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Everything posted by kemper

  1. I've had the card since I was 13, and I've been checked a grand total of... not one single time! Might as well just pay the $250 dollar fine once every 20 years for the rest of my life and save the hassle.
  2. So I lost my PCOC. That shouldn't be a problem, it's just like replacing a Driver's Licence right? Apparently not - I have to contact the organization who administered the course and test. Right - will do...except it was 9 or 10 years ago and I was 13 at the time. Finally find out who administered the test - they no longer exist. Am I an idiot, or is this the most disjointed system of all time?
  3. Brutal - but whether its a fishing report or something like this its ALWAYS better not never mention 500 fish and the name of a river in the same post. Especially when you're dealing with small systems.
  4. I took a swim in the Bighead this past December, stepped on a rock that looked "wet" but with the sub zero temps it was ice. My wading belt and waterproof jacket with cuffs and waste band zipped tight kept me almost perfectly dry except for a real wet hat.
  5. Edit* Ah nevermind...I drive a Honda.
  6. Call Andrea and tell her I sent you (Brady Kemp) Great resort, and Andrea will take great care of you.
  7. I'm not a dog person - I wouldn't consider owning a dog and for the most part I don't like anyone else's dog either. That said, my uncle owns the breed you are asking about and its probably the only dog I've ever been comfortable around and enjoyed the company of. Great dog - quiet, well trained, awesome with his small kids. Take that for what its worth.
  8. Would you lend money to someone who showed up at your door with no assets you might be able to get your hands on should they stop paying you back...
  9. Why is that weird Bill? I run mine pretty close to dead center, my current build is an inch rear of center. I find it hard to fish all day without some leverage under my forearm.
  10. That is pretty cool stuff Mike, I'd love to tangle with a fish like that on the fly. I managed to tackle one of my own this fall, he was slumming it in one of our east tribs...no lake Tahoe mind you. Didn't put a tape on it, but had to be somewhere around the 30" mark.
  11. Keep your car as far from CTC as possible. I took mine there once because I needed a repair on a Saturday, and it was a complete fiasco that ended in me booting it to Partsource and doing it myself in the driveway. Also depending on what you drive it isn't surprising that a tie rod would fail. Newer Chev/Pontiac cars like the G5/Cobalt have suspension components that are made of dust, a friend of mine had a Cobalt with 40,000km and every bushing in the front end had essentially disintegrated.
  12. Thanks Bill...I posted earlier but wasn't sure if I wanted to get into it or not. I just don't get it.
  13. There is a hairspray trick too...problem is I can't remember if you spray the outside and then turn them inside out or vice versa.
  14. I stock up on expensive rods when they go on sale. I tend to break lots of equipment in car doors, trees, falling down banks etc. If I was out $150 bucks every time I broke I rod I would be in financial ruin. Picked up a couple Compre's for something like $60 this summer.
  15. I got to the point with mine where they were leaking from everywhere it seemed. I'm a student, and I'm in the middle of building a new rod so several hundred for new waders simply wasn't in the budget. $5 tube of shoe goo, turned them inside out and sealed all the seams with the shoe goo. Haven't been wet since.
  16. Sorry, no lakes within 1 1/2 hours of Whitby. Try lawn bowling. You could pretty much fire a cast in any direction and hit water, give it a try.
  17. I think we can end this one after that, seems logical to me. Gerritt, what is the name of that tactic for catching fat Quinte 'eyes again?
  18. I'm fairly confident that I have caught the point, my elementary school teachers did a wonderful job of teaching me how to read. A difference of opinion does not always equate to one party "missing the point" as you have politely pointed out on nearly every post I've written in the past three weeks. You take me entirely too seriously.
  19. If the mods had to go through that process every time something came up that needed to be edited TJ would need to hire 500 more. Are you going to pay them? **edit: I should add that I have been silently edited once or twice during my stay, and it was likely well deserved.
  20. Realized I doubled up some of those pics...they all look the same in thumbnail version on photobucket. Here's a nice coloured up male to make up for it! Crappy cell phone picture, but this fish had red fins. Banked this one about 3 minutes before I took my swim.
  21. With all of this rain and unseasonably high temps the first week of December was one to remember. Made a few trips, mostly solo to lake Ontario and Gbay rivers all with a level of success that is unexpected in December. Not only were the bows hungry, but they fought like it was October with some awesome acrobatics. As usual, I only snapped a few shots because I was alone. These are from my cell phone, I took a swim in a large, high and VERY cold Georgian Bay river this past weekend that pooched my camera. Be careful out there, my wading belt and tightly cinched waterproof jacket kept me fairly dry but without the right gear and some luck it easily could have been a very different story. Enjoy. And last but not least I banked my biggest of the season, easily over the 10lb barrier and likely pushing 12 or 13 but the only picture I managed to get was of his tail. As I was repositioning myself to get a better shot he decided that the water looked better than the bank and went back in the drink. No harm, I guess you will just have to believe me on the size . For those still heading out - wear your spikes, wading belt, and don't try any stupid crossings. It's not October anymore.
  22. Egg saaaaaaacks. The bait of choice for Atlantics. On a more serious note, mother nature was indeed kind to us this week.
  23. I was talking about Atlantics...did I miss something?
  24. Don't worry, I'm saving that report until everything freezes over and winternet has set in. Then we can all sit around and debate whether it was 16.2535 or 16.2531 pounds, whether or not it was ethical that I caught it on roe, and whether or not it is in fact an atlantic salmon. Cheers Thumbmaster
  25. Forget the thumb, look at the size of that tail! My thumbs both do that, never noticed that it was weird...
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