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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Great addition to the thread, I'm sure the OP found this extremely helpful.
  2. I don't even wanna think about it!
  3. Drew, it was a pleasure fishing with you man, my dad really enjoyed himself... We'll definitely have to hit the water sometime soon, any chance Mike and I can get you addicted to float fishing? And that report? Brings back some awesome memories!!! Although I gotta get a better camera, your pics look so much better! Glad you, bren and the kids are finally settled!
  4. You're not going to get much with $200.. Rod, reel, waders, jacket, floats, leader, shot, hooks, etc etc etc.. It all adds up real fast....
  5. Whatever can help me on the 'Geen is a good thing! lol
  6. It sounds easier, that's most likely the reason you like it better
  7. Even in the small ditches out east I don't think I'd bring anything less then my 13.6'... I guess it's all personal preference though.
  8. A used setup is the way to go.. Can you get something decent for under $400 for sure.. If you are going after chinnies, you better get something with some meat to it
  9. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and you are certainly entitled to yours. I fish with Mike and a lot of other guys who have fished that river for a long long time, before it was ever the in thing to do. Could I see the impact on a river that is completely self sustaining with no type of additional stocking? For sure. But for a river that get's something like 90,000 stocked fish per year like Wallico mentioned? It just doesn't add up even with the mortality rates you quoted.
  10. My oldman and I used to sleep in the back of the truck all the time. It had a cap, he made some homemade bunks, it was great... And free
  11. You mind as well skip steelhead fishing and head right to the pond for bluegill... 15ft foot rods have their place, and I wouldn't run anything shorter then 13' for anything else. 8ft? lol
  12. It's pretty obvious who you are talking about without mentioning them man, come on.... How many times have you done this? Did you forget the giant diatribe you had over on the float board? It's hilarious that you think one post about one river lead to any kind of 'decimation'... If you are so worried about it, stop fishing all together.
  13. Are you running dropshot hooks? I use a palomar to the hook, then attach the weight to the access.. Works great.
  14. I don't think your camera had enough zoom anyhow
  15. I'd love to see a local Cabelas.... Hell I'd love for Cabelas.ca to offer the same crap they have on Cabelas.com...
  16. Fidel, that would be the one.. I also picked up a Loomis IM6 3pc 13', that one is going with me to!
  17. Funny you mention that.. I was out fishing with a buddy last week and he ended up snapping his Rainshadow XST in 2 places (obviously a defect).. His backup was a GLX... Wet noodle was right, he couldn't move fish after that..... I also run a 13'6 GL3, wouldn't trade it for the world.
  18. Cliff, always a pleasure man!!! To bad I dropped a nice fish before I could get a pic of the damn thing! lol
  19. Damaged? After someone posted a great report? Riiiiiiiiiight.
  20. Fall fishing = bigger baits...
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