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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Here's the '49 on the left in the last picture, cleaned up and burning nicely!
  2. Picked up three more today! And a 1961 4M stove, plus a nice Lantern box... The Lanterns are old ones, a 1949, 1 1939, and a 1945...
  3. Just started collecting them, I will be selling some...Already up to almost 20 in a month...lol
  4. It might be...Belonged to my late Father, a gag gift from an employee no doubt...Now it holds change in my garage, and makes me smile!
  5. I've discovered a new hobby, keeps me busy in the garage tinkering...And out Flea Marketing with my Wife! Cleaning and refurbishing old Coleman Lanterns... There are millions of Coleman Lanterns out there, dating back to the early part of the last century, many different models, the date of manufacture is usually stamped on the bottom. If anyone has any old ones kicking around collecting dust, I'd gladly take them off your hands, for cash...Or trade for fishing gear!
  6. Heavy fluoro is fine most of the time. If you are contacting rock/mussel shells then steel is the only way to go. making your own leaders is very easy, only difficult part is knowing what parts to buy... 130# minimum fluoro, I use 180#.
  7. Advance tickets on the Muskies Canada website are $15! Gives you a chance to win a BIG NASTY! This is one awesome rod, I bought myself one last year and I love it!
  8. Next time take your camera and tell them to say, "cheese"
  9. Air flow is good, some kind of bond breaker like 1/8 plastic horseshoe shims will work, keeps the PT and Alum separate... If you use staples underneath as well as contact cement, get SS ones. On my floor replacement I picked up two little chrome air vents from the local boat dealer, put one at the from, and one at the back...
  10. One ticket includes spouse and children...
  11. Thats the poor CDN dollar for you...You could try Fishing World in Hamilton, I got a great deal on a LTM there last spring.
  12. A fast retrieve speed like that is perfect for picking up line quickly between pulls with Jerkbaits, and for burning small bucktails. Its not ideal for big bladed bucktails...A lot of effort to retrieve them. Its really tuff to have only one reel...lol
  13. Don't forget April 25th in St.Catharines...Muskie Odyssey!
  14. Really, not one mention of the Omnibus bill that basically gutted the navigable waters act? Left thousands of lakes and river unprotected? How about C-51??? And every other piece of legislation that Harper has rammed through giving the PMO's office more and more power...But hey, the economy's good! Harper's a 'God will fix things up just fine' bible thumping nightmare! Do some research.
  15. If this guy had a brain at all he'd shut up and stop making himself recognizable to the entire fishing community!
  16. Some of the smartest people I know are very afraid of what the current Federal Government is doing...
  17. If you care at all about what being Canadian has always meant, you wanna think long and hard about who you're gonna vote for...
  18. I think that goes for all of us! Hang in there! If you need ANYTHING, we're ALL here.
  19. All that you have to do is buy a ticket to the 2015 Muskies Canada ODYSSEY on April 25th. Tickets available on-line at www.muskiescanada.ca
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