has been busy creating her very own fishing room in her home....It is something i have always wanted and i have been busy as hell the last two day's which is why one has not been around much. But i have almost got her done. All i need do now is decided whether i want to add new carpet or go with wooden floor in my room. Tough Decision. ..lol I have not made my mind up yet and am still pondering....I spent almost 12 hrs yesterday just hanging wall paper all on my lonesome...Let me tell you at 12.10am this morning i was hurting in places i never even knew i had. :-/ Its been allot of work but i am soooo happy with the way my room looks now..... Hopefully you can remember what it looked like before. I promised i would post pictures when fishished. So am adding some pictures that i just took this evening......Sorry to those of you on dial up.... I need a cup pa char and a bloody holiday...lol... ;D PS all iam looking for now is some moose antlers and if anyone happens to have a mounted deer head they no longer want donations are gratefully excepted....lol.. ;D
  4. Hi all ! Let me introduce myself. Im Steve ...But people call me Sinns. Nauti calls me that, and many other things that I cant write on a family site. Most of the things she calls me are true, but hey thats my job, Im a guy. So she gave me the job of telling you all what we got up today. Today being Feb 15th, Valentines boxing day .... the romance is over let the boxing begin. We got up (largest job of a day off for me) Nauti took a drive down too timmies before i could get my lazy butt out of bed and grabbed us both a coffee before our travels she took this shot of the sunrise over lake erie this morning. We then got ready to trip to Nautis Uncle Al's. This guy has more fishing stuff than you can imagine, years of collecting. He's sold his house & moving into an apartment and gave us a whole whack of stuff. We all ready recieved what Im sure is thirty or fourty rods of all descriptions and he had more he wanted to give us. We made the trip to Cambridge and picked up the boxes. We are now proud owners of thirty or fourty reels which we sorted when we got home. Some real cool antiques,some junk but all interesting. We also now have enough soft baits to last us three lifetimes (Im not kidding). The best box however contained the things that every fisherman needs.... I.E. , the "Redneck Fish Finder" (a stick of dynamite), the ever popular battery operated singing Lobster, and the item no one can do without, a trout oven mitt. If I'd known you could stick your hand up a trouts butt and used it to lift hot pots I'd of been doing it years ago. We left there and decided we would take a spin up the 401 to Woodstock and check out the Angling Outfitters store. We'd been before and the store was amazing, highly recommend it. Anyhoo got to Woodstock to find the store had moved just out of town. Arrived at the store just to find it was closed. No big deal, kinda disappointed we couldnt see the new place but we'll be back. Everyone deserves a day off on sunday to drink ... I mean go to church. Yah, thats what I meant. We trucked off from there,grabbed some lunch and took a trip down to Pittock Dam. All open water on the river below the dam so we tossed in a line. Nauti had a good hit but other than that no luck. I guess thats why the call it a dam. d**n!........ d**n ....d**n!. I chucked in a Berkley's blade dancer. Nauti picked up some of the smaller sized ones at the fishing show in Mississuaga on Valentines day.If you havent used these try them. They are worth the price just for the little combo spoon/hook that you get with them. Work awesome with twister tails and soft baits. Its been difficult to find the smallest size ones ,so we are stocked up again. We fished at the d**n dam for a few hours and gave up. On the way home we headed St. Williams way to see what was up on the ice, or the lack of ice. Akers was closed with a sign that read Thin Ice --- Closed, yet less than a click up the way at Grangers it was busier than a dog with two dinks. I gotta admit I dont think Id be out on the ice right now. Nauti didnt like standing on shore in case the land melted. She has ice phobia though. If you ever ice fish with her just keep saying "did you hear that crack?" and then jump up and down on the ice. She really likes that. ;D After Nauti pushed the car out of the mud and ice she'd parked on (hey, she's bigger & stronger than me) would you mess with a 6ft amazon? we headed down Port Rhyerse way on Front Road. If you havent made the trip along Lake Erie on Front road you should. It's a beautiful drive. Winding road and lots of little lake side pit stops. It runs between Port Dover and St. Williams. We got to Ryerse and discovered six swans had made a stop there on the edge of the lake. The largest being a tundra swan (so Nauti told me, she's my national geographic now ....since she's replaced the topless women I used to gawk at in the magazine when I was a kid).This large swan was so comical, he was trying to eat my cigarette and even took a close look at the camera ..... very very close. He wrapped his beak around the lens at one point. Majestic and beautiful but not a bird to mess with. We are going to go back in the morning and bring them some goodies. He defineatly was used to people. We're bird lovers so it should be cool. Of course Ive been a bird lover all my life, which brings us back to my first playboy, National Geographic. All in all a nice day out, weather was good for a change and the sun even made some brief appearences. Sorry if this has been a long post, hope it didnt bore the crap out of you. Im not a big fan of the computer so you can take comfort in knowing that this probably wont happen again soon. Besides .... Nauti made me do it. Thanks for "listening" and nice to meet you all. Sinns
