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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I'll take that $100 bet, we'll still be driving our cars happily in 20 years
  2. Living up to the hype like Bobby Ryan? heh. Ottawa has gambled and lost before on a deal like this.
  3. That's about the only bright spot on Ryan's career. I hope that 7 mil was worth it.
  4. Only team that made out good on that trade was the Preds. What was Ottawa thinking? 2 first rounders + Turris, Bowers and Hammond? Anyone remember what the Sens gave up to get Bobby Ryan? How's that working out? 7 mil a year for what? A high of 23 goals in a single season? Bahahahahahahaha!
  5. Only thing I do is make sure the bilge is dry, same goes with the livewell. Take all the plugs out and let it drain anything in there.
  6. Matt, you're more dramatic then a preteen girl, lol free fall. We'll see how well the neutral zone trap is working for you guys in March
  7. I'm not trying to be insensitive here, but most people that have that form of blood cancer have an excellent chance of living normal lives after diagnosis.
  8. Yup. Easy to get excited with this team. I can't wait to see them in 2-3 years.
  9. Marners last game was pretty good. And he's a young kid, gotta cut him some slack. I think people forget these kids are still kids, not 27 year olds, lol.
  10. Same here, traction when its cold is pretty hilarious (and stupid at the same time) Nokians on tomorrow!
  11. Smallies or steelhead tomorrow?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BillM


      You fishing PAB tomorrow?

    3. misfish


      Smallies. Im not fishing. Getting winterized. ;)

    4. BillM


      I'll need to wear the floater suit! Going to be a bit chilly


  12. I lost count at the fish over 40 we caught. I think my biggest for that trip was 47.
  13. If there was a perfect car/manufacturer we'd all be driving it
  14. Lidstrom was a freak of nature. I don't think we'll ever see a player like him again.
  15. Nice lakers! If they were still open in the FMZ I fish I'd be out there every chance!
  16. I do not miss driving the 400 every day.. People reversing on the shoulder because they missed their exit, pulling over to the LEFT with a flat tire (So half their car is sticking out into the left lane. Common sense isn't so common, lol.
  17. Multiple 20lbs at a place like the Attawapiskat isn't very hard to achieve. But you gotta pay to play.
  18. I wish we had pics of the scene before the truck showed up. I've seen more idiots stop in the middle of the highway because of a simple fender bender then you can imagine. Just playing devils advocate, let's not assume anything until we get details.
  19. There are two types of d-men. Stay at home physical guys, and offensive oriented guys. Give me the stay at home physical type all day. I don't need my d men scoring goals, I need them clearing the net and making the forwards think twice before heading into the corners.
  20. Very well done. Crazy how short and fat those fish are!
  21. I'd definitely get a hold of Mike. He'll set you straight.
  22. Lake O is loaded with smallmouth pretty much everywhere. No one really bothers to fish them.
  23. I'm sure there are some great drive to places in Quebec that have a lot of big snakes.
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