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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcBmL3LR3WY
  2. I keep trying GCD but he wont have it stubborn old bloody mule he is....
  3. Welcome Oliver.
  4. Sorry Roy.... But that was funny........lol....
  5. Very nice.
  6. lol Not at this very moment no......But i have had alot of fun times traveling and fishing with my Tinnny..... I willl be perch fishing on th Bay tommorow...
  7. Thats great Fishfarmer......A group of us are meeting up at the bait shop for 8.45am .looking forward to it going to be a fun day.......Cya tommorow.
  8. Great shots as allways brandon. We have the buffleheads showing up here in dover now....Signs of spring....I love Spring. Keep them coming.
  9. Beautiful Shots danc. I know spring is just around the corner here just have to watch the wild life epsecially the birds....There busy busy busy here...
  10. I bought a 14' aluminum boat three yrs ago now with trailor for $250. at a yard sale......Actually it was not in the yard sale it was sat outside covered with a tarp. I asked the guy if he was intersted in selling the boat too me he asked me how much was i willing to pay....I said $250. and he said sold......I have had that boat out every yr since,..... best $250 i ever spent. No motor mind but i picked up a beauty 9.9 Johnson in pristine condition for $350. Purrs like a kitten. So total was $600 and i luv it..... There are better bargains out there.
  11. Thanx so much guy's really Thankyou, i was in two minds as to add this or not...Like i said did not want to put a dampner on a fun thread was all. GCD That is a great tune and i have heard it before.
  12. I caught a whole whopping wait for this... 2 SMELT.......LOL & i was not even fishing for smelt. ...lol Hopefully that changes on sunday when i am fishing LPB on the ice.
  13. I'm a little biased....... I think this tune is so emotional...Sinns wrote this song for his father when he was very sick in the hospital and we knew he was not going to be coming home. I hope you don't think this is a dampner on this thread i sure hope not as its not my inttention, But it really is a beautiful song and i am sure there are many of us that can relate to this song.
  14. I am passing on a, Thankyou very much for reading from Sinns.
  15. I am on face book i like it for the fact i can stay in touch easily with all my family and freinds back in Europe. I don't use my real name on face book or even my messenger. Its not only face book where people can find out things about you which is why i never use my real name on any sites i use on the computer. Like cliff said people can only veiw your profile if you add them as a freind.
  16. Is anyone else going to be fishing the perch tourny at jimmy riggins on LPB this coming sunday? Just curious as a group of us are getting togeather from my site and i was curious is anyone from OFC was going to be there? 1. Entry fee $10 per person, over 12 (Adult division). $2 children, 12 and under (Kids division). 2. All fish must be caught in Long Point Bay. The eastern boundary is from the lighthouse to the mouth of Nanticoke Creek. 3. Cut-off time for purchasing tickets is 10am Sunday, February 22nd, 2009. 4. Weigh in time is from 1pm until 3pm Sunday, February 22nd, 2009. 5. Total weight of up to 5 perch can be entered, weigh in is at Rotten Ronnie’s Bait and Tackle. 6. Adult division: Payout will be 85% of the entry fees with cash prizes of 50% for first, 25% of second, and 10% for third. The remaining 15% of entry fees will be donated to the LPBAA. Kids division: Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third, as well all participants in the kids division will receive a grab bag at the weigh in with ticket. Moneys from the kids division will go towards the cost of the prizes. 7. You must have a ticket to weigh in your fish. 8. All adult entries will be eligible to win the draw prize, ticket must be handed in at weigh in time. The draw will be held at Rotten Ronnie’s during the presentation of prizes between 3pm and 4pm. The winner must be there to claim their prize, if a name is drawn and the recipient is not present we continue to draw names until a name is drawn of a person who is present. Free Hotdogs and Hot Chocolate will be available from 2 until 4. Would be really nice too see some OFNRS out there also....
  17. lol I aint even finished yet......i still got room for more goodies on my walls.....Right now i am in the process of making my own curtains which i will be hanging with a fishing pole instead of a curtain rod..... HD......I love thrifty too... .....lol......Amazeing what you can find in those places some times....
  18. Yup cool for sure....I would have been so excited.. ....Before i moved to dover six yrs ago i lived out in the boonies..... I was Away in Europe and at that time had a spaniel Dog here in Canada that i had rescued.....Well one evening around 10.30pm sinns had let booker out too p. A few minutes later he went to call him in and no booker so he went out back and walked to the side of the house and could see a very large animal walking down our lane way with booker in tow....Following. He swears it was a wolf but i can't say as i never saw it. Tuesday morning just past had a coyote right outside the front of my house at 5.30am not quite a wolf....lol....but i was surprised all the same.
  19. Naaa he knows we Luv him.....But it does have an uncanny resemblance...lol...
  20. I am sorry to hear this Jacques, My deepest condolences to you and your family.
  21. lmao HD....Well some of it is gifts alot of it yard saleing... .If you knew what i paid for some of that stuff... .I'm a bargain hunter through and through.... Still got plenty of empty space on my walls to fill yet though...
  22. lmao Sam.... & I thought GCD was the only here that posed topless?...lol....
  23. I found this guy to go in my room and the 1st person who sprung to mind .
  24. Thankyou so much everyone......Last time i hung wall paper was back in the Seventies helping my mom........I HATE WALL PAPERING....It is such a time consumeing job well for me it was doing it alone...Not an easy task at all..... Bigcliff i think you should post a pic of your room now u got me all curious.. ..lol SAM Thankyou & the rods were just given to me by my uncle, Thats not all of them thats just what i could fit in my Crock......And no there are all in great shape. to everyone else....Thankyou..
  25. Sorry its taken so long to get on here...... I did miss only the 1st few minutes... Enjoy!
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