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Everything posted by forrest

  1. Cotton = cold.
  2. The company that made the $250 fauce (delta)t told me that they should be changed .....parts are free and its easy so I figured once a year was OK and was not disagreed with. Delta also stated not to use grease....I am not a fan of silicone either....but...which silicone product are pros using? Oh yeah...Chloromines break down rubber.....some places are using that instead of chlorine (need to do more research on that one) forrest
  3. I feel for you solopaddler.....been there. Make a backup of your post via copy and paste and your typing will not go to waste.
  4. Great link GCD. I am going to try that too. There is still the common myths that fish hooks will dissolve from stomach acids and leave the fish OK or rust out. Both of those things are false, often fish are released to experience a slow and painful death. forrest
  5. Put grease in my drinking water? no thanks. Delta recommended against it too. If I was not told that this was normal I would have sworn it was being broken down by some solvent of rubber.....like the kind that can be found in some grease. Maybe the chlorine was breaking it down. The rubber was still flexible, with no cracks or pieces missing. I threw the round metal cartridge piece in vinegar and used a tooth brush to rub off the hard water build up...all shiny and non-leaking now. In 6 months I will check and replace 6 months after that, it is super easy. Parts are free for Deltas (lifetime warranty). forrest
  6. I second the Kamik green rubber. Tall and they have a drawstring too. I bought a pair of these for the spring and wore them when it got as cold as 3 degrees on the boat. With a good set of socks I would say you are ready to go. Can't beat the price, especially when they are on sale ($30). forrest
  7. I own one of those single handle kitchen taps. The tap was leaking so I took it apart and put it back together. When I ran the tap again out came all of the black water! Took it apart again and noticed that the spring loaded valve seals had so much material oozing from them I could write with it. After calling the terrible US customer service centre for Delta. I decided to get an answer from the canadian customer service: These seals need to be replaced on a regular basis so they wont deteriorate and seep into the water! you may want to check your faucet (its really easy). Is this common info? Forrest
  8. I have one. it has a light on it! I had little troubles with it, once the braid got caught underneath the counting mechanism. For the $16 I paid it was a good buy. I use it on a bait caster and had to manually remove line from my reel, maybe due to the slick braid line. forrest PS: For $60 you can get a Penn 209 with built in line counter.
  9. About the zero drinking allowed thing: CBC Radio had a bit on this: Graduating from the restricted licenses (G series) coincides with the graduating to legal drinking. Inexperienced with legal alcohol + legal restriction free driving = accident prone. forrest
  10. OH yeah....I do not know what OS you have. If you have Windows 2000 or XP (may have to be pro?) there is also the event logs that show the history of who has logged into the computer both locally and remotely. forrest
  11. As stated in this thread, the error is due to someone else connected to a file or printer share. In the same section that you looked up the "shares" you can also look at "sessions" to see who is sharing what. If you check the "sessions", see nothing and shutdown right away and still get the message there is something else up. It needs to be investigated because someone has access to your PC. forrest PS: there is a computer section for the OFC too.
  12. I just picked up a used Mustang classic one piece suit. There are a few things I noticed: 1) For rain get one that can keep the contents relatively dry. Mine has exposed zippers and my wallet ended up being soaked while the rest of me was pretty dry. 2) The suit alone is not enough to keep you warm size it while wearing a sweater and jacket. 3) I am told that they are not rainwear but I got poured for a couple of hours on and I stayed dry. The suit was damp inside at the end of the day but I think that was mostly from me sweating. forrest
  13. Thats the 2nd day this November you have had a huge hall of fish. Good stuff! 6ft waves . Were you guys fishing in 6ft waves or did you head for calmer water? Does anyone know what do 6ft waves do for lure action? forrest
  14. I know first phrase that is coming to a lot of minds is "your never too old". But, I am thinking that as life goes along a persons ability to do certain things starts to diminish and they stop: -hiking up and down the river -tying knots -staying out in the cold -other physical vigors So, if I live to 100 I still want to be able to fish....what happens with fishing and getting old. Do perch start to feel like large walleye? forrest
  15. Tons of Perch Bass AND fishing past Nov 15 (East of Simcoe here) not bad at all! nice pics, thanks for posting. forrest
  16. Been a bad stressful day for me (trying to buy PC and :blahblah1: ).....I am looking forward to this fight. Couture vs Lesnar: They have weight classes for a reason. But, Couture has a ton of tricks and experience. Too close to call! forrest
  17. I agree with someone earlier in the post....weight is a big factor. You will not get super light weight rod for $60.
  18. being right upfront here: I know squat about planer boards, but, I think the type of wood/flotation is important info.
  19. This thread is out of control. When Lundyboy went off the reservation Cram suddenly released this was not a thread about economics (too funny). Cram had kept repeating 'did you even watch the video' and as it turned out he himself did not watch the Lundboy's video. ROTFL It was like the 2 stooges. (Does that make Cram hypocritical too? Yep). Another person was throwing around profanities and abuse. And the icing on the cake is that the 2 that have been pushing this thread are as pesky and unmoving as Jehova Witness (you can pick your own group). entertaining for a bit but its now old. forrest
  20. Thanks guys. Wish I could get out to Quinte this weekend. Being the cautious fella I am I only bought one board, My other board was a $15 sidewinder job that worked well (from what I know and with no fish caught). If it is $20 out of my pocket, as suggested, I am buying something else and use this Offshore planer for a.....door wedge. thanks guys! forrest
  21. Is anyone getting the feeling that these videos might have something to do with an Amway/Primerica pitch ?
  22. Thanks UB....I think the clip in the link is the one you mentioned OR-18. I should add that I did not catch anything with the board yet and figured the best way to rig it was to have the board release the line and slide down to a stopper just above the leader. I know "pros" clip the line on the board and when they catch a fish they reel in far enough to release the board and then fight the fish. I did not catch anything so I don't know what the most enjoyable thing is. I wish I could work in BOQ this weekend, meet a few OFNers and pick up some planer experience...but..... Should I just get the OR-18 and figure it out later? forrest
  23. Time was tight when I shopped for a planer board and all I could get was an "off Shore" OR-12 board (someone here recommended the "walleye board". There were no accessories available for it so I went stock. As I read in other posts, those stock release clips just don't cut it with braided line. I tried the double loop thing and am certain that trick results in the release not releasing at all sometimes. I was looking to upgrade the release and came across this: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...;cmCat=WISHLIST Anyone have experience on the release/braid problem? forrest A bit of a scam if you ask me....why not state flat out that braid does not work well with the boards.....$20 upgrade for a $30 board to make it work like I thought it would in the first place.
  24. 3 suggestions: 1) the popular DVD Shrink option is a good one to try first....it is easiest. 2) Knock yourself out with http://doom9.net/. You will be able to pull/burn the content you want. High level of PITA 3) tell her to be happy with what she has because all you had when you were a kid was Hammy Hampster and Friends. This may cause crying or a funny look from your daughter. forrest
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