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Everything posted by Ven-Pisc-ator

  1. Hey Bunk, Nice report, thanks for sharing. Great pix as well. Ven
  2. Cool, Looks like a healthy lake you are fishing. I like the camera on the dogs back. Great fishing partner. That pike was aggressive. Ven
  3. Cool. Fly fishing is the best, especially when you get into good size fish. I use my 4-5 wt with 9ft tippets for this kind of fishing.
  4. Being hijacked to go fishing is always a good thing. . Since this post is a bit older, how was the trip? Ven
  5. Very nice. I hear ya about down sizing. My PB steely was almost 11lbs, caught on a size 10 hook. Ven
  6. Darn, that makes sense. I even googled it......and could find anything that seemed to fit. I guess that is one problem in the world of texting; things can be lost in translation.
  7. great pix. looks like it was a great day out. Ven
  8. Great, thanks for posting. Keep the little ones involved as much as you can. Ven
  9. Nice fish. Too bad the weather was a little bad. Van
  10. Very nice, glad to see the young ones getting into the fishing. The kids will remember trips like that for a long time. Don't you just hate it when a birds nest like that happens. Ven
  11. Nice fish. I am heading out pike fishing tomorrow, I don't expect to catch anything the size you guys got. Ven
  12. Nice. I always carry GPS with me, does'nt matter whether fishing or hunting. Imagine boating around for hours trying to figure out where you are? Nice of ya to get him into port. Ven
  13. Very nice. Ven
  14. Congrats. Nice healthy fish. Ven
  15. When I would return from turkey hunting, I would always have tics on me. I would throw all of my cloths in the drier for 20min. Since the the tics are so thin, they would be difficult to squish, but they dry out in the drier rather quickly. I would always find three of four in the lint trap. Ven
  16. That was a very nice pic report. A great week well spent. Congrats Ven
  17. Nice tale. Looks like an enjoyable day out.... Nice pix as well. Ven
  18. That looks like a great trip. Lots of fun no doubt. Some great pix.Ven
  19. I pulled in singles, but that is outrageous. Anything good in that mess.
  20. Looks like a lot of fun and excitement.
  21. That was cool. With all the dragon flies being taken, I thought it was an a dead dragon fly being taken until the line went tight. Ven
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