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Everything posted by jtracc

  1. Hey guys, a buddy of mine is hosting his annual bass tournament in the parry sound area. Think it's $80 per team, not a large field will be maxing it out. If anyone is interested pm me and I will provide further info. Thx Joe
  2. I have a 2012 crestliner fish hawk with 2 rams on the dash. A 5 and a 7 inch unit. The newer crestliners have a reinforced dash. All I did was add extra large washers. Solid as a rock. Accually, the ram up front mounded on the deck came loosed before the one on the dash, so did on of my tm bolts.
  3. Not to far from central outboard marine. I will try them. Don't need to got to a Lund dealer I can get one from a crestliner dealer. The problem is I have to order and the full power pedestal one is over $400!
  4. I know almost every tin bost has this from factory..... Bass pro doesn't have the post, they have the seat adapter and a drivers base but that's it. I'm waiting for crestliner dealer to get back to me but I'm guessing is not going to be cheap. Thx for info Joe
  5. Hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows where I can get one of these posts for my crestliner? They are also used on Lund and princecraft. I can't seem to locate a local dealer. Looking for the tall 27" post for a second butt seat. I have the adjustable one that came with my boat, but dealer wants like $400 for another one, so they can keep it. Any info appreciated Thx Joe
  6. Really??? I have the elite 7 and I can navigate through it with my eyes closed. The thing about lowrance is every unit they make all work somewhat the same way. So my hds 7 functions are very similar to my hdi 7 making it supper easy. I find the humminbirds difficult to use. Was out on a buddies boat fishing Lake Ontario. He had a hb at the wheel (not sure what one but it was like a 10 inch screen) and hds 8 up front. The hds 8 was performing way better, I was picking off fish left and right and the hb was hard to read. My buddy even said he wanted to replace with hds 12. The down scan is a great tool, it doesn't replace the traditional sonar just makes it way more useful. When they on split screen you miss nothing. I would get one that has both features no matter what brand you get. Garmin on the ball to with their new units.
  7. I know the big girls are you there, in fact the biggest ones are coming up in the parry sound area. And yes I too am hearing 7 pounders being caught this year.
  8. Don't really need people to tell me where to fish I'd like to think I'm pretty capable of catching fish... My questions where based on expectations. Thanks for all the info guys I will let you know how I made out. FYI I was a member of Ontario out of doors for 10 plus yrs, unfortunately it's not the site it use to be so I moved on. cheers everyone Joe
  9. Hey guys,my family has a cottage just east of parry sound and for years I've wanted to fish the bay, I'm just a little apprehensive with all the rocks. Recently I fished the bay south of parry sound with a buddy and we put a beating on the bass. I am super motivated to try the bay up in parry sound and wondering a few things. 1. Can I expect to be protected by high winds ? 2. Is there good action within the inner part of the bay or do I have to venture out to the main bay.. 3. Is there large weed clumps flats like the south end of the bay where flipn and pitchn can be used or is it more rocky? Thx for any info Joe
  10. No doubt that some of these smaller lakes can produce big bass, I have seen and caught it. But the fact is bigger water produce bigger fish. For example simcoe, tournament just wrapped up there this weekend 2 teams weighed over 25lbs each day. Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, lake St. Clair, Georgian bay, these are all very large bodies of water that constantly produce big fish. And not just one species, pike, muskey, walleye lakers all larger in these types of waters.
  11. Nice bass and sweet duster dude!
  12. Georgian Bay... Picked off 6lbs pig this week. I can't seem to attach a pic says it's no big and my iPad can't shrink it.
  13. Hey Chris have a look at the new F150 if you in the market. You can fit all your gear, family and tow a house. The best part is it's gonna get better gas mileage then your ranger. That's s nice stand up, I have always wanted one ever since I was a kid.
  14. For light weight warmer weather look at the frog togs, they are decent price and will keep you dry. For the cooler months I have a bps 100 mph suit, very well built and work great. I had the old suit for 10 yrs and still keep me bone dry. I also have the newest style which are even better. Simms are nice but if you don't feel like spending $1100 look at the 100 mph suit.
  15. It's tough with those types of baits in heavy cover. A lot of the time a bass will actually push the bait away as it strikes, added with the slop under it the hook up percentages are lowered. If you miss a solid strike, have a second rod handy rigged with some sort of plastic worm, lizard or senko. When a bass blows up and misses the frog reel in quickly and follow up with the plastic bait. A lot of times the bass will strike and you get your fish. This works for me. I also use this when casting reaction type baits. If I get a miss, followed up with smaller slower plastic and boom. Sorry just read what grimsbylsnder posted. It works...
  16. Ya that's the lake... I remember lots of fish and even a few nice ones but that was over 10 yrs ago
  17. Hey guys, I use to fish this lake when I was a lot younger. Haven't been there in years, I remember catching lots if smaller LM bass and a few decent ones. Anyone fished it recently? How has the fishing been? Any pigs? Thx Joe
  18. Poor guy probably scared to hell.
  19. I definitely would be causing hell. You put a stop cheque on that motor? Good, soon as he calls you tell him he will get the money when he gives you money to repair the transom. Till that happens enjoy the motor at no cost. This is why I like rigging my boat. My merc was factory installed but everything else I did in my garage at my own pace nice and slow. May have taken me double the time but I know it's done correct. Too bad nan this should be a happy time.
  20. I grew up fishing and camping on the moon river in bala. I would suggest starting your trip in bala at the falls and end it at the mouth. As you paddle down the lake south on gaunt bay there are several canoe routs you can stop, camp for the night or just stop for a rest and a bite to eat. It will prob take you guys a few hours to get to the narrow part of the river that is dammed. I think this rout is the nicest, most scenic and most private. You really feel like you are in the wilderness. Now there is more portaging as the river drops as you get to the mouth. The fishing is excellent, there will be tons small mouth with pike and walleye as you get closer to the mouth. There is even a few LM holes! Have a look on google maps I think it's a nicer trip. Good luck and have fun Joe
  21. How often does Lake Ontario stay nice and calm like that? I have tried jigging for them at my buddies cottage in haliberton. It's a blast, they not as big as those lake O beauties but man they can hit hard.
  22. I sent you a pm
  23. Have to wait another week for zone 15 to open up. It's killing me! Prob gonna finish work around the house cause as soon as my bass season gets going I don't do much other then bass fish. I'll be heading up to the cottage in the parry sound area and hit the cottage lake on Saturday, and a back lake Sunday. May even try Gbay. I'm hoping the bite will be on, weather has been cool and the water has been the same. Any how next Saturday will prob be a few 12 hr day of fishing for bass may squeeze a walleye bite in if I feel like it. Happy bass opener everyone! Anyone else gonna be up in parry sound area?
  24. Yup 6% -5% for duel axle trailer. That's what my shorelander trailer owners guide says, I'm not a trailer expert but if that is what my trailer manufacture is saying.... Not trying to get into an argument here I'm just saying that's what shorelander says and that about 98% accurate to what I have. So....
  25. Then multiply by 6% bam you get your tongue weight. I'm balls on with 93 lbs I'm about 90 lbs. my rig close to 1600 lbs. fish hawk 1750 115 opti. 3 batteries and all the trimmings.
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