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Everything posted by walleyejack

  1. anyone can win when ya have 3, 5 on 3s but it was a good 3rd period
  2. Jack, no poker tourney Friday night for you and Pete ?
  3. Nice riggins Pike !
  4. not sure how many strokes shes got,my banker has it and wants to get rid of it and he knows Jack about it.says he is getting back to me in the next couple days,and to give him a price,just wants to get rid of it, but i want a wider beam 84" or and i need to know the model of his before i can figure out what he has.
  5. Does anyone have an opinion on Sylvan boats ? Aquaintance is selling his 16.5 Sylvan SC with 60merc,I don t know much about Sylvans,I m sure they have pros and cons as the others do.
  6. anyone know bigredfisher (Daryl) or his boat ?
  7. I use the same idea as Woodsman,piece of pipe insulation,tie it onto the cabel and throught it in the hole,I have the bell shaped ducer so it pretty much points straight down as the cable come straight out the top. Happy fishing
  8. Been looking at the site,I m thinking about shying away from this deal anyway,trailer is in the kids name,but the boat is still in the guys name he got it from. Sounds to "fishy" to me. And he hasn t contacted me since i mentioned i needed the serial numbers and wanted to take it for test ride. thanks guys
  9. ya sounds fishy to me, i have numbers off the boat, maybe there is a way to find out the previous owners, maybe liend out
  10. Morning,I am sure someone can help me out with some info,I am looking at a boat advertised,not on this site,where do i go to find out if there are any liens or how many owners have been attatched to this boat,seller tells me "I think I am the 2nd owner" that statement makes me nervous already,say he needs the cash,he has owned if for a year,not sure if there has been problems with the boat or the motor,wondering how i can search it out, if anyone can help,I would appreciate it.
  11. yes hopefully we can help Boston out again, Toronto is an excellent farm team for the big boys.
  12. lol yes,, and they had Pat Burns in the box a few months ago.
  13. Its funny, when the men play here they don t do so well,when they get traded,they shine on other teams,has always been like that and will continue. Has to be in the management and coaching staff. But then again, ownership couldn t give a rats arse, it is sold out every game,fans here need to do like they do in Montreal, stop going,thats how results and changes happen.
  14. hi, am in the trucking industry,this is a the way we go with trucks,easy and good roads,no back roads.qew-bufflao-190s-I90e-I390s-I86e-rt 15s-around Harrisburg Pa.to I 83s-I 695s-I95s-I495w and rt 29 takes you into DC. If you have any ? I can fax or email you a map if you need it.

  15. Right now I think they have to change the coaching staff, these guys were on fire preseason and into the season, when Wilson calls them out in the press all the time, they lay down and i don t blame them, call them out in the room or in private,not air it in public,and now it is catching up with him.Guys are standing around watching the the ops move the puck nicely.Thought it was going to be a blessing with Panuef out,but i guess not.
  16. Best of luck to you and your family ! You have done plenty out there for others to recieve a cure and happiness in you family 10 fold !!!
  17. I prefer a 4 stroke,Merc or Yammy, but the equipment i am interested in is an Evinrude, not interested in spending 10g on a new motor. thanks for the input folks
  18. I am looking at a Evinrude E tec 90hp,09 have read some pretty nasty reviews,from, blown power heads,bad injectors,and a few other things,is this a common ailment with this engine ? I don t think i want to get involved in a life long commitment to Evinrude payments. Any input would be appreciated.
  19. I have a stolen boat I am trying to pawn off, any fences out there can help me out,I need the cash to keep the production line going.
  20. Thanks guys, going to try and get down next weekend. or maybe a day during the week
  21. Anything happening in the BoQ yet,buddy was down a 2weeks back and did nothing,am thinking of heading down in the next week or 2,haven t been there in about 10yrs,any tips of areas to try would be appreciated,am not looking for specific spots or secret honey holes,just a general area.
  22. I would have to go with getting caught up in a hurricane on lake Erie about 7 yrs ago out off of Erieau. Was not much fun, captain run the boat aground as oppossed to making it back to the port, just as good we didn t make it,there was some kinda damage in the harbour,lot of damaged boats. Something i will never forget and I am sure my buddies won t either. Wind, hail like small marbles, just ahead of a wind funnel or water spout,what ever you want to call it.
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