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Everything posted by walleyejack

  1. Thank you sir. Now I just have to make a deal on the motor.
  2. I was thinking it could be easily made,I like Waynes idea,pretty simple,the one Terry had is pretty simple,same idea, don t care for the EZ steer thing,I have a thing about drilling holes in cavitation plate. Thanks for all the input. I was just gonna put a pulley on one end and string some clothes line cable across,tie it together and Bobs your uncle.
  3. Anyone have an experience with connecting the kicker to the main motor,I looked at the EZ steer thing,not sure about it,read some reviews,more than half were not happy,just wondering what else is out there that is reliable and good value.
  4. http://www.bearingbuddy.com/installation.html and removal
  5. Done... Good luck
  6. Leaf Nation has a lot of suckers
  7. Thats just insane,I purchased rod holders which came in a box twice the size of a shoe box and was $12.00 from Pa.no tax,no duty.One has to watch where they shop and get all the details. just my tcw
  8. Any suggestions on a good antenna ? I have a fiberglass 5ft,but I am sure that won't cut it.Or just go to my local marine radio/gps guy in town here?
  9. thanks Peter, usefull info for sure
  10. "are they still available"
  11. nice job there for sure,I have been looking at a couple of those modles and the Lowrance LVR250 all the ones i looked at had 25 w min, and dsc thanks
  12. Am looking to buy a vhf radio to keep an eye on lake O and updates,I am looking for any input or advice on the purchase of any particular unit,I see lots of different brands out there for $99.I am thinking they are just as good as anything,appreciate any input
  13. Happy belated birthday Wayne,and many more. cheers !
  14. Very good report and excellent shots and a good game to see. well done. You could proably get a job with the Toronto Sun
  15. done deal,voting will be like brushing the fangs every morning
  16. The lads tried,better luck on the weekend, they had a good shot to make the playoffs if they won tonight,but fading,not gonna happen me thinks. Don t read this if you have it on pvr !!
  17. I m glad it is a secret location,but I probably been there.
  18. Good intro Dan, keepin in mind most fishers are fabricators and I don't know about you
  19. At least you got outta town Wayne, like Misfish says "there is never a bad trip to Temagami".Good you could get away and relax somewhat, and get new stress of looking for fish but thats a good kind.Wish I could have made it.Glad your neighbur is pleased with his aquisition.I been going up there for 25 yrs or longer,haven t been last yr or this. good report.
  20. no. but i have heard of pms
  21. great game by the lads !!
  22. call Jos at Angling Outtfitters, he will fix up with a new or used one.best deal in town
  23. Once upon a time long, long, ago there was a season when neither the Leafs nor the Canadiens made the post season playoffs. It seemed so unusual, that the management of both teams got together and decided that there should be some sort of competition between the two teams because of their great rivalry. So, they decided on a weeklong ice fishing competition. The team that catches the most fish at the end of the week wins. So on a cold northern Ontario lake they began their contest. The first day after 8 hours of fishing the Canadiens had caught 100 fish and the Leafs had 0. At the end of the 2nd day the Canadiens had caught 200 fish and the Leafs 0. That evening the Leafs coach got his team together and said, "I suspect some kind of cheating is taking place", So the next morning he dressed one of his players in Canadien colors and sent him over to their camp to act as a spy. At the end of the day he came back to report to the coach. The coach asked "Well, how about it, are they cheating?" "They sure are," the player reported, "They're cutting holes in the ice".
  24. That is why I talk to Jos, tell him what i would like,and he has it and sends it. good luck.
  25. thats probably the best deal,found it for 29.99 + shipping 25.00 whew 45 beats 55 might check it out, heck of a price for a book.but supposedly full of interesting items. Thanks
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