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Everything posted by purekgw

  1. so from what im seeing its all the same so i just need a red light at night
  2. lol never really thought about title this should be funny
  3. Im looking at buying a 13' kayak as of now i just throw my 10' kayak in the back with a red flag at the end but with the extra 3' is there any thing different i will have to do? I dont want to get pulled over for stupidity.. and at night what do i need on it? my truck bed is 6.5' long
  4. both Caledonia and york are good for mooneye i havent been to the grand at night in the last couple weeks so i dont know if there up yet, im guessing yes tho
  5. well shes has headed under the desk for another night. i found last night when i turned the fan on she calmed right down.. lets hope it works again
  6. we have tried the ear muffs before and she dosnt care for them some one also recommended gravol but nothing is working. this is where she has settled at for now
  7. welcome chris i also fish the grand in this area quite often but i have never seen a co in all my years down there
  8. Are german shepherd has never been afraid off fire works but the past few years she has been afraid of fire works and thunder does any one have any tips on calming them down? Shes starting to drive me CRAZY
  9. here are a few shots of my box im almost afraid to go to bass pro in fear i will spend to much money there, also have a few worm binders.
  10. i will soon have a trailer hitch on my truck and be pulling a small tiny i will be one of those idiots probably, but i am going to a ramp on a week day after work to practice some backing up.
  11. Can tell you right now sturgeon isn't calm damn wind
  12. i find that a old rapala with no treble hooks works just as well but some times you need to switch it up
  13. when i get a good size fish i will put it in the live well to unhook the fish i find it a lot easier then trying to do it over the side of the boat, but i dont think that would be wrong would it? Its a bit of a gray area isnt it
  14. Was looking through new reg book and noticed that they have changed the slot sizing again (good thing i picked up a book). We go up every year for walleye opener, and usually have a little contest for biggest fish but with the new regs is it the end of it? we usually end up letting the big fish go but now can we even put it in live well?
  15. was at fishing world the other day they had a bunch of cotton cordells on sale 3 for $10
  16. i play speed ball a bit, i dont think they really hurt that much but if you dont want to get bruised up i would suggest wearing a sweater. move fast and keep your body tucked in close is usually best way not to get hit
  17. thank fully i buy subway every day for lunch woo~
  18. nice car tho
  19. i dont mind if it takes up some room in the back seat as long as i can take it out if need be, and i am looking at a 12" kenwood sub with a alpine sub tomorrow only problem is that box is sealed but ill try it out i also plan on replacing the deck thats in my truck for one with aux/usb port in it
  20. its a club cab dodge Dakota, so im just going to have the box sitting on the seat so i can take them out if i have to
  21. the box isnt really a big deal i can make one at work and spray it, im just figuring out what would be suitable
  22. im kind of on the fence on 2 subs or just one i dont want them shaking my truck to pieces.
  23. I have been recently looking at getting a sub for my truck to add a little bass and was wondering if any one had any advice or experiences with certain subs and amps, and as for wiring i have to run the main power for amp off the battery through the fire wall right? Am i better to build my own box or buy pre-built one? (want a ported box) dont know if any one on here is into this kind of stuff just thought i would ask.
  24. not in silver lake but the river below the dam they would head up there in the spring in the masses, but with to running water would they still go in there?
  25. i hope it dosnt affect the carp fishing there
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