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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Well myself & sinns thought we would head out for a few hrs this evening and hit some perch. We did just that everyone was pulling them in tonight. Saw sledded with his woman Jen out for a stroll tonight also.....It was funny actually cuz he was trying to tell the perch queen how to fish i handed him my rod and not so much as a nibble all the time he was stood they're with my rod....LOL..... I pulled in a right dandy perch tonight I'm guessing 13" if not its bloody close cuz this perch was a pig. The winds were brutal of course lots of people fishing shoulder to shoulder which drives me bonkers. ;D But in all a good evening and 23 nice sized perch for when my mom & Lil sis fly in from the UK on Monday. Thats all i have been hearing from my mom of late ." you had best have some perch when i get there".......SHEESHHH!..LOL So here is a pic of my piggy perch. I never realized how much sun i have caught till i saw this picture. Now would you not say that was a pretty big perch? Of course i cannot forget a picture of moi kissing my perch. ;D and here is our catch. ;D
  2. lol Nancy. Are you going to get the bike to match the chaps? Have a biker chic that comes to the 13th she rides a bright pink trike wears all leather pink & white. And seriously this woman has a chest on her bigger than dolly herself......LOL.......wears a very very low v necked leather top and likes to stand with one leg up wearing white leather thigh high boots on her seat, bent over and basically polishes her tank all day.......LOL...... I get such a larf watching the men all standing around like little puppy dogs with there tounges all hanging out and i am sure they're tails are wagging too.....LOL. Gotta love FRIDAY THE 13TH........lol
  3. Well when i brought my Boat i wanted to name it AMO. But sinns was not going for that grumpy ole fart. I also wanted to paint in a very very bright allmost floresent pink but sins would not go for that either again grumpy old fart. ......lol... I thought it would be fun. Then i thought about Orgasim but one day while taking the boat through the port dover marina i saw a boat with that name allready so that went out the window pretty quick. So i have yet to name her after four yrs now.
  4. WTG Nancy thats awesome. Great report love the photo's. Nothing like riding on a open road i used to ride back in the early eighties before i became a mom. Then i had to give up the bikes. I often think about getting another bike . Especially when the friday 13th events roll around here in dover..... Congrats on your 1st pike hun.
  5. lol mike. Actually my eyes were open ...lol...I could not get over how pretty that fish was. It just looks like my eyes are closed because of the angle of the shot...HONEST! & YES THOSE LITTLE WEE ONES were very excited when i landed that fish. You should hear them on the video its pretty funny actually.
  6. Hiya Hun. Actaully i sent you a PM through here about a week ago maybe a little longer. Check your pm ok? As for the fishing i am trying to get in as much as i can before my mom and lil sis get here a week tomorrow. I am pretty excited have not seen my biern sis for allmost six yrs now. My dad was also sopost to be coming over but he just recently had a stroke so Dr's have told him he is not able to fly due to haveing three blood clots on the brain. My nan & paps have they're 60th wedding anniversary in two week. 60 yrs blimey i could not imagine living 60 yrs with the same man....LOL. ....So anyway june is going to be absolutley crazy busy for me. My lil sis is only here for a week but my mom will be with me for three weeks.. In two weeks i will be catering to over 80 family members here at my home so thats going to be a crazy day on the 8th. Then five days after that we have the big biker event here in dover i will yet again have a house full from the 12th through to the 15th. Then hopfully things will slow down a little i will be able to spend some quality time with my mom and am hoping to ger her out fishing for the 1st time while on this visit. She has not fished since she was a young grl. Tell jules i said hi and you really need to get your butts down here this summer. We have plenty of room for you to stay over and i know the little one will just love it here. Dover is great in the summer time. June 21st to the 23rd i beleive they are having a marine heritage festival here in dover. On the 21st they're will be three tall ships just off the pier doing battle at twighlight.. Cannons going off and the whole shabang so going to be a great weekend. Drop me a pm ok hun. JB Thankyou.
  7. MJL....You guy's are allways welcome to come down and fish with us here in dover. Just drop me a PM ok?
  8. Had to add a couple More. Arron shirley Myself and rich. Here are the three stooges fast asleep in the back of my van on the way home after the xmas OFC MEET & GREET....LOL
  9. Thankyou Mattk. Rich gimme a call tomorrow night about monday evening ok?
  10. Welcome Welcome. Great pics.
  11. Not being melodramatic at all You miss home sometimes nothing wrong with that. Wish i could say i miss the UK but fact is i hate the place. If it was not for having my folks there and three younger sisters i would probably never go back. Winter here in dover its like everyone goes into hibernation you see no one. As soon as the perch derby starts in April that is when u start to see alot of the local and regular crowd come out of hibernation. A couple of old timers i have known for six yrs now just from fishing the pier i just luv to death. Great people I love CANADA. As for the video ERMMM! ...LOL Actually limey maybe i will forward one to you privatley that was done a few yrs back out fishing with sinns and rich for carp. Seriously this video is hillarious the three of us were out on my tinny . * well lets just say....Ahhh never mind.......lol. LOL Twighlight. Carp are not ugly..........they are cute.......
