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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Okay i gotta ask ya! Did you know the spencers? Also mandy and george? mandys mom was joan.
  2. OMG John get atta here!..Are you serious? I used to live right next door......LOL...I kid you not!.....Was a local there. Met catherine zeta jones and david jason in there when they were shooting a episode of darling buds of may back in the eighties.........Sat at the bar drinking with the pair of them....Look at catherine now big movie star and married to michael douglas........Hard to beleive because she was just in a UK tv series when i met her.....lol.... My parents live in harrogate have two younger sisters who also live there and my baby sister lives up in newcastle.
  3. Ah yes, bye gum lass.......where men are men and sheep are nervous! LOL yup that they be!.. .know catterick up off the A1 just after ripon.....Used to live in a very very small village called Marton-cum-grafton not too far from them their parts!
  4. # 3 for me mostly perch as i really do love it and its damn yummy!..Only ever kept two bass which was last summer fishing & camping up north. Allthough they tasted great i have tryed them now and does not interest me to keep another one to eat!. So i basically keep the perch i catch and everything else i fish for is released back into the water.
  5. Ahhh windermere visited there many a time. Indeed beautiful scenery but i am a little more partial to yorkshire myself! http://www.sceneramicphoto.com/Ordering/uke/uke2.htm
  6. Yup it is....I fish LE all the time have eaten alot of perch from this lake. Am not glowing or got three eyes well not yet anyways!
  7. WTG Jen!
  8. I am so jealous i so want to catch one of them......WTG...Thats a beauty for sure.
  9. OKAY so if they are stocking them over there does anyone know if they have been stocking them here in lake erie. Because i am for sure with out a doubt positive that that is exaclty what i scooped up in my net while catching minnows on sunday morning at a creek that feeds into erie.
  10. LOL Most lakes over there are what us canadians would call a pond!
  11. Over here there is no point in owning a boat as you can't really use one except on the sea, there is no point, the lake owners supply the boats and unless you pay an extortionate amount they will not let you use your own boat. So it has become a play thing for the idle rich I lived in the UK for 16 yrs so i know exactly what you are talking about!..Sadley the exact same thing is starting to happen here. My uncle had a home on lake couchiching the Cottage Assosiation up there wanted both him and his wife to sign a peice of paper to become a member and basically deny access to those that wanted to fish , water ski,whatever. He declined as he was not in agreement and was then snubbed by alot of other home owners on the lake with in his location. More & more we are seeing fishing ereas taking away from us! It is happening right in the lake side town i live in. We do have some vantastic fishing here the best in the world in my oppinion, our lakes are so vast to most uk visitors they look like an ocean!...Which is what the 1st settlers used to call the great lakes INLAND OCEANS. I have often said before that alot of the canadians take what they have for granted on there very own doorsteps and they do!.......Canada has everything AND WE ARE VERY VERY LUCKY!
  12. Hi jewels! Nice to see the three of you have got away for a week......I'm sure you will have no probs outfishing sean......... When u get back send me ur addy will ya i give up with trying to pm you through here. Hope ur doing good grl i sent you like a three page pm about two weeks ago but it was obvious you never got the blooming thing....lol Have a great time guys and call me! Nauti!
  13. Well heard on the news this morning that a 48 yr old male from stoney creek hamilton, Dale conchello has been missing since yesterday! Was last seen around the port rowan erea of the inner bay!. I have seen search & rescue flying by my place all morning. Lets hope & pray they find him safe! There was no mention of pottahwk on the radio.
  14. Ahhhh!! a manny lad huh!!!!....Bet ur a manchester united fan too right? My daughter (24yrs old) lives in manchester been there many a time. Allthough she is yorkshire born as are my boy's.Harrogate to precise! Anyway good to have you with us & enjoy!
  15. I agree with Joey for sure nice to see you finally managed some free time to get out and spend some time on the water!
  16. Beauty muskie indeed. I have yet to catch one never targeted them before. Am hopeing to make a trip down to LSC sometime in the near future and get er done. Great pics! Nauti!
  17. Welcome Aboard Limey! Opps i mean English!....lol.... Where abouts from across the pond are u?
  18. I'm no expert either but that fish picture u have posted there is identical to what i scooped up with some minnows this morning at a local creek that feeds out into lake erie. I wish i had taken a picture now but i did not want to keep it out of the water longer than needed to be as it was obvious it was a very small fry. But seriously the tail and the markings are absolutley with out a doubt identical.
  19. No canoe i think they were milk snakes..& were dark in colour..They gave off a stinky secretion from the underneath of there body's.....I know garter snakes used to catch em alot as a young grl take them home and put them in my moms pantie drawer chest in her bedroom........LOL
  20. Very nice cliff.......... I fished the grand for five bloody hrs yesterday five bloody hrs while waiting for my son to do an oriantation i had to take him too in brantford. and not so much as a damn nibble.....Man i hate skunks........ Lucky bugga you got into some nice fish!
  21. Yeah i know LBH. We have the annual pissup pottahawk going on today. At 7.00am this morning i headed down to a local favorite spot to catch some minnows......was beautiful blue sky sun shining lots of boats crossing the lake heading to the island.........Actually i say catch minnows i ended up also spending about an hr catching snakes...LOL....Felt like the crocodile hunter....lol...Mr sinns was too scared to grab em so of course i had to!.....lol....I just wish i had taken my camera with me this morning i could have got some hillarious video footage of mr sinns scared of the snakes.....LOL........I got nailed by one but diden't hurt..... Anyway back on topic...SORRY ABOUT THAT lol My plan was to head out on the boat this morning but the wind has picked up it is now raining and the lake was white capping pretty good. I would bet a hundred bucks the life guard here in dover are going to be maxed out today because of idiots going across to the island in way to small a boats. Happens every yr. On my way back into dover this morning saw one boat going out probably a 18 ftr had to be 12 people or more on that boat!......Crazy just crazy!
  23. LOL @ JOEY! Sorry missfish but that was kinda funny!
  24. Ahhh the joys of living in PORT DOVER....I have a free ramp not even a five minute drive down the road from me and can be on the big lake in a matter of minutes...... No travelling no highways,no traffic jams..........:) Have a great & safe weekend lew......I will probably be out on my tinny fishing while ur in a traffic jam.....lol.....
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