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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Safe trip back. Enjoyed the report it was awesome. I hear you about canada it is a great country and we are very fortunate to have what we do right on our very own door steps. I lost count how many times i have said too many canadians take it for granted and they do. I lived in the UK for 16 yrs. Don't miss it been home seven yrs january 18th . Canada has everything . Something tells me though you will be returning sooner than later. Take care Nauti.
  2. Saw the video clip rich posted of the green heron. Last night i stumbled across this and allthough he may not be catching fish i thought this too was amazing and very very clever.
  3. I have one use it all the time for the trolling motor on the tinny and i love it. Had mine allmost two yrs now and still works great. Never had any problems with it.
  4. Thanx alot guys its appreciated.
  5. lol well apparently we have a port dover wearwolf so i hear so i guess we could also have a port dover devil buck.....lol
  6. Well not sure how many of you know port dover but yesterday morning we had a big buck get caught up in a fence at the high school here, After manageing to free its self it went loopy and lunged through the front window of someones house.. ....Yes somones house. Not sure how it got out but last it was seen was on the beach here a little later that morning. Still waiting to here what came of it.......About a week ago i was driving the old lakeshore road at about midnight and a huge buck came out infront of me and this thing was big scared the bejeeber's out of me. So i was wonderin to myself could this of been the same animal? Hum!!!
  7. i had allready found and read that link nemo but thankyou. Solo basically wanting to know how far is it really in the middle of no where and how close is the nearest city>? would it be quebec? i cannot seem tofind the population of this place.
  8. My appolgies for no reply sooner ladies. Joey u know allready from when we last spoke and thanx again. Pam that is the only feeder i have with out perches the rest all have perches....... Nauti.
  9. Goodafternoon everyone and i hope all are well and have had a great summer. Hard to beleive xmas is yet again only a measly month away BAHHHH!! Humbug! Anyway i wanted to know if any of our OFNER'S here have ever visited kearns up in northern ontario which i beleive to be around kirkland and larder lake correct? Has anyone ever fished these lakes & visited the town? If so how was it and would you visit it again? How was your experience i guess i am asking.....lol..... Looking to take a trip up that way and was curuious if anyone else has been up in that neck of the woods. Thankyou... Nauti
  10. I understand the use for fishing but so many females. There are thousands of eggs in each female why take so many? Is that even legal? i am guessing it is not.
  11. I am assuming this also if it is down by the creek also? I just had to add that they're was also a father with his two sons yesterday the older son snagged a salmon in the back and instead of returning it to the water what did the father tell the son to do? Toss it to the side on the grass......I could not beleive my eyes. This is so sad! I am forwarding on the video footage i have to the MNR. I was talking to one of out local bobbies tonight while wetting my line at the peir here in PD and he told me i should pass it on and they will for sure try to lay charges. I do have a question though why are people taking so many females for eggs? Are they useing them to sell and make money?
  12. The only reason i have not posted the video is because i am not sure if its legal too even though they are commiting an illegal act. Trust me this time yesterday i was ready to post it on every fishing site and you tube,
  13. THAT IS A BEAUTY FISH FOR SURE. Can someone please tell me where exactly is the french river? Am looking at waterfront property around there but not quite sure where it is...... Again nice fish!!! and congrats
  14. Its such a shame xwrap because donkey asses like them spoil it for the rest of us. On the way home yesterday got into a discussion about how people who own lake front propertys and so on want to basically make these bodies of water private. Which i was totally against. But after witnessing what i saw yesterday it really made me stop and think twice about alot of things. I have seen people fish ereas that are out of season and so on but the scale of distruction that was happening down there in just one afternoon shocked me and i mean it really shocked me. This was just ONE DAY! But i agree that Erea needs to be closed for the run for sure.
  15. I was out on the pier at 3.00am yesterday morning. i fished diiferent spots right through till 4.30pm in the afternoon, Was not too many people around when i got there it was closer to 5.30am when it really seemed to starting getting busy. I left the pier around 8.30am and when to get some breakfast at a cafe before heading out to another spot. Don't even get me started on the snaggers i nearly got into a fight with a grown man yesterday i mean seriously into a physical fight, because i told him he was an ass & much more for snagging these fish. I have video footage of two people snagging fish. Watched another guy drag six females to a spot then cut them all open took they're eggs and threw them to the side. Watched another guy take four and do the same thing. I was appauled at what i witnessed yesterday and absolutley sickened to the stomach. I also met a ofner who does not frequent the boards to much but i just wanted to say hi again Tim it was a pleasure to meet both urself and your son tony he really was a great young man.
  16. Thanx so much father of three. Easton you should have dropped me a line and let me known you were in town.
  17. Shot this video footage out on my back deck also a couple of pictures i took also. I have four humming birds that frequents my feeders everyday. Love these cute little buggas. Short video clip of one of the hummingbirds at one of my feeders on my back deck. Nauti.
  18. I have to agree. What you all did was amazeing and very special. My hats off to you all also.
  19. Jen,English thankyou. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Clampit i see the pics now
  20. No cannot say that i do holdfast, and there is no hill infront of the restaraunt that sits on the beach here in dover.
  21. Well finally managed to get out for a few hrs yesterday so i thought i would take my sons grlfreind jen out for an hr and get a line wet. She has been nagging me or should i say ASKING for quiet some time now. Actually it was nice to spend a little quality time with her as both her and my son have been dateing for some time now and even moved into a house togeather so its looking pretty serious. Which is great aslong as they don't decide to make me a grandma just yet. I caught a few crappie and jen caught herself a couple of little rockbass...Nothing big but ahh well atleast she got a few fish. She is itching to get out on the boat with me so if the weather coporates i said i would try to get her out later in the week. Then yesterday evening myself and mr sinns decided to head out for an hr . As soon as we got they're mr sinns tossed in his line and got a hit right off the bat and caught a nice bass......Me i caught diddly squat so i ended up playing with a snapper with my hoola popper....lol. Nauti.
  22. a Spotter is essentially an official that makes sure the anglers do not break any rules and adhere to all the regulations. 000oooooo That sounds right up my alley that does. Thankyou for clarifying that for me sean.
  23. Thankyou Dave i'll keep that in mind for sure.
  24. 27' Sportcraft Sportfisherman '85 Single 454 340hp 1,750 $12,500 Description of 1985 27' Sportcraft Sportfisherman: 27' fishing machine 2 electric cannon downriggers, electric plannerboard reels, fish finder and gps. Rocket launcher, tandem axle trailer, many extras. Michigan dnr certified charter boat. Turn key fishing boat.
  25. LOL Roy, Your on asking price is $12,500 US Is that a good price?
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