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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. People have to take a mandatory test for DRIVERS LICENCE. You hold your G1 for a year before you get your G2 & ARE ABLE TO DRIVE UNACOMPANIED. Has that stoped the idiots out there on our roads? Nope. You are allways going to get those who are ignorant to the law test or no test.
  2. LOL @ you HD. Yup Carp sure put on one heck of a good fight. I spent like twenty minutes trying to get this fish to the wall....Every time i got hime close he went deep and started to run again. & Thankyou. Planning on getting out tommorow evening also...... If anyone fancys a drive down to dover over the long weekend to hook up for some Carp fishing lemme know. We have some really good carp fishing here in dover.
  3. Thanx Hun. A beauty for sure. The video is kinda funny nothing worse than having two guys next to ya telling ya how to fish.. ...lol...As you will see on the video. Sinns was lucky he never ended up in the water. ...lol
  5. No Victor i wish. You Will probably get a better idea when i get the video posted. I allways think pictures can be somewhat decieving. It was a brute though. Used to fish mostley carp back in the UK....Carp fishing is huge over There.
  6. Well as it was too late to get the boat out this evening myself and sinns decided to go and try for some cats and carp. Getting kinda bored catching perch. I wanted to fish a local spot where i always catch fish but sinns did not want too as he never catches a fish there....lol So we decided to head down to the Pier here in Dover, Pretty quiet actually not many people fishing. We arrived at the Pier around 7.30 pm. I baited my line up with some fresh corn we had just brought at GT...... Not long had my line in the water when i had a fish on , Big one too but i lost it. I baited up again got another hit but missed it......So i yet again bait up my line was in maybe all of ten minutes when BAM! Huge hit and my line just starts screaming off my spool. I was determined not too lose this fish i lost a beauty carp two weekends ago got him to the wall but because we had no landing net we were unable to lift him out the water so i was pretty peeved to say the least. Tonight i landed my PB lake Erie Carp and lemme tell you i am just pumped. I love to fish for Carp especially the big Erie carp they put up one hell of a fight. Here is my PB CARP TO DATE. I have my 1st fishing video of 2008 coming also. Just got to get it downloaded. Sinns caught nothing of course..... ...lol
  7. Happy Birthday. Man there are aot of birthdays this week......lol
  8. Have a great day Grl.
  9. Thanx BrandoN. I was really surprised at just how close they let me get to them.
  10. Have to Agree with Brandon on the 1st picture. How ever i also think that picture would have been even better had it been in black & white.
  11. Great report as allways Cliff. She really is a cutie thats for sure . I love to read the reports of moms & dads out fishing with they're little ones.
  12. We could say the same about you CCMT....... LOL
  13. Congrats he is beautiful. I have a 25, 23,21 & 19 yr old None live at home now and i still have sleepless nights.....lol
  14. Ohh my goodness, She is adorable. Great report and the look on her face is priceless. Thanx for shareing. Looks like your weather faired much better than ours today.
  15. Crappy tire also have a sale on. Abu spinning combo.6'"6 graphite rod and spinning reel. Ball bearing drive right or left hand retrieve. REG $79.99 Sale price 29.99 Sale is on till today.
  16. Well my mom is across the big blue pond so won't be spending time with her today. Think i may get my tookish out and fish for a few hrs this avo.......Was hoping my boys would be here with me today but they are all working. Hope your boys ankle is feeling better soon hun.
  17. Nice Photoz Had a close to 30 pounder on my line two weekends ago. AND I MEAN CLOSE Worst thing is when it hit the way it ran i thought it was a trout at 1st, and to top that off it was the second day of the perch derby here in dover. Of course the fish had to run down in the channel there was only like a hundred people fishing along side the peir. I was screaming fish on ...LOL....Anyway cut a long story short never had a landing net so was unable to get it out the water once i finally got it to the wall. I was really peeved too because that would have been my PB lake erie carp. But ohhh well there will be another time. Great pics photo'z
  18. Dignity of the Flag The National Flag of Canada should be displayed only in a manner befitting this important national symbol; it should not be subjected to indignity or displayed in a position inferior to any other flag or ensign. The National Flag always takes precedence over all other national flags when flown in Canada. The only flags to which precedence is given over the Canadian flag are the personal standards of members of the Royal Family and of Her Majesty's eleven representatives in Canada (ie. The Governor General and 10 Lieutenant Governors). The National Flag of Canada should always be flown on its own mast - flag protocol dictating that it is improper to fly two or more flags on the same mast (eg. one beneath the other). Further, the following points should be kept in mind: The National Flag of Canada should not be used as table/seat cover, as a masking for boxes or as a barrier on a dais or platform. While it is not technically incorrect to use the National Flag of Canada to cover a statue, monument or plaque for an unveiling ceremony, it is not common practice to do so and should be discouraged. Nothing should be pinned to or sewn on the National Flag of Canada. The National Flag of Canada should not be signed or marked in any way (A border could be attached to the outside edge of the Flag on which it would be acceptable to have signatures leaving the Flag itself untouched). When the National Flag of Canada is raised or lowered, or when it is carried past in a parade or review, all present should face the flag, men should remove their hats, and all should remain silent. Those in uniform should salute. To read more go here>....................http://canadaonline.about.com/gi/dynamic/o...tte/index_e.cfm
  19. Well just recently finished renovateing my whole kitchen. That took allmost two months. Have also painted all my down stairs basement & two bedrooms. Ripped out all the old carpet waiting for the new carpet to come and be laid. Just put up a new very lrg above ground pool , next week start work on building the new cedar deck for the pool . I have been so busy have really not had alot of time to fish which is not like me at all......In four weeks i will have 70+ people here at my place for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. My folks will also be here from the UK as well as one of my younger sisters who i have not seen in allmost eight yrs now. Over 30 relatives coming frome Europe so this really is a big deal. My grandady will be 81 this june my nan will be 79. So this may be the very last time we have everyone togeather with my nan and paps. So i will be crazy busy for the next few weeks also as i am trying to do all this on my few days off i have a week. Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated .......lol Joey hope your feeling better soon hun.
  20. lol stotty. LPB IS LONG POINT BAY. Great fishing Beauty pike u got they're . i STAYED OFF THE BAY THIS WEEKEND NEW THE WINDS WERE GOING TO BE A B878TCH. But you got out there and caught yourself a beauty pike. How was the water> heard it was pretty muddy. Great photo's. Nauti.
  21. Its been a while since i have posted any photo's been rather busy. A few weeks ago when we were HAVING ALL THE NICE WEATHER. I was pottering around outside In my back garden when i saw a bird fly into my apple tree that had some red berries on it. At 1st i actually thought it was a female cardinal from the distance. I had too look twice before i noticed it was actually a cedar waxwing had a pair in my tree as it happened. I was so excited i ran into the house grabbed my camera and took as usuall too many shots....lol Here are just a few. The 1st picture is my absolute favorite and i am going to see if i can have it professionally enlarged and framed. I just love that shot.
  22. That would be me Chicken, fish the bay alot and thats why i don't go out there with my 14ft tinny with the winds it can get prettyy nasty and damn quick too as you know. . Heading out tuesday morning on a buddys boat his is alot bigger than mine.
  23. Again great pics. Thanx for shareing. I used to live twenty minutes from the dutch border. Know rotterdam well gerritt used to take the over night ferry from there often over to hull to vitist my folks in the UK.
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