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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Nope just me digital canon i brought last spring.
  2. What no one pms you john? lol
  3. Hey nauti, I would imagine you'll be seeing a lot more wildlife in the near future LOL Ohhh blimey mike don't even get me started.. ..lol.... yes project is still all ago things should be moving forward with in the next few weeks. I'll keep Ya posted for sure.
  4. Not sure where the mount forest erea is sorry! Before moving to port dover i used to live out in the boonies between scotland and norwich. My 1st yr back home in canada as i allready mentioned i actually saw my 1st Coyote. It was actually in a field off of bishopsgate road just outside scotland. Sometimes at night i would hear more like yapping not really howling at night and it would sound like alot of animals. My second summer living there i had returned back to Europe for a short visit. On my return home to canada my boy's had told me that they had had a scare. At that time we had adopted a very old springer spaniel who basically had been abused and i took him in . Anyway booker was a pretty lazy old smelly dog....lol and when i say lazy i mean very very lazy. Well one evening around 11.00pm they had let booker out to pee before heading to bed. They told me that they had heard booker bark and beleive me when i say this dog never barked. So my uncle and my two eldest boy's had gone out on the back deck to see booker vanish around the side of the house. So as they walked down off the deck to the side of the house they said that booker was following a very large animal. My eldest boy said the hair looked like wire and it was grey and black . Booker was allmost up the rear end of this animal according to my boy's. My uncle said what ever it was it was large, My boy's swear it was a wolf....lol even though they have never seen one in the wild. My uncle says it could have been he thinks it looked like a wolf but could not be 100% sure. I guess when the larger animal had seen my boy's it ran off across the road into the woods. Congrats on the baccy free for a yr, well done & thanx.
  5. It was to far away to see the colour tom. I wish i had had my camera mounted on my tripod at that moment. Would have managed alot clearer video footage. If it is a Coyote it's only my second time ever seeing one in the wild.
  6. Well actually when we 1st saw the animal we thought it was a dog. I know this is probably no big deal to some as some of you see many as some have said. However for me in our particular erea this was a 1st for me. This is not a common sight in my erea.
  7. Being from out west I have seen thousands of both and if its a coyote than its gay (not that theres anything wrong with that) Not sure exactly what u mean by it being a gay Coyote? sorry
  8. Okay now when u say hammer i assume u mean hamilton right? I have lived in port dover allmost six yrs now and this is my 1st time ever seeing one in our erea. Now we have alot of development going on here and i mean alot. Do you sopose maybe they are being driven out of there natural habitat where they would normally hide? I was allways under the impression that coyotes were quiet shy animals?
  9. Congrats on the sweet new ride mike.
  10. Thanx John I may just do that when i get a strong urge ....lol And i'm as confused as you on this it's a tough one .
  11. Congrats on the ride.
  12. Well thats why i was so surprised jen. I am allways out and about if not walking different places with the dogs, or fishing, or just walking, just hopping in the van and going for a drive, and have never come across this so close to home. I get excited like a little kid when i get to see things like this....LOL
  13. Awww thanx so much CCMT...I think i'm gonna need it....lol
  14. Well i am not 100% it actually howled but it certainly did raise its head like it was going to . I thought coyotes actually more yakked than howled?
  15. L.M.A.O wuss rock?
  16. Thats what i was thinking too jen, I know more about foxes than i do coyotes. I have only ever seen one coyote ever and that was seven yrs ago now...WOW! It was my 1st yr being back home in canada. I KNOW FOXES ARE SMALL Coyotes are not huge but i do beleive they are larger than a fox.
  17. LOL rizzo.....Thats our local radio station.....To be honest i was not even aware of what was playing on the radio i was to excited filming this bloody animal.....lol...
  18. Ya think Irishfeild? Blimey i wish it had been more focused. Used to see many red foxes back in the UK had a den not too far from a place i used to live back then. If it is a fox it is for sure a big one. Thanx hun.
  19. Nice un way to go grl! ......Its funny i nearly headed down that way today, But i was unsure of the ice conditions. So strange seeing people ice fishing there and just up the river in cally D its all open water and there were guy's in the water wading and catching some nice fish from what i could see of shore. Again grl nice one!
  20. Good evening OFNER'S May i wish you all a late but sincere happy new yr's. I have not been on the boards much alot going on and may i also add i am now on Day four being smoke free. Am not using any patches or pills or gum Just my will power and lemme tell ya its tough as hell. .....BUT I AM DETERMINED to kick this dirty habit. So i am just keeping my finger's and toes crossed i can do this. Anyway i have some video footage i wanted to share with you, Was out yesterday sunday afternoon on the edge of town (port dover) when we came across this guy in a field close to my home. Now i am aware that this is probably something some people in certain erea's see on more ocasions. How ever here it is not especially in the middle of the day. I appoligize for the poor visability he was quite a distance from us. Now at 1st we thought it was a coyote, Then a Fox, then a coyote again....lol....For a second he did stop and raised his head in what looked to be a howling motion. Unfortunatley i did not manage to turn the radio down in the van in time enough to pick up the sound. So i am curious what do you think this is? A fox? or a coyote? Maybe they're are some hunter's here that will find it easier to indentify what it is. Nautifish.
  21. Welcome.
  22. Well for many yrs my close freinds have allways called me AMO. I actually got this nick name back in Europe & i mean nick name. It actually is short for Amazon.....Being that i am 6ft tall and blonde this is how this nick name for me came about & i have had it for many yr's. I am known by most as amo on other boards. But i tired of it and decided i wanted something different. I thought Nautifish was very much me!
  23. I just got back from up north 3 1/2 hrs north of north bay. They were allready out on the lakes with the snowmobiles........Crazy just crazy.. My heart was skipping beats just watching them: ......Its gotta be atleast 40 inches thick for me to feel safe.....lol....
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