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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Grab a spool of fly line backing and spin a bunch of it on first. Float reels hold stupid huge amounts of line
  2. Ive never pulled one off but I have built a rod and I gotta say I don't think its gonna be too easy to get the handle assembly off without damaging the blank. That said I know people can do it so I guess you just have to talk to the right person. That reel seat would be too far back for me too
  3. Hey Steve, I knew Dave didn't do all that walkin himself Don't worry bud, I'm keepin that one in my back pocket...its a beauty! As for the raven, yes it came home in more pieces then it left in and its currently out for warranty. The 11'6" st. croix just doesnt cut it on that water
  4. I gotta admit man....I have NO idea what you are talking about Im talking about a string of reports on a small river that lead to it being absolutely demolished last season.
  5. Not a question of where its going because although strange things happen I do suspect that it will remain in the same location. Its a small river, with a small run and only about a km of water for the fish to concentrate in. Last spring saw days where 20 fish were kept from one 50 foot section days in a row. River can't sustain that kind of pressure, a few years down the road its going to be empty
  6. yep, the slaughterhouse would be a good description. there are a few guys on here myself included that are really going to miss that little gem of a river.
  7. I was thinking IACV or its in need of a cooling system purge... but vac leak is also a likely culprit and Ill have a look thanks!
  8. Dude are we thinking of the same river!? Shes REAL low and gin right now...
  9. For sure dude, I need to put a bend in the rod...I'm thinking about busting out the custom st.croix, lets get out next weekend/week?
  10. I agree, but I watched one of my favourite rivers get DESTROYED last season because of reports (mine included). I don't need the glory shots of the 323423 bows I caught, but sometimes the shiny ones deserve a pic! cheers
  11. picture here or there, im just avoiding reports thats all
  12. Yikes. I have a motor teardown to do on my car...idle is all wrong. Thing is, I don't really feel like doing it. So hopefully the old beater gets through the winter and then Ill just get a new one...lol
  13. Mike, I have plenty of gear layin around we will get out when were both home for christmas break. Just let me know when a good time for you is and Ill do my best to put you on some steel...
  14. Backgrounds protected for fear of Dave making me swim with the fishes next time were out...
  15. Why? This is why. this one too.
  16. yep, seems to be the only way to go
  17. RV9? Im interested in that rod.... but Im thinking a 14' IM9 is next
  18. Thanks for the offer, but I probably need a couple weeks to get my school work done anyways. The tackle shop I dropped it off at is great and they said they were sending it out and that raven usually turns rods around for them same day? seemed strange to me too but I dont see why the tackle shop would have any reason to lie about it especially since I didnt even buy the rod there?
  19. Fired it out for warranty, looks pretty good to me lifetime unconditional no matter how it breaks. Gonna cost me $30 and Ill have it back in two weeks....not bad.
  20. I dont know if its been said yet, but take your rod in when youre buying a reel...a reel that looks good in a case isnt always the one that feels right on the rod
  21. Oh its been time to upgrade for a while but I am a student and well, its float rod or food. Tough decision I know, but a guys gotta eat! Thanks for the offer Bill, Ill see what other options comes my way but I may just take you up on that
  22. Anyone out there that has a tip section to a Raven IM6 13'6" float rod? Warranty will get me a fix...eventually but seeing as its prime season and my other float rods are way too weak for the big water I have been fishing (the raven is too but thats another issue) I need a quick fix. I COULD just cut about a foot out of it and repair it myself but that will kill my chances of EVER getting a replacement from Raven I'm sure. Yes, I realize I am a loogan. Have your laugh, but seriously does anyone have a top section for the 13'6" IM6 Thanks all Kemper
  23. Never claimed to be an expert...guess he will have to disregard what I have said and wait for the real experts to chime in
  24. I run the SST-3 and although its no kingpin it is a hell of a reel and can be had for a great price. Overall, cant go wrong with an islander but it all comes down to preference
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