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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Size 10 X-raps really get their attention in the clear waters of Lake Erie.
  2. Boating on the Great Lakes requires constant vigilance...Always give them the respect they deserve...Or pay the price! There's a couple 700 foot Lakers on the bottom, remember that.
  3. Jeez, I just asked about launches at Long Point...I've been launching at Crystal beach since I was teenager...I know what its like there...
  4. Good idea, check out lexan and plastic bottles at an outdoor store like sail.
  5. It doesn't bode well for the future...That so many don't realize what the ultimate outcome of making a mess of this place will lead to...
  6. When I was out in May with the MNR Bios checking trap nets for Muskie I saw some incredible Smallies!!! Several 5-6 lbers!
  7. JB's Fishing Depot, Ronson Dr. North side of the 401 between Martin Grove and Kipling.
  8. I guess I'm prejudiced...Been rudely buzzed by Bass boats more than any other...I ALWAYS slow or give a wide berth to boats fishing...Seems like many bass boat owners don't think to do this...
  9. I don't get it...Never have, never will...Why is it nessasary to go light speed in a fishin boat?
  10. Any recomendations on whats the best place to launch to fish Long Point? I don't need cememt and a dock either, I'd rather use a less than perfect ramp and avoid the crowds...Waited at Crystal Beach to load for near 30 minutes in a line-up of 10-15 boats Monday...
  11. Its safe to say you a waterproof with a floating wrist strap!
  12. Thats what happens when the local Bass club(s) run tournaments and release their fish out in the Beacon Harbour on Lake Ontario...
  13. Welcome Luke. Very inspiring story.
  14. I have 2 of them, 12 MP, no video. I wasn't interested in the video thats why I bought the first one for my Wife, picked up a 2nd body for myself. If its a good deal you won't be disappointed. I think the kits were going for around $650 with the 18-55mm IS lens in 2009. I picked up a used body in 2010 for $250
  15. Out this morning, same area by myself for 4 hours...Only 4 fish...I guess they got educated yesterday!!!
  16. Did you play around with the counter weights inside the side-plate? I have two 200Es and they are great reels.
  17. Launched at 6am and fished till 1:30pm, Dave and I probably boated 40-50 Smallies, with an average size of 2-2.5 pounds, lost another 20-30...An absolutely great Opener! All fish came shallow, less than 8 fow, most on Xraps, my biggest hit a spook on top, I actually got 5 or 6 on the surface before 10 am while it was still flat calm...The first few hours we were seeing schools of Emerald Shiners breaking the surface and Bass exploding through them attacking...A cast past this and a retrieve through the vacinity usually resulted in a strike! Plenty hit near the boat and at least half the hits we could see, which resulted in many premature hooksets! All good fun! The biggest, Dave's 4.3 pounder!
  18. Here's about your best bet, its basically a topo so no depths...
  19. Double 10s and surface baits, figure-8 after every cast...
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