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jjcanoe last won the day on January 5 2020

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About jjcanoe

  • Birthday 04/28/1970

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    London ON
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    Brook Trout

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  1. Find it hilarious that he still needs to hold the thing at arms length to make it look big!
  2. Did the exact same thing last summer for the exact same reason, with the exact same motor! My advice is that if you are going to do this, start looking for your Terrova now, my local dealer told me June for availability on the Terrova. Started searching online from BC to Quebec and found a new one in Laval. That was it. Sold out, unavailable, backorder etc was a very common theme. Fortunately for me I was going to Quebec twice last week and was able to pick it up with no shipping costs.
  3. Can't really compare a 1990's motor to a brand new motor, the OP is buying a brand new motor not a 30 year old one! Never owner a Yamaha, have owned 2 Mercs, a 1996 40hp oil injected 2 stroke and currently own a 2015 115hp 4 stroke, both have been great, the 40 had one issue in the 8 years or so that I owned it (up until 2015) had to replace the stator and thats it. The 115 was bought new with my new boat and have never had a problem with it, reliable, powerful, quiet. I would buy another one in a heartbeat. It trolls low enough to not need a kicker, it pulls the kids on the tube like there's nothing behind it. Just my modern engine $.02
  4. I added iPilot to my Powerdrive this spring thus losing my foot pedal. Worked great, the ipilot is a game changer with spotlock, following tracks, contours if you have Humminbird electronics. The only thing I didn't like about losing my pedal was the ability to stop the motor while fighting a fish without taking a hand off the reel. Hook a fish and it starts coming right at you, sometimes with the boat momentum and the fishes run towards you, there is a lot of slack in your line no matter how fast you can reel. With the foot pedal it was easy, bump with your toe and done, with the remote, take one hand off the reel, hit spotlock or the prop button, put hand back on the reel, fish gone! Thats my only negative about foot pedal vs remote. You do gain extra floor space on the casting deck without the pedal which on a 1650 would be nice (it is on my 1700) All that said I used the the 55# Powerdrive ipilot all season and sold it this fall and bought myself a 80# Terrova, the extra thrust will do my boat well and will gain a more advanced pedal as well as remote.
  5. There is an extensive Pronav thread on here somewhere, you should search it up. I'll try and link to it if I have time
  6. There is an extensive Pronav thread on here somewhere, you should search it up. I'll try and link to it if I have time
  7. Fishing Artifact? Lmao ", which can make you more labor-saving when fishing. The perfect structure allows the fishing reel to run at high speed, so you have no worries about fishing." LOL who writes these ads?!
  8. Probably will be able to change them, but check with the licencing site to be sure. Wasn't aware you could pre plan the days you fished, when buying a non resident licence. Alway thought the 8 days started the day after you bought it. I get one for a relative who visits every few years and that was the case 5 years ago. Looks like that has changed?
  9. Asked the same question back in Jan. Ended up going with the ipilot, the cost difference is just too great. With the Canadian dollar in the crapper it's even a worse deal now
  10. Also limestone based as opposed to granite where you usually fish
  11. Yes quite similar in structure but not as many islands, there are lots of bass near shore and on good days you can almost sight fish them. Walleye not so sure and as for pike I've heard stories about good pike fishing in the area but they might be stories, or maybe not? Try and find some drop offs rocky shoals or flats or river mouths
  12. My bad $20 taxes in Eagle Claw Magnum hook remover
  13. Bought one of those at the spring fishing show for $15, exactly the same. BPS or Cabelas should have them or visit your local tackle store when they open up again
  14. So the main differences are, IPilot: 6 saved tracks, 6 saved spotlocks, must record tracks and save spotlocks as you go Pronav: unlimited for both, can preset these points in advance on tablet or phone via Google earth or Navionics IPilot: remote, lose footpedal Pronav: remote, keep footpedal IPilot app: 2.9 rated by users Pronav app: 4.2 rated by user IPilot: warranty?? One year probably, couldn't find info Pronav: lifetime warranty, lifetime software updates, 1 year buyback guarantee Most other features are quite similar IPilot: $449 Pronav: $849 I guess the question really is, are all the extras worth $400?
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