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Everything posted by forrest

  1. Go to a Canadian Tire. Ask the clerk to look the item up in their huge marketing binder.....all details will be in there. forrest
  2. The computer system the CTC employees use has a lot of inventory info including item receive date, order dates and backorders. So from that they can tell you how many they sold too. Did the CTC guy say when they were getting them in? Did they give a raincheck? The flyers are planned in advanced and stock does not always make it in on time. forrest
  3. I completely agree and like your setup better than that one the guy converted. He did it for hobby purposes too and previously his webpage said he might not go through the same labour of love again. Often I look at your posts and know I will eventually follow the same path that you did SSV first then a Classic type boat. I looked at the classic and thought it was the greatest thing. My choice for a bare bones hull boiled down to money. The price of a roomier feature full boat is one thing but adding the tow vehicle I would have to buy ended up being too much. It is all about the fun though. forrest
  4. Hey.....I wasted a lot of time. duh This guy did a whole conversion on a IPS hulled SSV-18 and put a 60HP motor on it and tested the speed on the finished boat: http://www.correllconcepts.com/boat_conversion.htm forrest
  5. With a light crosswind on a Garmin etrex GPS....maybe Mike has large friends I did not leave it there long....whats the point....I can enjoy my day without taxing the engine or comfort level. I guess I will have to kidnap a couple of you guys and throw you in. I don't like cars, fast boats or other fast toys. I do not bull about speed. forrest
  6. OK....so from my experience with the ssv-16, 40HP merc 4strk on GPS, with 1100lbs gross weight, 2 guys in the boat, I did 34mph and there was still room on the throttle for more (if I had a higher pitched prop.....hey I had to go fast at least once So add 150lbs for the SSV-18 setup (with 4 stroke)....consider the HP on the motor is 150% of mine and guess what the speed with be. 50MPH stats: From the SERVICE MANUAL, the ones a mechanic would use to tear the engine down, that mercury puts the specs in for my 40.....maybe they were testing on aluminum race boats, so see above for my real world no crap experience. forrest PS....I gotta ask again...who wants to do 50 in a tiller? PS....and my bad for not emphatically stating that I have not done 50.
  7. OK...so what is up with the merc manual giving an estimate of top speed of their engine on a 800lb boat being 45-53mph? Are they completely fabricating the numbers? forrest
  8. Who really wants to do 50mph in a tiller? Of course the hull has something to do with it but hydrodynamics and aero dynamics is a bit much for the conversation. Throw a top on the boat look out! Higher weight....drop the pitch. The lighter the boat the higher the pitch required to result in the same forces on the motor parts. I am not a mechanic but I did good in physics and read the mercury documentation. .....being more correct by saying it is all about force/pitch/revs just sounds silly. And an aluminum prop.....thats a choice but it puts extra force on the prop shaft if you hit something doesn't it? And they cost a fortune! forrest Where are the mechanics?
  9. Dug the merc manual out of the garage. From the Merc manual: Prop: 10", 19 pitch, 3 blades Boat: Gross weight up to 800lbs Resulting speed range: 45-53mph. My total boat weight bare bones: 810lbs 350lbs (hull) 220lbs (engine) 165lbs (me) 50lbs (battery) 25lbs (fuel) Bare bones ssv-18 add 110lbs + 30lbs for 60HP = 950lbs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 30HP merc gives the same top speed at 600lbs so a total guess would be SSV-18 up to 1200lbs with 60HP motor on it would do 53mph that is until it flips over backwards I think I may like hte 40hp in the future but this year 30 would have easily been enough. I probably could have gotten away with a 30HP and been just as happy or happier for ever....I would have been 45lbs lighter on the transom and not have to be moving my batteries and add weight to the front. forrest
  10. The mercury service manual has several pages of specs that relate boat weight, prop size/pitch and motor size (worth the $90): With over revving Its the other way around. An increased pitch puts a load on the engine, Too low a pitch (slower top end) and your enginre revs out: Bicycle Analogy on flat land: Put your bike in the hardest gear, you will get top speed and not rev out. Put your bike in the easiest gear, you will top early and be reving your poor legs to an accident. right now my boat is under propped. It will max out at ~34mph without being at full revs or throttle, I need more weight in the boat or a higher pitch prop for the ideal setup. For that and other reasons I always take it easy at a reasonable 24mph. BTW....its bad to over prop it too. Its all about the proper weight/prop match. forrest
  11. An SSV-16 with a 40HP motor and one driver will do 50MPH+. Its all in the prop.....certain pitches will top you out at xMPH, doesn't matter what boat it is on. An SSV-18 with 60 will do? forrest
  12. Bombadier is proactive in ensuring Canadians do not purchase in the US. Bombadier may also require that you bring the vehicle in for an inspection to ensure the recalls for that vehicle are done....part of the $350 I would think. Things that may help you get around this. Have the seller get the letter for you. Get the letter from a bombadier office in another country. forrest
