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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Mike D needs to hit the Catt for some steelhead action on the pin!!!! Wouldn't it be funny if a few Canadians showed him the ropes? lol
  2. DanC is old school, gotta admire that. The funny part is I'm sure that old twig would outfish the fancy gear 90% of the time..
  3. Looks like I need to find a friend in Innisfil and get myself a parking permit. Cheap launch at IBP to!!
  4. For $20 you could have had the reel in probably a week, I would have gladly paid that instead of waiting another 3 weeks.
  5. Sounds like the snow is insulating the water that accumulated during that small warm spell we had last week. That's most likely the run off you are seeing.
  6. I guess you took my comment the wrong way. My point was that most of the day to day traffic you see on that lake is from the surrounding area, not including Innisfil Beach Township. I think ANYONE should be able to apply for and purchase a permit to park there, regardless of where you live. My $100 isn't any better then joe blows $100 regardless of what township he's from.
  7. I thought that first pic was from the 80's!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Uh, us 'locals' that drive 10-15mins to get there aren't allowed either. I live in Barrie and can't even apply for a permit to park at BBP. You should replace 'locals' with 'Innisfil Township Residents' because it makes a bit more sense.
  9. It's not a monster, no reason not to BBQ that one. Now if it was like 30lbs, then I'd have a different opinion.
  10. Blame the Scuba Divers, this is the reason that the park is now closed to public parking. http://www.simcoe.com/news/cityhall/article/848663--town-will-regulate-scuba-divers
  11. 6am? You'll be waiting for the gates to open (That's if you are parking at IBP, I'm pretty sure they open the park at 7am)
  12. Good job man! Still el skunko for me on whities this season.
  13. Nothing wrong with getting them untangled.
  14. Yup, it's definitely Japanese. A neighbour of mine has a friend that drops by with one every once in a while. I always do a double take.
  15. Those are some monsters!!! Good job man!
  16. Cliff, it's all in the hold bud!! That perch looks at least 8-10inches :)
  17. I have a 8in Fin-Bore for when it's early in the season and a Strike King power auger for when it's thick.. I'll agree that popping multiple holes with a 8in auger with 1.5ft of ice gets old really quick, lol
  18. Garmin GPSMap 62 + Garmin Bluecharts
  19. Some of the lakers and even whities in Simcoe go on long long runs, a 750 loaded with braid would be pushing it.. I'd definitely step up to a minimum of a 1000 or 1500. Line also make s a big difference, braid tends to hold a lot more water then mono does and will ice up the bail roller in no time, no matter what reel you are using.
  20. Terry, how does your camera work in 80+ft of water?
  21. Hopefully the warmth melts some of that snow, then it locks up again. Quick and dirty way of gaining 2inches of ice
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