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Everything posted by walleyejack

  1. Anyone know if there are any "deals" at BPS or Lebarons this week,have the week off and just looking ot nose around,always looking for something I can't use.
  2. good go here Wayne. hope you hae a great Christmas with the family
  3. its the phone !!!!!!
  4. When you apply for the new one, you print a temporary paper license out and that is good to go,till the hard copy comes in snail mail.
  5. Where can i get a dog like that, I think i have a shirt that will fit him !
  6. yup... PartsSource is owned by Canadian Tire
  7. I feel great, when I get something happening, I take 2 hot toddies,dbl up on the Crown Royal,before bed and off and sleeping, and hit up a couple Cold FX in the day. hope you all feeling better for Christmas and the opener of Wally season. More room for me out there
  8. NAPA $13.29 and CarQuest $11.43 so i guess it is the best price in town
  9. In my flyer the C-teck was not on but this on was. Motomaster Eliminator Intelligent Battery Charger, 2A Product #11-1506-6 $60. for $35
  10. They are good for trickle charge, like a battery maintaner ? 2map hr ?
  11. Your welcome.
  12. i have a buoy o bouy 2 piece, was good in the beginning,10yrs ago,all the insulation in it as move to the bottom of the legs and the arm cuffs,i use it for first and last ice,I have an Ice Armour Extreme ,is 2 piece,very comfy,easy to get around in and is too warm,the buoy o buoy is like wearing a card board box,stiff and not plyable.Not sure if it floats tho,don t think so,but am not plannning on going swimmin with it.
  13. I try to support the local economy,Obama says buy American,don t ship anything in,and i say buy Canadian,no matter,it all comes from China anyway,might as well support the importers in your own country.
  14. GRRRRRRRRRR I called up there and was told they are not available,only in the states.That is one of the fishing guys up there told me,and,I called twice and talked to two different people,the first one told me they didn t carry that model. I bought one from someone that one of the members on this board put me onto. thanks anyway for your help,maybe someon up there needs to refresh the sales people on the products they carry.
  15. napa for sure and Car Quest i think
  16. I find with my Jiffy the oil/gas mix has to be exact,I also throw a shot of seamist or equivelant in it to keep it running tops.Keep the head covered when travelling,to keep snow and water out of carb. my 2 cents
  17. Thanks, will give them a call today,rather support an individual than corporate,but these times,everyone can use the business
  18. i was pretty ticked off when watching the weather on ctv and she said it is going to be "bitter cold the next few days" -4 is bitter cold ? like she needs to smell the coffee.
  19. ok thanks for the good advice, I checked store out in Oshawa and Ajax and say in stock,the guy in Whitb store was lost in space i guess.
  20. Thanks, I guess the guy in my store doesn t know whats happ then.
  21. I like that setup Wayne,the seats on the sled and slide,don t care if they swivel. mm Interesting, the CTC in town here says none of the stores carry the Trekker this year,i ask him to check and he told me they dont,only reason there might be one somewhere is from last years stock,but it would be worth the drive to BP to save the $100 i guess. I didn t see any fish flipping in those pics, what up with that !!!
  22. I did the Canadian tire thing today,they don t carry them,checked out Lebarons catalogue yesterday,only had HT I believe they were,and some Clams that were a little more $ than Gagnons even,will have to call.Maybe Bass Pro would order in,they don t stock the Trecker,is it a 2 man Wayne ? with paded swivel seats that are mounted to the sled ?
  23. I was searching their website for dealer locations,nothing comes up in Ontario,Bass pro has the predtor,don t want to spend that much.Maybe i call them tomorrow and see where their Ont.dealers are. Checked out the Otters,nice but about 150 more for the Wild,which is a little cheaper model,and the ice cabin is 300 more,not doing that, or ill be living in it full time, hey that might not be a bad idea
  24. I know Angling Outfitters in Woodstock where selling HT last year,not sure about this year,but i would assume so.
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