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Everything posted by BillM

  1. If/when the lake turns over they could be anywhere, but most likely shallower then their summer haunts.. I've caught a lot of smallmouth on top water in the fall, go figure..
  2. You have more patience then me! Although, can you get the distance with a Wallis that you can with a side cast?
  3. Joey, those are some awesome pics! I hope they can put a smile on your face
  4. Yeah cause lures, single hooks and the rest don't snag fish, only treble hooks. You think the CO is going to listen to a Bull excuse like that? lol I'd pay to see that in person...
  5. If it's still loose, grab a hold of it with your finger and apply tension that way...
  6. You can fish in the river no problem, but don't expect the fish you see in 2ft of water swimming around to hit Find the deeper holes and you should have no problems finding fish that aren't spooked.
  7. Thanks for the offer John! The site says that the store close to me has stock, I guess I'll find out tonight
  8. You spoiled all my fun! lol
  9. I wouldn't mind picking up that 5'6 UL. I'll have to go by the local Crappy Tire today.
  10. When reeling in after a drift I like to keep the float in the water so that there is a bit of tension on the line when it goes back on the spool....
  11. 25mins and full drag doesn't make sense. However, I've had many battles that I thought were 25mins that turned out to be maybe 5 Congrats to the OP!
  12. John, I think that CA employee was feeding you a line of crap.
  13. You are over complicating it... I run a 100 yrds or so of 10lb mono backing then fill the rest of the reel up until about an 8th of an inch from the top. Currently running 8lb Drennan Super Specialist. Run your mainline down to a small barrel swivel, then your flouro lead (length depends on conditions) BTW, Siglon F is like rope, it's cool to see it in the water, but I found it a complete pain in the butt. No matter what line you use, if you are doing a sidecast, you'll get line twist.. Unless you learn one of the other casting methods (Wallis or modified pull cast for example) it's inevitable. Take this with a grain of salt, but this is what I've been taught.
  14. See what happens when you take advice from some of the veteran members of this board? Sounds like you a hooked now, better start saving up the $$$$!!!! I'll agree, nothing like a chinook peeling off 100yrds of line in a matter of seconds.
  15. Mike, we measure the bird with water in the pale hours before we actually cook it..... Only takes a few mins to dry it off with some paper towels.
  16. Well, let it bite If you do happen to snag one (and it happens at this time of year) break it off.. I doubt you'll be snagging much hucking spoons off the pier though.. Those fish are fresh and there will be no mistaken when they smash your spoon Good luck! Let us know how you make out.
  17. I saw a similar site last week on a Gbay trib.. Big hen in the tailout of a pool, 3-4 males up in the shallow water just going crazy chasing each other around. It was pretty funny. I stayed until a couple I saw further upstream walked by me.. They were *ahem* tossing those big bright yellow spoons.... you know the ones you use for monster pike? lol
  18. It's not even close to the same degree. I don't think I've seen bass, walleye or pike ganked with a giant treble hook while swimming in 2ft of water
  19. Mike, you have a deep fryer? If not I got the big pail and stand that attaches to a standard propane tank you are more then welcome to borrow. One thing though, make sure to put the bird in the pale, then fill with water before attempting to guess how much oil you need. You'll want it about 1 inch above the bird.. The last thing you wanna do is overfill the pot and have a grease fire Oh yeah, you'll want an oil with a high flash point... peanut is the best (I use canola) We've done deep fried birds for the past 2-3 years, they rock...
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