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Everything posted by richyb

  1. I have seen 4 muskie over 42" caught on cheap spinner baits that were 4/10$ at tromblys tackle box in orillia ... Mind you after those fights they were pretty much toast. But they did their job in landing numerous pike bass and smaller muskie before getting torn to crap on the big guys ....
  2. All beer stores need a drive through for boats
  3. thanks for the info ..
  4. Hey guys just wondering where the no fishing zone and c& r only zones are on the notty.. Lets say lookin at a map, is hwy 90 and north legal to fish ? just dont want to get into any trouble just lookin for a little steel action ... ive never tried for them before so im new to their regs .. thanks
  5. try different patterns ... right now i think i have 2 popped up and in use ... i have the 2 across from eachother to put even drag on the spool .. The side screw adds or removes spool tension ... hold your lure up then loosen it so taht the lure falls to the ground but you dont get a hig birds nest. if its too loose you could be untangling line all day. and too tight you wont cast very far .
  6. I had strep throat and the doc said boarderline mono for 6 weeks this winter .... I lost 15 pounds but i still managed to make it out to my hut for them lakers and whities !! I was clear for 2 weeks and now my throat feels like razor blades. HERE WE GO AGAIN !!!
  7. cool thanks guys ..
  8. Hey ive noticed a few people with OFC hats or a bumpersticker and was wondering where a person could get these ? Also when posting pictures how would i put the boards web addy on the bottom right ? thanks .
  9. I always use power pro in 50 lb test .. i cast all day long and have no complaints.. With it being a smaller diameter than mono of the same lb test you get longer casts . just my opinion tho .. I feel like i can haul up a submarine without breaking off and also the braid acts like a knife in the weeds when the big ones make their runs ..
  10. Yes they are tree frogs. They have a dark X on their backs ... Love the sound ..
  11. I have kept fish in the fridge up to 4 days and never got sick from it ..
  12. Hey happy birthday .. its my b day also .. i spent today recuperating tho from lastnight lol
  13. Im lookin to tie into some big channel cats this year ... I have only been able to find bullheads up to about 2 pounds ... I live in barrie so anything in the surrounding area would be great. ... whats the best time of year? ect ..... thanks
  14. not a chance boys ...GO HABS GO !!!!!!! watch out all you tribs fishers , the leafs will be joining you soon !!!
  15. I think they should go and have a meeting at Bill Barilkos grave .. maybe he can help them out again !
  16. Hey scooter do you trailor your boat? i know you can launch at the orillia park and also across the road from tudhope park on the simcoe side ... I do know that the launches are a mad house so i just take the 12 footer and throw it in my truck so i can put it in anywhere..
  17. Hey after the big wind up in the lures posts I never did read if you ended up getting your first pike or not ... I might have missed the post but how did it go ? get any of them toothy critters ?
  18. It is called the orillia perch festival .. it has tagged perch that are worth up to $2500. The headquarters is located at tudhope park and most of the action is around the narrows area... it is on simcoe and couchaching. http://www.orillia.com/perchfestival/
  19. just a couple more . "have a blast .. dive fast ! " " Its like a drag race to the fishing line" " not your grandpas diver " " torpedo diver , sinks like a rock"
  20. hey milty if you are just talking about steels in the river about netting being bad .... does that mean that you have no problem with netting lets say a pike ? ... Are steelhead anglers a different type of angler than others? .... You catch a fish reel it in and release it .... no different than a bass fisherman or any other species .... I agree that slime comes off and the fins can get split apart from the net . I personaly hardly ever use a net but if your not comfortable grabbing a fish then by all means use one... I also disagree that its a skill to hand land a fish ..I have seen a couple first time ( unskilled ) anglers hand land a fish without thinking twice. its all personal preferance.
  21. Hey milty ... not trying to get on your bad side but when you say using a net is unsporting , then why arent you out there fishing with a line and stick the way fishing started out , instead of your 10 foot rods and special reels ..Its not like they are out there just netting fish.. A net has been used to land fish for decades...Its like telling a golfer hes not allowed to use a driver, you can play a round of golf without it but some people would rather have it ... If you want to bash someone go on youtube and watch how people handle fish there. One guys comment on there was " oh a pike is like a catfish it can live out of water for 20 or more minutes no problem" That was posted on a video of a guy posing for pics and video for 5 minutes or more with his 30 pounder. That would be a post to get cranky about ..... not because someone used a net .. . .. I enjoy reading the posts on here about everyones success net or no net. congrats on the fish Bly .... keep the posts coming !!!!!
  22. Im just too poor to join anything that costs money lol .. but a buddy of mine was a member and he got a call from them asking if he would like to make a donation.... Just joking around he said he would be glad to if they could guarantee him a moose tag because he hasnt got one in 10 years and other guy just " happen" to get them every other year ... and the person on the phone just said to him .... "im sory sir what is a moose tag?" He said if they wont even hire people that have a clue about the outdoors than hes not joining anymore. Im going to go to the site tho and check it out and see what its all about ..
  23. "Torpedo diver ..... goes down faster than your local call girl" ....... . " torpedo divers ... go deep or go home " " Why use a cannon when you can use a torpedo" " fish surrender to the torpedo" logo could be a fish waving a white flag hiding behind a rock with a pic of a torpedo in the top corner
  24. Thanks for the replys guys ... .its going to be either the bowtech guardian or the 101st airborne. im going to look at a local archery shop tomorow to see which one feels better ... i have only heard good things about both and i hate making decisions !!!
  25. haha ok maybe a little fishing ... i havent been bowfishing but i sure would love to try it .. thanks for the reply
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