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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Got out with a friend this morning on the NY side of the Upper Niagara where Bass season is open. Took us awhile but we finally found some decent fish. They were in about 10-12 fow and really only wanted a certain clour of tubes...We landed a bunch in a few hours, all were 3 lbs.+ and a couple were near 5 lbs.
  2. Mr. Costanza, you need a new Johnson rod! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx2GZ4AJtVM
  3. There were two jars of fertilized eggs collected...One was for Flemming, the other was for another hatchery but nobody wanted to make a drive to get them...
  4. How can you own a 200hp outboard and not know what and how much oil it uses???
  5. I am not privy to all the details, but habitat restoration has/is been part of the LSMRP.
  6. Muskie are native to Simcoe, like the 'other' great Lakes, thats why its called a RESTORATION project, not an Introduction...
  7. I understand Ron, time to burn the candle at both ends in another worthy cause...
  8. Here's some more for you to enjoy...sinker 3 fish, two more than allowed by posession limit... Fertilized eggs, headed to Sir Sandford Flemming College...
  9. I'm pretty sure Emily and Brent were paid for their efforts today...Alot of fishery work in Ontario just wouldn't get done if not for volunteers...
  10. Today I had the pleasure of volunteering to help two dedicated OMNR biologists check the trap nets set near Georgian Bay. The purpose of which was to collect eggs and milt from two ripe Muskies so the fertized eggs could be taken to the fish hatchery at Flemming College in Lindsay, and eventually the resulting fingerlings will be released into Lake Simcoe in the fall. We checked several trap nets, counted and released many nice Bass(some near 6 lbs.), a few Pike, a monster Crappie, Carp, lots of Bluegills and Bullheads, and many Northern Map Turtles, two of which were dinner plate sized! After checking 4 nets and finding no Muskies we lucked out and the 5th net had two males and a BIG female. We were able to collect the first 'family' of 2012 for the Lake Simcoe Muskellunge Restoration Project. Here's Ian Young (MCI President) and I as we released the 52", 37 lb. female!
  11. Fishing the same waters as the PMTT tournament and you still caught a few...Good job.
  12. OK, so I just caught up on the Fishhero-Bass Thread. I am COMPLETELY offended. Pictures like that have NO PLACE on the internet!!! I almost threw up the minute I saw that HABS HAT!!! Go Lea...I mean, Go Sen, GO CAPs!!!
  13. I'm curious, what type of bait and presentation is used for 'sucker' fishing with a 'pin' and float rod prior to Trout Opener??? Please tell me!
  14. No need to go slow for Muskie, in fact just about everybody trolls to slow for them! I find two of those reuseable grocery bags work fine...$2 investment.
  15. I lost most of my respect for them when they didn't support the move to a limit of 2 Rainbow Trout in FMZ 20...Conservation organization??? I still buy a book of tickets though! I like winning stuff...Even though I hardly ever win anything, well sometimes but nothing big...2 rainbows in the boat per would have been plenty....
  16. Trying to find the serial number on my F90, is it the sticker on the side of the transome mount?
  17. I don't think you'll find a more economical vehicle to tow a 1300kg boat...
  18. The key to using the regs is to look in the exceptions for the water body you are fishing AFTER looking at the chart that shows seasons, limits,etc. This is where you will find information like how many lines are allowed.
  19. A Chinook from a Yak, on Lake Ontario...Very cool!
  20. I had the same thought, bad for the Ocean...But consider how much oil and fuel when into the worlds oceans between 1939 and 1945...
  21. I've 'Heard' there are good Pike in Harris....
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