  12. Ok wolfville i don't need to be hearing that after working eleven straight hrs today...... ...lol Sounds like you boy's had a blast you and victor really should get yourselfs down to dover and come fish for some Carp. I might be heading out with rich monday evening to hit some. I love fishing for Carp.
  13. Thanx Joey. They were so bloody cute....lol...I think i may have to have that picture developed and framed .
  14. I may head out for them again tommorow evening. On my walk in to work this morning i stopped at a local spot and man ohh man there was some huge and i mean huge Carp swimming around. Good luck tommorow Lets just hope your not too hung over huh.......lol
  15. Well myself & sinns hit the Pier this evening. Panama never showed up at my work. For some reason he showed up at my house while i was working. My neighbor told me a strange man was looking for me.....lol....Just joking Panama....actually he is sat in my kitchen drinking Beer with sinns as i am typing this at 10.35pm......lol........Anyway he finally found me down at the Pier after work. He was already down there fishing. Rich you know who Panama is.....lol.....It was good to see you again mike and congrats your son again for me. You should post a picture of your son you got from the maple leaf its a great picture. So anyway it was pretty slow for the 1st half hr then my Aunt and my Nan showed up out of no where. So i ended up sitting and chatting with them on one of the benches......for about an hr : I swear i saw everyone and his dog tonight.....Even some old fishing pals i have not seen for a few yrs which was nice. So sinns was the 1st to pull in the 1st fish of the evening a little rock bass. Not long after i got a big hit and had a big fish on. But i lost it and was not a happy camper lemme tell ya, But i was determined to catch another carp tonight. So i bait up again line was in maybe ten minutes when Wham big hit again. Turns out it was just a scrappy carp but what beautiful colors and it was so clean looking it really was a beauty looking fish. When i landed the fish they're was a group if little ones all excited and had never seen a carp before. They were all asking if they could touch it.....lol...I told them all to get in with me for the next shot. I really do love this photograph i love to see the look on the little ones faces when they get so excited over a fish....lol This is such a cute picture. Do have video footage also to come. but not sure i want to bore you all with it.....
  16. You had to pick a day when i have to work. But have fun all.
  17. --> QUOTE(Jason B @ May 23 2008, 05:29 AM) 205256[/snapback] If you want to attract those orioles you can bend a hanger and stick half an orange on the end of it. They will hang around for a pic then. lol Jason i have six orieole feeders out back plus slices of orange and jello......lol They are just very skitty. Problem is they like to sit real high in the trees out back waiting for me to dissapear again.before they return to the feeders...lol
  18. This is not a picture but a short video clip taken a few weeks back and i personally think its blooming hillarious. http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/Amo...nt=MVI_7433.flv this was sinns tonight he said the fish was talking to him...lol This next picture is when my little Nephew was visiting from the UK last May 2007. It was his 1st ever fish he was so excited i told him he had to kiss it and he kissed its belly....lol I have to post this again its fishing related:P:P:P because it was at a OFC MEET & GREET:p:p I larf every time i see this picture. Princess kissing the perch. Had to squeeze this one in also....lol And last of all my youngest boy. This picture was taken about four yrs ago now a nice bow i had caugght at cally D dam. Check out what my son is wearing on his hands......LOL....He would not hold the fish other wise.......lol
  19. Took these this evening while out fishing and a beautiful evening it was. I think this poor wood duck is confused and for some reason thinks he is a mallard.....lol..He has been resident with us for over a month now. Such a beautiful looking bird the colours are just Amazing. & i took this shot because well i just liked it....lol
  20. lol Pam i am sure spring will be with you very soon........& thankyou.
  21. Beautiful.
  22. Thanx Limey. You gotta love up north in Canada EH!
  23. Thanx Deano. Yes we have alot of colour around here on the south coast right now. I agree i like the 3rd picture also but my 1st favorite is the black & white. I have two pairs of baltimores in my garden this year i have been trying to get some shots of them but they are not a easy bird to photograph by any means.
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