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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Very nice fish for sure! He must have been pretty pumped!
  2. He's making a joke about the fact that you've counted every single fish you've caught, lol!!!
  3. Awesome fish Dan! Let's hope those temps drop over the next couple of weeks.
  4. Dan, really digging that third shot!!! The softness of waves with the hard light on the rocks really makes it pop!
  5. I still feel bad that I chased tail in my teens then fish with my oldman. Although I've been trying to make that up in spades!
  6. Nope, a few weeks ago. I was out on Simcoe lastnight until 2am throwing topwater for smallies Did good on Lake O though, bottomed out the 25lb scale my buddy had. We are guessing around 27lbs or so. Big chinnie.
  7. The bonus of getting up before the sun, the fishing is good, the pics even better!
  8. I don't give money to beggers, I don't give money to kids waiting at the door at the LCBO either, lol.
  9. The Kawarthas hold some decent walleye.. But you aren't going to be getting specifics from anyone about a small walleye lake, I can tell you that.
  10. When I used to fish Erie with the oldman all we'd ever do is drown minnows in 17-25ft of water. Never ever a skunk and always a few monsters (4+ lbs) We'd fish Crystal Beach, Albino, wherever...
  11. Hopefully they just take themselves out and no innocents get hurt. Darwin at work!
  12. Mike, you're right Brendan DOES hold the rod like a champ!!! lol!! Great report man!
  13. Yup, zero service for Wind up here. It's either Bell or Rogers (Or an offspind, like Telus/etc)
  14. Yeah, the Saros isn't exactly cheap. Sienna or even the Sahara would be a great choice.
  15. I just picked up a Shimano Saros 1000F for my oldman because he liked using mine so much. 750 body size with the 1000 sized spool. Absolutely love it. Use it for everything from specs to walleyes.
  16. Pretty much. You released 2 fish and kept one.. Don't feel bad about it.
  17. Never complain about bass thumb, that's bad karma!!!! lol
  18. This is like the Canon/Nikon debate, lol.
  19. Hunting deer while lew serves you coffee in the morning! :)
  20. What exactly don't you understand? He goes in, pleads not guilty, they set a court date sometime down the road, he goes back in and pleads his case. It's not rocket science.
  21. I would have said 'Sure!' after they handed over a nice fat deposit.
  22. I'll be driving through Wawa in about 2 weeks... Can't wait!
  23. But man, wouldn't that be funny to see? LOL!!!!
  24. He hasn't pleaded not guilty to anything yet. When he goes to court, then he'll plead not guilty and receive a trial date. They won't be doing the trial on the same day, it will be a few months from now.
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