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Everything posted by BLACKFISH88

  1. Here's one from quinte last winter not a great pic but it was huge I estimated 14lbs. I was amazed at the size was only kept because it was bleeding profusely from gills. I still think that santa won with his 30lb zander LOL.
  2. How bout "PICKERALEYE" lol my buddies and I call em pickerallys
  3. Prayers and wishes sent.
  4. Great report thanks for taking the time enjoyed it thorougly!
  5. ya and tax us for it dont get em started ... lol...
  6. Under what legislation are ORV operators given permission to ride on provincial roads? The Red Tape Reduction Act (Bill 11) received Royal Assent on December 22, 1999, and provided enabling legislation to: classify off-road vehicles and drivers; regulate operation on highways and prescribe conditions; and allow municipalities to pass by-laws to define access, lower speed limits and times/seasons of operation for highways under their jurisdiction (not provincial highways).
  7. I believe this is a BOQ yearling maybe two, awesome pic by the way sorry I was so late just found the post. LOL. Cheers. P.S. ...It was released to grow many more of it's delicious kind.
  8. N...No... I .. can't reply aa.......no! Fight it off you can do it ah ah ah. Serenity now! LOL!! Good post guys. Daplumma good post. Cheers. Oh ya FRIG!LOL!
  9. Great story looked more like a lab to me supposedly the loyalest of dogs I've heard.
  10. What no pics of you guys feeding each other the cake! LOL....Great pic here, RIGHT IN THE ONIONS!!!LOL!
  11. The wife isn't complaining
  12. I don't know about you but I don't open email from people I don't know although what he did was wrong why shouldn't the people who opened the emails be punished as well because if everybody opened those emails and you can tell when they come what they are. For example I get the penis enlarger emails and these so called stock emails and the email addresses are usually ridiculous nothing like that of what normal people make their email addies. They are the dumb ones who opened them.
  13. Hope everything turns out alright thoughts and prayers the Martins.
  14. one more ran outta space. Had to throw in a couple from martycoos wedding. Figures he'd get married next to a river...
  15. GCD!!! you dang kill me I am rolling on the dang floor!That is already the best post of 2008 LOL! I didn't fish too much the end of the year Ice here is biting it as I type this.
  16. More kittenfish LOL...
  17. You are totally right martycoo and I were supposed to head out sat mornin but after that rain I wouldn't be caught dead out there yet! NO PUN INTENDED. lol merry xmas by the way and happy new year your friend BLACKFISH.
  18. Hope everybody had a safe happy holiday! Happy new year to everyone!
  19. One question do kittenfish taste like chicken?
  20. canada is called canada because I believe what my history teacher told me it was a mistake. The natives took early settlers down the river which I believe was somewhere in Quebec and the natives called it kanata which I believe the river is still there so the early settlers proclaimed the land Canada. Just what I remember from school unsure if it is a fact.
  21. Can anybody spot the American in this pic????LOL!! Cold up har eh! Could you imagine if it was -30 LOL... Great report good to see everyone was safe and had good eats and lots of fun.
  22. Wow awesome report Wayne! Looks like a great time was had by you two. Did you take the horseshoe outta your boat. LOL. Cheers.
  23. Jacks seem to be quite a bit scrappier than the sows. I've seen two pound jacks fight more than ten pound sows.
  24. Man you got the world by the short and curlys! One lucky guy you are Moose and one lovely family you have there Congrats on the wedding and all those nice catches!!
  25. WOW! Thanks now I'm hungry.....
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