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Everything posted by Jer

  1. If a factory cover isn't available, too expensive, etc. Most of the custom fit guys can do a fantastic job. They just need the boat to do it. I don't know where you're at, but I've had work done at Sew It All in Bridgenorth (705-292-0628) and he does excellent work at a reasonable price. My Crestliner came with a factory "tie-down" trailering cover. I wanted something for at the dock and for just a couple hundred dollars, he adapted the cover, installed at least 40 snaps or so (screwed out of the way on the outside, bottom of the gunwales). The cover works great for both mooring and trailering (tie downs not required, the snaps hold it snug). The boat can be at the dock for weeks in countless rainstorms and not have a drop in the bilge.
  2. ...how soon, do you think?
  3. Where's LundBoy? ...or has he gone to ground already? This is right up his alley.
  4. Having had a dog for a long time, and two cats for a couple years... I have no idea why people always say cats are smarter than dogs...
  5. ...and now it's snowing...
  6. Having had it for a week now...I'm more than impressed with the Napoleon. I looked at a lot of grills...I coulda got a lot more features in another brand for my $800, but nowhere near the quality.
  7. Early ice-out this year around here (except for Balsam apparently). Upper Buckhorn is more or less ice free (except for my bay which is just waiting for a good SW wind to blow it out). Just a few minutes ago...it's hard to see the ice line but anything beyond the island is open water. Very unusual for it to be gone in March, especially since it was rather thick this year as well. Is this good or bad for crappie fishing still almost four weeks away?
  8. That might be a great trailer...but is it long enough for that boat? There seems to be lotsa overhang at the back. That can be murder on the transom when trailering and the motor gets bouncing a bit. Can the winch mast be moved forward? You really wanna get some support under that transom. The motor seems a little too dirty under the cover for my liking.
  9. ...well American beer is anyways...
  10. I don't know if any more planes are crashing recently than before... ...maybe you're just noticing more now that you're a pilot and paying more attention. It's like when someone you know buys a new car...suddenly you see that model of car everywhere you go.
  11. ...and that's why they're always chained to something...
  12. ...well said...
  13. I know where the Costco is...I'm just too cheap to buy a membership.
  14. All I know is ... Earl Earl Earl Earl Earl Earl Earl Ireland...He got trucks! 705-295-2277 Not in your corridor, but close in Peterborough.
  15. Thanks for the link. That at least allowed me to see what the deck would look like and try different configurations, options.
  16. Depends on the store. Our stores here in Peterborough kinda suck (don't ask me why, maybe nobody fishes around here?) I was in a store in Kingston (Gardiner & Princess?) a few weeks ago and was amazed at what they had in the fishing section.
  17. I keep being told...stop chewing on your fishing rod...
  18. I'm building a new deck shortly. I was wondering if there is any software available for easy drawings, maybe spit out a basic list of materials?
  19. Is Kirkland available anywhere else besides Costco?
  20. I've been feeding Bear the Eukanuba since he was a pup and he has always done well on it. Long and lean at 100 lb (he's had his share of table scraps as well). Lately, I've been hearing more and more bad things about the product. Last month I bought a bag of Iams (which is probably even worse) because the Eukanuba had jumped considerably in price and on the spot I didn't know what else to buy. Bear is almost 12 years old now, and I don't wanna go through a whole experimentation with his diet. It seems by this thread, lots of differing opinions.
  21. Your best bet is probably a small trailer park in the area (some may have an extra slip or two). A marina, of which there aren't many, is gonna cost you $700 or so for a 16' boat. Which side of the lake are you on? There's more options on the east side with Buckhorn and Chemong close by.
  22. ...looky what I found on my deck when I got home... I feel better keeping the people of Barrie employed rather than Guangzhou.
  23. Well my old Broil-Mate BBQ is finally on its last legs and I'm in the market for a new grill. I wanna go with a bit better quality this time and was wondering if anybody had any recommendations. I'm leaning toward a 3-burner, 450 square inch Napoleon grill I've seen at several dealers: Prestige 450. The going price seems to be about $800 (with most throwing in assembly, cover, cook-book, etc,). Extras such as side burners, rear rotiserie burners and such aren't such a big deal to me. I'd rather quality and longevity over all the bells & whistles. Canadian Tire has a "Ted Reader" Signature Series grill by Napoleon that is a similiar size but includes the rear burner for about the same price. According to other Napoleon dealers, this unit is a Chinese-made model rather than made in Barrie as most other models are. Looking at it, it's hard to tell any difference in quality. All the Napoleon grills I've looked at (chinese or not) are of far superior construction (material & assembly) than most other grills on the market, save Weber. To be honest, $800 is more than I would like to spend, and there is a better chance the CT unit will go on sale at some point in the next few weeks (the dealer prices are pretty well set for the year). I guess it comes down to the classic: buy Canadian (as I would really like to) or: how much can I save on that off-shore stuff? Maybe the question should be: Why can't Ted Reader put his damn name on a Canadian made grill?
  24. Not a good idea! Anytime you are introducing 'extra' solid material to your septic tank, it is a bad thing. Just more solid waste to break down.
  25. It's hard to blame the unit for this one...I mean come on...look at the road for godsakes! Did he not have any headlights? I have a Garmin unit, and while it is a great tool, can find many places, it's not fool-proof. There are many areas where the maps are out-of-date (Hwy 7 east of Ottawa, 401 & Stevenson Rd off-ramp in Oshawa to just name a couple). These gizmos are great, but not a replacement for your eyeballs and common sense.
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