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Everything posted by forrest

  1. The reason there is compliance is because it is easy to comply, the fines are steep and the law is regularly enforced. Seatbelt and drinking laws are regularily enforced and it is not hard to do so. It is hard to get out of those charges. It will be the same with cell phones, a cop sees you and you get a ticket. This all depends on how hte law is written. BTW: according to The Star it is the physical interaction with the GPS unit that will be targeted. forrest
  2. If you have a big musky lure on a muskie type outfit and reel one in you are more likely to get on the wrong side of the CO. If the CO asks you "catch anything?" are you going to say "nothing"? If you are targeting pay the extra 6 bucks for the license and feel good about it. Is it possible to upgrade those 3 year licenses from conservation to sportsman? forrest
  3. thanks for saving my lazy butt!
  4. I have heard of people getting tickets in paddle boats so I have to ask. What regulations are there for those small pontoon boats that one uses flippers or oars to propel? With and without motor. forrest
  5. Their is scientific clinical studies that prove a person pays less attention to their driving when on the phone. It is close to an impossibility not to be distracted, even when on a hands free. Think about next time your on the phone, try to do something else that requires concentration. Countless times I have seen people drive poorly and often they are on a cell at the same time: why is that guy driving 50 in a 60 zone? how come that guy did not signal their turn? why isn't that guy paying attention? Its about time it was banned. forrest
  6. Kid + no vest + sitting on top of sern seat + big flying fish = dangerous + big fine in a lot of places flying fish + 10x20 ft net + trailing boat = easy lunch
  7. Those tabs look convenient. Do they mess with the sonar? Backtrolling: I have a tiller and it worked well for slowing us down but I was choking on the motor exhaust. 2 drift socks or 2 pails instead of 1, that way you stay straight. forrest
  8. The measurement that counts is inches per crank. my 5:1 spinning reel does the same line uptake as my 7:1 baitcaster. do what feels right for your fishing.....ignore the marketing A longer rod can help... forrest
  9. This should have been an easy one for Leaf supporters over 35: Tiger Williams 3966PM is a record that has stood the test of time
  10. I got the part about fogging and the oil doing the same thing. So "fogging" oil is just a bit of a scam and regular oil does the same thing? forrest
  11. Read the manual for the motor. The mercury 4 stroke EFI manual says to put a small amount of engine oil in each cylinder and rotate the fly wheel to distribute. It says nothing about fogging cylinders. If anyone wants the storage page from the merc manual PM me (too tired to post pic) Shouldn't there be a faq on winterizing motors? forrest
  12. Where does it say I have to enter the derby? I am just reading the threads here....my mistake I certainly would no be kicking myself for not entering the derby; just the same as I don't kick myself for entering 100's of derbys and lotteries across the province. And why would I want to go through plunking my boat in a canoe (that I don't have) when I can just walk down a road until I hit a river, hop in and start fishing? I heard that a few people from Angus are real litter bugs so Durham region is charging a $100 "access" fee for anyone from Angus that comes down here to fish Lake Ontario. Sounds very wrong to me, but, other municipalities on the lake are starting to do this too. I guess someone with a legal and unbiased brain has to look at this.....nuf said...endless thread this will be. forrest
  13. Oh yeah....I forgot all about that fishing derby part. 1) Fish in river are owned by the people of Ontario. 2) Essa forces people to enter their derby if they want to fish Does this mean that Essa is illegally charging a fee (Derby part of fee) for for fish they do not own? Sounds like an illegal scam to me. forrest
  14. Just because a person(s) is ticked does not give them the right to do wrong. Fishing access is no different than any other access to the river and its surrounding area. All fishermen are being targeted with an unfair and broad brush stroke. Hike the fine for littering, threaten to ban all fishing like Bowmanville has a sign threatening that they will close the boat ramp. Try those things before implementing a fee most people obviously won't be paying. Not that I fish there but what happens if I told a by-law officer to kiss off? What powers do they have? forrest
  15. Whats so special about Essa that they get to charge a special fee? Lets imaging every municipality did this. Would that be feesable? No. They have to come up with a better plan. forrest
  16. Maybe its an education thing? Maybe a half page in the fishing regulations or a blurb on the licenses would help? forrest
  17. Nice fish. How was it after the wind picked up? forrest
  18. I have read that LL Bean has lifetime warranties on some waders.
  19. Do regular house chores wearing them, keep the wrist weights light or your wrists close enough to your body to avoid shoulder strain. Make sure the chores involve range of motion. forrest
  20. Sure is!
  21. Well there were several big perch around but there were no walleye found. We stayed on the one rod side of the ferry, marked little. Note: we are not walleye guys. There were a few other boats but they all left before dark...thats the end for the skunky report. forrest
  22. From what I understand these bulbs can be changed by the owner. A buddy of mine bought a back up from ebay at less than 1/2 price. chekc out hte AVS forums: http://www.avsforum.com forrest
  23. Nice boat and kiddo. So does this mean less urban fishing reports? A1) I always keep my gas tank outside. The garage is sealed but I always seem to smell a bit of gas from it. I also smelled gas with just the engine in the garage too.....this winter I may store it outside. If I smell gas outside it goes. A2) I did not want to fasten my transducer to the boat right away so I used a $12 clamp from Tite-Lok "Big-C-Mount" and attached it to a piece of l-bracket iron from CTC I has lying around. It does not work at more thank 15mph (working on a solution for that) and a suction cup mount may work just as well (also $12). A lot of people use a plastic bread board mounted to the hull (use marine sealant on screws) so future installations are easy. forrest
  24. I put them in my pants. chicks seem to dig it.
  25. Great pics and commentary. thanks for posting. forrest
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