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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. HEYBUD! If your down in dover fishing one of my favorite spots gimme a shout i live up on the hill that over looks the lake ur fishing.
  2. LOL John i saw that last night while i was looking on ebay.....lol.....I am liking this one i have seen. Anyone know anything about these boats? I also wanted to mention that i am looking for a boat for the big lakes and most of the time it will be at a slip through the season so i will not be ramping every time. I have the 14ft Tinny for the smaller bodies of water. & yes there are some beauty tug boats for sale down here just not quite what i am looking for....lol 742 7/20/07 Capt. Jason Langton Monroe, MI 27' Sportcraft Sportfisherman '85 Single 454 340hp 1,750 $12,500 Description of 1985 27' Sportcraft Sportfisherman: 27' fishing machine 2 electric cannon downriggers, electric plannerboard reels, fish finder and gps. Rocket launcher, tandem axle trailer, many extras. Michigan dnr certified charter boat. Turn key fishing boat.
  3. Yup beauty report for sure Aaron & thanx so much for shareing.
  4. Right back @ ya DSN, Hope your weekend was a great one.
  5. THANKYOU SO MUCH ALL OF YOU, YOUR ALL FAN TABBY BLOODY DOSEY! Once again the ofnrs come through......I really do appreciate everyones input and oppinions. Steve that sounds great i never realised you were so close to me i'll drop you a pm okay and thanx so much. & again to all of you THANKYOU....... Now if we had a dern kiss emoticon on ere i would give each and everyone of ya a smootch.
  6. JB thankyou glad you enjoyed it. However not sure i think the song i chose is a grly song. ...lol....I just wanted something soft and calming for a change as i usually add more upbeat music. Tracker C'mon down to dover! Clampit all i see are little white boxes with the dreaded red x IN THEM SORRY.
  7. Nope no professional film maker here. Just like to play around and dabble is all......& see what i end up with. & yes its hard not to love port dover. I love this little town.
  8. \ Ermmm i don't think so i don't sound half as good as that.
  9. Just a little something i put togeather this morning of port dover. http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/Amo...nt=721bcfdf.flv
  10. I got it gerrit and thankyou. Luckily watertight i live in a port town on lake erie there are allways good deals to be had but i am looking for oppinions as too whats a good boat. I am steering towards the trophy bayliner which i know is more money and as i said previously will pay more if its what i am looking for. BCEE thankyou for the link. Nauti.
  11. okay what the heck is a spotter?
  12. Blimey!! I am looking to spend between $6000 - $10,000 more if its the boat i really want, New or used as long as its ready for the water and as i previously said kitted up for fishing. I know how lake erie gets i live right next to it and fish it often. Which is why i am looking for a bigger boat for fishing. Gerrit let me know if u got my pm i have no luck with pms on this site.....Grrr!!!
  13. ohhh BLIMEY!!!..... I just want advice on a real good fishing boat to buy.
  14. I think we'll do another one in September and we can hit the pier for Kings after the swill! Tony Make it the 4th that will be my 21st birthday!.....
  15. lol Okay you two ur sopposed to be helping me out ere ya know.......lol
  16. lol Joey, what did i gone and done?.....lol
  17. Good morning everyone,Hope all had a fantabulous weekend. I am looking to buying either a brand new or used fishing boat but must be ready for the water needs no work and fully kitted for fishing mostly lake erie. So i was wondering what all of you thought was the best out on the market right now? I do not know too much about boats but am looking for something that will handle a bit of chop and seat 4 - 6 people & specifically for fishing. Thanx so much. Nauti.
  18. Great report mike
  19. Congrats gerrit nice looking boat.
  20. Great report cliff loved the pics especially of the little one she is adorable.
  21. Ahhh! Another happy hooker......lol.....Have a freind who also cross stitches and thats what i call her A happy little hooker....lol.... Very nice job joey well done grl.
  22. Happy birthday shorty! Hope you had a good one. Nauti.
  23. Have a great time lew & remember we want lots and lots of pics. Nauti.
  24. Was up at 6.00am out the door by 6.20am, To go yard saleing. ..lol....What can i say i'm a yard sale junkie.....lol...I just love it....Got msyelf another nice new rod though... ..Which i basically needed like a hole in the head.. ...lol....Could not help myself though i liked it so i brought it. Picked up a few other little things for the garden arrived home around 9.00am. Now have the joyous pleasure of doing some laundry. I am also making some more home made jams from all the fruit i have growing out back. Around 12.00pm i will be heading out to fish for the rest of the day. Have a great weekend everyone. Nauti.
  25. Tryed before nothing came of it.... So nope not gonna do it again.
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