  5. Yup and i got the poopey dance on video i think i am going to make copies and sell them....
  6. Now just how did i know i was going too be mentioned in this post....lmao.........It was nice meeting you today John......lol... Cliff no worries i will let you off , Just this once mind you....lol...
  7. It was great meeting everyone this avo.....Bly Cliff john and everyone else....I had a good day today enjoyed Myself and wait till i post the video of dave talking about his poopey episode....lmao....ohhh and a picture of TJ.....LMAO.... Fishinsled....was great seeing you again today....Sorry i could not stay longer the boy was getting ancy....lol...
  8. Yup i know this is probably like the tenth time i have thanked you..lol.But Thankyou so much again TJ....My son is really looking forward to this which i am so chuffed about.....
  9. Thanx so much guys. I have been on you tube a few times actually latley checking out the under water camera's which is actually why i wanted to buy one.....I guess i'm a big kid at heart lol they look like a lot of fun and i love the way you are able to watch the fish under water while your fishing. I do wish how ever there was one you could directly plug your digi cam into and record as apose to a cam corder.... I'll have a look around at the show on saterday and see if anything catches my eye. Thanx so much again everyone.
  10. ok what is the difference between the camera and a flasher?
  11. Under water Camera & of course to see Dave again....I guess i had best where my shirt as not to get into trouble..... I was going to look at some new reels too but i got an email from my wonderful uncle who has a whole chest full of reels for me as well as other fishing goodies to pick up after the show....
  12. So how many of us are actually meeting up at the booth on saterday? Do we have a head count?
  13. Are you travelling a long distance for the show?
  14. WHY!!!! Why?.....lol
  15. LOL.....Yup i am one very very happy grl right now......
  16. If i could kiss ya right now TJ i would.....lol Thankyou so much.....You have no idea how happy i am......... Thankyou thankyou......
  17. lol.......
  18. lol got to admit though TJ i was quick!!... & you did say quick....lol
  19. 45 32...OPPSS LMAO
  20. 45
  21. Thankyou so much..... I was looking at the fish tv underwater camera yesterday at crappy tire but was told that this is not a good unit......?
  22. Me too...... Nautifish & Thankyou TJ
  23. Yup i made it out.......Was late getting there though allmost 10.30am as a few things unexpected popped up early am..... But we still headed through and fished through till allmost 1.00pm....I had two bumps that was it.....Sinns did not even get a bump....A group of fellas to the left of us had got there early am and between six of them had 30 crappie.....But it pretty much died they said when we got there and left not long after we arrived......Because i did not fish the derby i was fishing the west side of the xmas trees away from the people that were fishin the tourney. We left around 1.00pm and headed to LPB and fished out of old cut through till 4.30pm. I hope everyone did better than we did today... Binbrook this morning.
  24. CNN Update... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2eVHno5AAE
  25. Very very sad. http://www.wtol.com/Global/story.asp?S=9805706
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