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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. I was under the impression it had been combined with the Sportsmans Show that takes place March 12-16.
  2. THAT is what fall Muskie fishing is all about!
  3. I agree with Darrel, fish that cannot be indentified should be released...Or if you are unaware of the regs, this spring while Pike fishing I caught a Lake Trout about 15 inches, would have liked to have kept it but being not sure of any possible slot size I released it...
  4. He's giving 5 million to the London hospital...Pretty generous donation.
  5. I would probably be in...
  6. Actually Wayne, we are quite happy with our current president! He is usually the voice of moderation, perhaps he like many others has gotten tired of hearing the same from the same source. MCI is certainly not a perfect organization, I'm sure there have been many problems over the years, but as with any volunteer group, you have people in it for both good and bad reasons, and you have doers and people who do nothing. Luckily for us we have guys like Chris who step up and help keep a good club moving forward.
  7. Nice one guys! I wish I coulda made the 3 1/2 hour drive again this weekend!
  8. I can't for the life of me find in the regs where it states how many lines you are permitted, I know its 2 in Lake O. I'm told its 2 in Lake Erie...Can anyone enlighten me???
  9. Unfortunately there's always egos and political Bull when it comes to clubs. I steer clear of it as a member of MCI. I go to meetings, drink a few cold ones, talk Muskies, win a lure or two occasionally on the prize table, help raise money for the fishery by working my donkey off all day so many others can enjoy the Muskie Odyssey, make lifelong friends...Why would anyone want to be part of that?
  10. Yes, Marc is a well respected member of OFC. But he has been highly critical of MCI on here in the past, I see nothing wrong with the current President standing up for MCI's main project. I'm sure Marc is man enough to take it.
  11. Muskie is closed on Simcoe and Couch indefinately. This project had a rough start but is doing much better this year with over 1000 12 inch Muskie stocked in recent months. Instead of voicing negative opinions why not join a club or conservation group and get involved with giving back to the fisheries we all love...
  12. I feel for ya, I have suffered from some pretty bad back pain (HERNIATED DISC, L 4-5) over the years. It sucks, get well soon.
  13. No large fish should be held vertically, whether it be by hand, lip grip device or gaff/scale. Anyone who wants to be a conservation minded angler should practice good fish handling skills...
  14. Yes, the Salmon fishing is dead, because they are...
  15. Wayne, I did mention photocopying, do not laminate the original.
  16. This might not apply to your tinny Cliff, but I recently bought extra fuses for everything in my boat. A good idea for the boat registration is to photocopy and laminate it so the copy stays dry in the boat.
  17. Fly-fishing for Carp? That must be like Bow-hunting for Chickens...
  18. Rude-dude, you're a knob! Great pic Lew! Anybody who knows anything knows a Yamaha 4 Stroke is the best outboard on the water!
  19. Congrats! its all down hill from here....
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