  13. I think that fish was caught 3 weeks ago. How about posting the thread you got it from?
  14. The reviews on the BPS sight would steer me away from it.
  15. Someone mentioned watching out for a gap at the bail. One of the BPS reels I have ends up getting line between the drag disc adjustment and the spool and ends up wrapping around and around There are more places to buy online from than BPS and still get a good price. I know squat about that reel, but, if it is going to be your primary reel get something tried and true. I paid a big price for my SS Tournament ~20 years ago....still in great shape and never gave me a problem. Many reel promotions offer an extra spool: I did not care about an extra spool when I bought it but I really want one now. forrest
  16. http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/whit-fishing.html: "White Lake is swimming with walleye, northern pike, whitefish and perch" oh...and water (just wanted to confirm earlier post) Is this the place?
  17. http://www.tc.gc.ca/marinesafety/debs/obs/..._words.htm#LJ05 PFDs do not require yellow, red or orange....life jackets do. PFDs are good for recreational boating only....that means fishing too I am guessing. Doesn't matter though....if there is no label there is no label. forrest
  18. If they said that is what it will be.....who are we to doubt Environment Canada? OK, my bad. People keep asking their opinion and they give it, so they are wrong 40% of the time, that just means they are right 60%.....it is interesting news for some. Maybe retailers use the info to decide the volume of items they will purchase. One things for sure, I don't plan my life around it. forrest
  19. Will you do a favour and jump in the lake with it? Q&A from videos: Cost: $300 US.....said about a top and bottom I think. Approved?: nope.....you need to have an approved flotation device on hand Will it replace a boat?: Get a large friend....with one of those suits he will be able to hold 2 extra people. One piece?: only 2 piece were shown in the videos and on the website Will you get wet if submerged?: yes forrest
  20. She is your better half By chance do you have a large pile of unused purchases? forrest
  21. Its just a little political storm....nothing much you or I can do about it.....tough it out.....it'll pass quicker if you don't get uptight about it. As for payroll not getting you up and going...well my lips are sealed. forrest
  22. Yes, sensible timing on the christmas stuff downside: as soon as the wife sees it the pressure for the tree will be on
  23. Hi Pete, LOL That pic the action angling guy/board member Rich doing some fine acting: http://www.actionanglingtv.com/ I can think of at least 2 digital camera measurement tools that are relatively new ideas...modify them, test them, market them..... I know its doable, your a man that could make it happen. With Regards, Mike
  24. LOL Don't go around shouting you have $5000 in your pocket....its a sure way to get mugged. If I was foolish enough to swipe $5000 bucks from you I think i would run before counting. I know what happened to that perch, it only took your bait:
  25. Again you distort the facts but thats part of what you do: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll -I compared the rumor of a world record muskie before the pic was posted to that of the sasquatch being found -I edit a lot of responses immediately after posting to fix mistakes.....not later on to distort an argument. stop speculating with zero facts thats what trolls do. -thats right...he is not making the claim on this board....he IS making the claim. Someone else is making the claim for them. -Why would he not feel welcome? No one is calling him a liar......just the catcher of a monster. forrest
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