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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. lol misfish I love that movie.. ........Now what about the sauna scene?....lol
  2. No worries hun i have em often.......lol
  3. What a great read loved all the photo's too. Thanx so much for shareing.
  4. sounds like a folksy strip club. & how exactly would that sound?......lol Very nice rick
  5. I would run outside and start making lots of snow angels...... lol
  6. lol brkygetr... As i said that was takin from another site....lol....There has also been quiet a bit of disscusion on this topic on another site.
  7. This is taken from another site posted just a few day's ago. My buddies and I were in lower Bruce County for deer season the first week of November. We went 4 deer for 5 guys. While we are up there we hang our deer at a friends barn who hunts also. He was telling us that a friend of his was out scouting the week for before deer season and found the carcass of a dead fawn, which is not unusual unless you consider that is was 15 feet up in a tree ! He has heard rumours that MNR is trying to bring back the Eastern Cougar and has released a number of them in Ontario. A few days later I was talking to rep. from the MNR and questioned them on the subject. They weren't very talkative about it but did confirm that 3 pairs of Cougars have been released. Two near Aylmer, 2 between Kincardine and Grand Bend and 2 at Baptiste Lake. All have radio collars on them. Sure would be nice to get a look at one and I hope nobody takes a shot at one since they are protected. It would be a little unsettling to go to your tree stand in the morning , shine your light up and have 2 green eyes looking back at ya !Just thought I'd let ya know !" Cougar's on the move. A link here. http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/magazine/...re_wildlife.asp
  8. Well i am sure had it been stolen, i would have heard it on the local radio station last night or this morning but nothing. He might have been going to a call nearby like a burglary or something where pulling up with the sirens and lights going might chase off the bad guys and not give the cops a chance to nab them. Even if it meant causing the death of an innocent person? I understand what ur saying but seriously i assume everyone pretty much had the same weather conditions we did last night. Its was like pea soup out there pouring with rain and very very poor visabiltiy. I'm not knocking the OPP........ I am just gobsmacked and still gobsmacked today from witnessing what i did last night.
  9. Beautiful shots brandon. Thankyou for shareing.
  10. Adorable Congrats hun.
  11. Okay i am sure there are probably some OPP in here somewhere.. I have a question . Last night i was heading down st andrews towards tim hortons. Now when you get to the end of st andrews st which by the way at the end sits at the bottom of the hill that then takes you onto Highway 6. Which may i add is a very busy road. This section of the road if you take a left curves to the right as you head over the lift bridge. Now last night it was foggy as hell in town absolutley pouring down with rain and i mean pouring with rain. You could hardly see a thing so as i pull out to take a right turn A cop comes flying around the bend off of main over takes other cars on the other side of the road and procceds to tear ass over taking other vheicles on a curved road over a lift bridge with no lights on or sirens. My question is Is this even legal>? I could not beleive what my eyes saw last night and i was amazed he never killed anyone by causing a head on collision.....Seriously this cop was driving like an absolute lunatic. With out any emergency lights or sirens ON to warn other drivers. And this was also in a 40KM Zone. I was mad as hell after seeing this.
  12. Thats the word yes Torpor i was havin a brain fart with the post the other day. .lol....... Yes it is amazing how far these birds can travel and what they have to endure also to migrate. More so with these birds because they are so tiny. Look forward to the photographs..... Brandon thankyou.
  13. God morning rambler. Glad you enjoyed the pics. What hapened to the hummingbird? My little cousin found one a few yrs back hanging from the branch of a tree suspended by its tiny feet. like a bat! She thought it was injured when infact it was rejuvinating did you know that hummingbirds actually will suspend them selves from their feet from a branch in a tree and slow there heart beat right down as to build up energy. Of course they feed constanstly too when awake. . Pretty amazing. Happy to hear she survived and yes they truley are amazing little creatures. Nautifish.
  14. Well that answered all my questions....lol
  15. Thankyou.
  16. Great shots gerrit. I'm curious when did you take the shots of stone henge? Its all fenced off now and you can only take pictures from the nearby rd now. I also see you have visited york minster. I was not aware you had visited there. I used to live in a small village just outside of york had many a great grls night out doing the famous mickle gate run which york is famous for as well as the race track. my parents also live very close to York. I have visited Edingborough castle on many occasions. Did you manage to get to gretna green also? I like the one of the council estate....lol..& the white cliffs of dover bring back many memories for me. Thanx for shareing i have many pictures of england but i aint postng em because i am in most of them in my younger yrs and i look like a right gork.....LOL.... Nautifish.
  17. Some of you have probably seen some of these photo's but i thought what the heck would add them anyway. More to come & some new ones also....
  18. Some nice shots of paris there You should try some night shots of downtown paris is a quaint little town.
  19. I would not want there hydro bill at the end of the month.....lol We have some homes here in dover that look like the grizwalds at xmas also....lol.....
  20. Kool shot Joey very very nice.
  21. This is a video i pt togeather of the xmas swill we had last yr 2006, Man i cannot beleive its a allmost a yr ago allready. A great time was had by all. I won't be able to make this one but i hope you all have a fantabulous time. Nautifish. Here is last yrs xmas swill. <a href="http://www.zippyvideos.com/2576990366474666/ofn_xmas_swill_2006/"><img src="http://i2.zvhost.com/2/f/f54v3iu0.jpg" border="0" /></a>
  22. Busy as hell sean. Story of my life....lol...How the hell are you & jules? Please tell her hi from me okay! NOFISH4ME I allready know how smart birds are i have eight at home....lol
  23. Well they do say the crows are very smart. We used to visit a place regulary back in germany tienharm which was like a small zoo they had a crow there that would actually sit and talk to you in both english and german....lol..... But what amazed me with that video footage was the not so much dropping the nuts in the traffic but the fact they were doing it on the pedestrain crossing. Now that is amazeing.
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