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Everything posted by kemper

  1. I blew up my Raven two years ago against a shale wall on the Credit - took it in to Kingsway Tackle in Guelph and they sent it to Raven that day. I had a brand new rod back in under a week and it cost me $16. That's exactly how service should be, I loved that rod but it was seriously undergunned in anything other than small slow water
  2. Thanks all, I have contacted Rob, and I'm quite seriously considering putting my name on the list but I'm also looking at a few other options as well
  3. I've been hearing about this 5" Islander for a while now, does anyone know anything official? I'd hate to go pick up the original if there is a 5" in the works...
  4. Can you put me in contact with Rob? I've always liked the riverkeepers...
  5. I'm looking to treat myself to a new float reel this Christmas, leaning towards an Islander because I've always liked them...but there are some really nice customs out there lately also. Accepting any suggestions, I'll disregard price for discussion purposes. Of course if anyone has a custom that they need field tested... Kemper
  6. Thanks all, I will hopefully have these things nailed down by next Monday Kemper
  7. I'm signed up now, assuming all works as planned this will be run off that platform
  8. Perfect, Thanks! I'll look into that. Stay tuned Kemper
  9. Hi all, It’s been a while since I’ve been around, hope all is well. I’ve been busy with University and full-time co-op work for the past 8 months, but I have been able to give the float rod a workout on weekends. I’m currently looking at a big research project on entrepreneurship and the commercialization of a product or service. I haven’t decided which sector my focus will be on as of yet, but I think it makes sense to go with something I know – outdoor lifestyle products or services. I will be designing a quick (5 minute) survey specific to several different groups, all of which I know participate on this site. The groups will likely include anglers, hunters, boat owners (for this one you can choose to be in the boat owners or anglers section), and entrepreneurs/business owners. It would be really nice if I could get a balance of all of the above. My question is how many of you would be willing to participate and help out with this research project? If I get a good enough turnout I’ll go ahead with the surveys – it will likely be done via email because I don’t want to clog up the site with my NF junk. Thanks, Kemper
  10. I'm not singling out "tree huggers", I am just stating that there is a line between healthy conservation and hacking at rights to go fishing. Your license fees, as well as mine should go to all conservation and stocking efforts...contrary to popular belief I do fish in places other than ditches for species other than trout. I realize that the 'steelheaders' (I hate that word) around here and other boards have built themselves a brutal reputation when it comes to attitude towards well....just about anything but try not to paint me with that same brush. That is mostly the reason that I stopped posting, once you are labeled the few ruin it for the many. Personally, I think that we need a NO KILL on the rivers because I see no need to either eat a fish that is about to spawn, or one that has just spawned and is all worn out and probably tastes like dirt. Will it ever happen? Not likely, nor will we see a reduction in the ridiculous lake limit...if you think the river guys are bad go watch the charters come in day after day with 25-30 fish in the cooler. Why is it okay to kill them in the lake before they have headed up to spawn? I have killed less bows in my life than one guy is allowed to in a single day out there.
  11. *crawls out of OFC hibernation Don't mean to single you out Mike, but this post just caught my eye as have several other similar ones in the past few days... There seems to be this attitude from a group that is growing where it has become 'unethical' to fish for just about anything, during just about any time of year. "Don't fish for fresh run fish, they are heading up to spawn," "Don't fish for dropbacks, they are weak and will die right on the spot" "Don't fish for residents they cant handle the warm temps" The trout fishery here is among the best in the world, and with some common sense can easily be kept that way. Reduce limits, extend sanctuaries etc etc, that is all good but let's not get carried away. A trout is a trout, a trout that is in season is a trout that is in season...and likely a trout that is in season is on the end of my line. Start splitting hairs and soon I will have to send Silvio in with an underwater camera to check out if the fish is spawned out or not before I set the hook. I don't really contribute anymore, but I still read a lot because I learned tons around here and some other boards...but lately I feel like I have been reading P3TA forums. I am all for conservation...but let's just do more fishin and less bit(hin
  12. I heard you didn't need to splurge for the two bearing model when you were just starting out, something about upgrading in the future after you decide if its the method you like...
  13. I think you missed my point, I'm on the fish-whatever-catches-fish side of the river
  14. Its beauty threads like this that bring me out of hibernation with a good laugh. I'll probably see ya at the Willy or Bville as usual, I'll be the guy with the barbie closed face on my float rod slammin bows.
  15. The lake is big, but its the shore spots that are limited. I probably wouldn't notice the effect if I had a boat, but since I'm grounded...
  16. good fishin but... I gotta say I wish people would ease up on the location posting. I was out two nights ago and where I have been fishing in relative peace for several years there were 50-60 glow floats bobbing around. I realize Lake Scugog is no secret, but a lot of people read/lurk this board and I guarantee tonight there will be an extra ten down there searching for crappies. end rant. This is why I stopped posting, back to hibernation.
  17. Last April while on the bank of a favorite river the guy beside me had his cell phone go off. I listened to him tell his wife that he was still at the office and he likely wouldn't be home till late. He continued to explain exactly what project he was working on and who he had to call etc. I was dying of laughter on the bank by the end of the call.
  18. good fishin dude. I walk away for five minutes and thats what I miss...
  19. Different systems get different coloured fish... I fish a small river and the smaller fish have an orange colour to them, especially the fins. Go figure?
  20. Knocked one off my list a couple summers ago. Flyfishin the Birkenhead just outside whistler BC
  21. I enjoy watching Tiger Woods golf....he is an incredible athlete. After seeing this....I STILL will enjoy watching Tiger Woods golf, because he is still an incredible athlete. Fact is, I do not care one tiny little bit about the whole story because I don't believe that I (or any of us) should KNOW what the hell happens in his personal life. The guy is an athlete, not Paris freakin' Hilton...and we are grown men and women not 13 year old girls obsessed that Paris got a new pink collar for her dog. Tiger isnt perfect (SHOCK. Get over it. Time to go fishin...
  22. Yup, an exercise in futility. Doesn't stop me from trying when I've had my fill of serious steelheading for the spring. I also got a couple stripping a huge zonker minnow this spring!
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