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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Last year was a banner year for steelhead in the Notty, where were you fishing? lol
  2. Sure they hit in rivers, about 5% of the time, lol.. If you want some hard fighting chinnies, get out on the piers while they are staging, they'll be fresh and you'll experience exactly what a 25lb chinook can do.. Don't wait for it to be half dead swimming upstream.
  3. If you get a vest do not load it down with crap!!!! I have mine loaded down with so much crap that my shoulders/neck are toast by the end of the day.. I carry a simple sidebag now and it's a huge relief on the shoulders...
  4. I don't think I've had one shaker that wasn't going completely insane once it was actually in the boat, regardless of what depth it was pulled up from.. I can definitely say I've never had one play dead once it hit the deck. But you're right, it's better it's in the box then floating belly up in the lake.
  5. Should have no issues using a simple worm harness unless a cold front comes through and slows the fishing down.. Mostly tea stained lakes up there, don't be scared to fish shallow!!!!
  6. There are a lot of people that will disagree with you on that But this isn't a place for that discussion.
  7. For bass? use your thumb... If you can't, grab it behind the gills like you would a pike.
  8. Maybe Shimano didn't want to be associated with the whole religious aspect Linder brings...
  9. Is that a beige corolla? lol Colour me not surprised....
  10. I know this wicked lake with an awesome portage out of Archay, it's so much fun to get into
  11. It would be awesome if they could actually get the picture right.
  12. LOL!!!!! I've done that a few times
  13. I think with these brutally hot days, the temp dropping a bit for a few hours at night isn't going to make a big impact on the river temps.. Bring a thermometer with you.. The last thing you wanna be doing is killing off a bunch of steelhead smolts or brookies
  14. Keep an eye on the river temps dude, anything more then 70 and I'd reconsider fishing....
  15. Wow, wait until that thing starts to eat, it will be hitting the 7lb mark!!! Nice catch Mike!
  16. Leave that at home, it's not going to help you... What's your drag set like? I'd rather have the drag a bit loose then too tight.. I had no issues landing multiple pike over 40inches on a 7ft medium power/fast action Avid, with 20lb PPro and a Shimano Calais 200. It's a lot more fun on that type of setups instead of a 8ft meat stick (I know, I used both and put away the muskie gear after the first day) Also, if they are still green don't even attempt to land them. Keep you line tight!! If the hook pops, it pops. But don't give the fish any sort of advantage... It will amaze you how a toothy critter like that can dull hooks.. Keep a sharpener handy and check your hooks often...
  17. The only thing I don't use Fireline on is my muskie gear. If I'm running braid on a spinning reel it's Fireline Crystal.. Never has an issue with it randomly breaking.. I even spooled my Frogwater centerpin with Fireline!! Gotta love those 200yrd instant hooksets!!! All we used down in Florida for shorefishing was 6lb Fireline as well, only thing that ever broke it off was a mackerels teeth I don't plan on changing anytime soon.
  18. Dude, I just live down the street from you, lol.
  19. There are pros and cons to either glass or polycarbon lenses. You cannot beat the clarity of a glass lens, along with the scratch resistance. However if you are constantly smacking yourself in the face with lures, you'll most likely want a poly lens, lol.. I like the heaviness of a glass lens, plus they double for when I'm driving (I do about 1000kms a week just for work)... Easy choice for me.
  20. I was going to say Maui Jims until I saw your price range. I really don't have a problem spending the $$$ when it comes to my eyesight.
  21. I use mono on my baitcaster as backing and tape on my spinning reels.. No problems with either.
  22. Make sure you put tape on the spool before the braid goes on or else you might encounter slipping issues.
  23. Sweet, I'll take a run over to CTC tonight and see if the Barrie store also has the sale.
  24. Ardent should have also labeled the package as 'Warranty Return/Replacement'
  25. I've disputed brokerage fee's before and carped at them on the phone. I've never came close to paying the amount they originally wanted in order to get my package.. USPS or nothing for me if coming from the US.
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