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Everything posted by forrest

  1. I have not been since I was a kid.....Edinburgh castle is a tourist trap, but, you know they did some beheadings there and it was built for old tyme war. The old streets of Leith were very cool...but that was 20 years ago, things may have changed. Glasgow kinda blew. Buy candies....lots of candies and chocolate! forrest
  2. its on sale at my local napa...40% off...that means 7$...dont know what it does about ethanol
  3. Add the stabilzer before the gas sits for any length of time. As for an additive that cleans your motor out I have been told to use Seafoam. forrest
  4. If the mate makes *$ an hour thats say 80$ for a long day.....tipping him 60$ seems a bit high. $20-$40 if they kick butt? A self respecting captain would be embarrassed by a cash tip. A captain owns the boat and business. He will hike the price if its required, the guy does not need your charity and has a vested interest in doing his best every time for the sake of the business. I do not know from experience but from the sounds of it here he might be making a better living than most. When I do computer work for people I do not think I should get a tip for doing a good and fast job. I get paid the set rate.....no tips welcome. Whats next? Tipping mechanics? The plumber? Just my opinion. forrest
  5. It weighs quite a bit (77lbs) so it may limit your access to certain areas but looks like it has everything. I know the Hobie float cats strap to your back....don't know if this one does the same. Better than standing on shore. forrest
  6. Secret tip for MTBF (others close your eyes): take a pair of pliers and chew up the outside of the bait a bit....it will release more scent, I think the fish like the texture a bit better too. I like to use this on the grubs with twisty tails. forrest
  7. A good and funny read. Maybe I should have mentioned the same thing happening to me b4.....and I am only 160lbs. On lake Simcoe and without much force the bottom of the chair ripped out fro the non-marine grade plywood. Luckily I did stay in the boat. My immediate thoughts: if I built something similar I would use a large steel plate on the underside of the plywood that he seat could bolt into. forrest
  8. Gulp bacon.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  9. I bet that the OFC teams just got goosed ! 18 carp + 99cents of corn + 10 minute drive = cannot ask for any better than that...you guys rock.
  10. All good info guys . I am going to experiment.....I was trying to mix in some crappie fishing with the pike but that may be a no go. I am not fly fishing (yet) but I was figuring (maybe like Glen) that the fly fishing guys would have the upper hand on this since they throw a lot of flies that they want to float. forrest
  11. 40lb flouro ? That wouldn't even fit through the eye of my lure. Running a light setup here (4lb test on a 5 ft rod). Not normal pike fishing....this is midget pike fishing. Maybe one of those elitist fly-fishing guys (come on...you know your special ) have some say on this? forrest
  12. Cool stuff....excellent trip story and pics. thanks
  13. I need some help and know there will be some light tackle guy here...leaving lures in a pike's mouth sucks. Fishing for pike without a leader? It can be done in certain circumstances.....just not when using a hard bait with double trebles, those lures seem to put the line right in the fishes mouth: These are small pike, 24" max....I am using 4lb mono and want the lightest possible (and most bouyant) leader possible floating would be great. How low on the flouro can I go? Will braiding it help (doesn't that screw up the lines invisibility)? other options? forrest
  14. There is a place just north of Garden and Martinet in Whitby. On the west side beside the hearing doctor guy. They store boats for the winter so they may be worth a shot. forrest
  15. what every you decide to do make sure you use the same oil type for the fill-up.
  16. Does not seem like anyone else is complaining about the repelents melting plastics or scaring off fish (it does scare them off doesn't it?) I could not find anything on Muskol but I did find some health stuff about Off and Listerine for those interested: http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/product.php?prod_id=26188 http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/product.php?prod_id=47700 forrest
  17. meteor from the sky! thats my guess.....a few more ideas and we can have a poll! forrest
  18. Not sure if if I want to say thanks or thanks for grossing me out. Definitely a posting pic. forrest
  19. Here is a super informative link, unfortunately it was designed for rocket scientists: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/propulsion/q0195.shtml
  20. none....yep...no bug spray for me. Too many chemicals and they scare away the fish. That and after the first 20 bites of the season they don't bother me. I say...suck it up or wear a skeeter hat. forrest
  21. haha....Yeah...thats what I have ...but I would have been happy with a Princecraft, Lowe or Starcraft they all have boats that fit the weight and capacity specs I was looking for. The Lund just happened to come my way and its model only gets mentioned when relevant....and a merc happened to be attached to it....a Honda would have been good too. I never did post a lifesize pic of my boat...hmmmm have to get working on that! Its all love ehg forrest
  22. There is a group trying to revitalize the Don. Probably not a good idea to fish it right now even if you do find the fish. Then why not make it a fishing sanctuary? Who in their right mind is going to fish it? forrest
  23. What did the Lund dealer say?
  24. Is there anyway to see the hull of the boat from the inside? Put the boat in the water with as little weight inside as possible, still leak? then you know its below waterline...concentrate efforts there. no leak yet? your in luck..add weight till it leaks....you have narrowed down the search area. you can try distributing the weight front or back....or listing hte boat to one side. this may be time consuming but if you are not making progress in other ways..... forrest
  25. I need another job....one near a house on a lake I can buy......I was having such a perfect evening....sigh. OK...I am all better now. Nice catches! .....I like the double header thing. Its only happened to me a couple of times, a long time ago. Did the fish tire each other out? forrest
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