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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Many anglers are completely ignorant of seasons, species, and don't know how to interpret the regs. An example is the exceptions and how often anglers do not realize they have to check them for the FMZ they are fishing in. You have to pass a test to hunt Turkey's, are they more important than Steelhead? Muskie? Walleye?
  2. Should be a short test required to get your fishing license...And everyone gets a paper copy...Just my opinion.
  3. Nobody is very good at being self-aware. Most of us (myself included) should regularly think about how we effect others. If I were in your shoes I'd do some self evaluating. I've recently been doing lots...
  4. Never, ever, clean the boat for winter before December 15th!
  5. Another good one...Its too bloody bad this had to be a commercial!
  6. I stand corrected! Though I do seem to recall seeing you in pics with a smoke hanging out of yer mouth....Nothing ruins a fishing picture for me quite like that! YES, I'm an ex-smoker...Finally quit after a few deaths and seeing my Mom lose a good portion of her tongue...
  7. Great report, Chaudiere is a great place! Steve is an awesome host, beauty water. Lose the smokes though...They just make you look dumb...Just sayin!
  8. Yup, if your not in a hurry watch the Cabelas website for sales...Have it delivered to a US address if possible. There's places in Niagara Falls, NY that you can have stuff delivered to. I got a Guide wear jacket and bibs a few years age for under $200
  9. Welcome to OFC! If your going to target Muskie, a net that holds an even bigger fish (in the water) should be bought!
  10. HoseBaits, look them up on Facebook. Best built Muskie Cranks period.
  11. Pete's fish is a Hybrid. For sure. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=80536
  12. Not even a Biologist would 100% ID that fish as a Tiger based on that picture! A count of the sub-mandibular pores would be required. Sorry Ehg!
  13. Good fishing, thanks for sharing...They are addicting (and frustrating) fish!
  14. The launch is right beside the hwy 36 bridge over Nogies Creek.
  15. After successfully using www.myfishingpictures.com for years to post pics I've suddenly become unable to...The reason being is when I log in my photos are HUGE, as opposed to displaying in thumbs like they used to! I'm convinced there's some simple solution that is eluding me! I;ve sent an email to the admins but thus far has gone unanswered...
  16. Troll open water. Please have proper release gear. Be careful the lake can be rough in the right wind.
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