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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. No reason to 'harvest' Tigers as they're almost always sterile. If you catch one, appreciate its unique colours and let it go! The Great Lakes Hybrids are especially pretty!
  2. Bass on Erie should be shallow still, casting crankbaits and topwaters for sure!
  3. Planning on launching at Crystal Beach about 6am, fishng till around noon...
  4. Anyone here interested in joining me on Erie for Bass Saturday morning?
  5. Lake Erie if the weather co-operates!
  6. I think you'd better check the colour of the leaves in your cigarettes!
  7. Being afraid of an important topic cause it might offend someone...thats just cowardly! Ok, now enuff said...
  8. Lew, my first net was a Beckman I bought from ProTackle in 2005, it had a nice big soft bag...I now have a Frabill Big Game...The new Beckmans I've seen lately seem to have a smaller and stiffer bag than the one I had...And coated.
  9. I've often thought that would make the perfect Muskie net! Thouhj I'm convinced the Beckman bag used to be made out of a better(softer) material than it is now...
  10. I'm from the school of thought that says, vary the throttle and slowly work into higher RPMs as you get closer to the end of the break in period. Do not Troll, do not run it at WOT the whole time...
  11. Great offer! Typical of OFNers...
  12. If there was a washroom available, cause I always need one! I'd happily pay $20 to launch!
  13. Proper trim is very important to good performance, you should be able to actually accelerate somewhat just by trimming the motor up once on plane...
  14. Everyone should have a copy...
  15. Does nobody read the regs???
  16. Very cool. As anyone that has Scuba Dived can attest, Bass are very territorial and can be aggressive!
  17. Two in my boat on opening weekend. A small one and a high 30's...Both from Pigeion Lake.
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