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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Only time I've ever had a finder shutoff when starting the motor is when the battery started to go. Replace battery, problem solved.
  2. I'd like to see the look on the ushers face when you him/her to tell the girls behind you to keep it down, lol.
  3. If you're running around on a lake in the dark without lights, you're just asking for something like this to happen. How can someone be so stupid, unreal.
  4. You're looking at this way too closely. This is getting blown so far out of proportion it's laughable. Not named captain because of this? Criminal conviction Really? LOL!!!
  5. I didn't find any deep at all on Friday. Water temps were almost 70?!?!?! lol. We fished lakers (Did ok) then finished up shallow like you mentioned. These water temps need to drop.
  6. 2010 Leafs, bring back a few of those bruisers
  7. Too bad you couldn't have had a core available when you purchased the replacement to avoid all of this. Stupid though, where does that $1.30 end up?
  8. I'll be out Friday/Tuesday. Lakers and bass. Should be on fire.
  9. J13s cast like crap even with no wind, lol! But man the chinnies love them.
  10. I catch as many fish at night on J13s as I do glow spoons. Just depends on what the fish are in the mood for.
  11. I'm sure they would. They might muck up the action of your spoon a bit though. I'd squeeze them on as close to the swivel as possible. You have any Rapal J13s? One of my favs for casting chinnies off the piers or from a boat.
  12. Right? I keep telling myself to leave it in the rod locker with a small assortment of flies and maybe a strike indicator. I had the same thing happen to me last Oct out on Gbay. Late season hatch and the whitefish were going insane. Swirling everywhere, thousands of them. And of course, the flyrod was at home
  13. Decided to do a solo mission for a few hours today on a local lake. Hit up my late August spot and nada, fish had vacated. Not surprised as that pattern only lasts a few weeks. So I sat at the console and rode the sonar for a bit. Edges, rock piles, flats, weeds, nothing too interesting. I pull up to a spot and I see a few fish swirling. I'm thinking awesome, maybe that late August pattern is back. Nope, these bass were eating flying ants I kid you not. Surface was littered with them and the bass were slurping away. Of course my 4wt was at home so I'm not even going to try and pattern those little buggers out. Although the water they were doing this in was 30+ft. So I'm thinking to myself, these fish aren't staying at the surface this entire time. Then the graph lights up. Wolfpacks of smallies 15-20ft down over 30+ feet. I grab my fav vertical jigging bait and it doesn't make it to the bottom before I get slack and the first big boy is in the boat. Did this 3 more times in the span of 2 mins and then it stopped dead. Moved 50ft and repeat. Any basin at this depth held all kinds of fish. I was finding pack after pack of smallies just roaming around in featureless water. The key here was depth though. 30+ feet? I'd find fish. 25 or shallower? Nada, nothing. Every single pack of fish I'd mark and spot lock I'd get 3-4 then move onto the next. What a fun few hours... I know a lot of guys have a hard time with bass in the early fall. Go deep fellas and use your electronics. If you aren't marking fish, don't fish until you do. Proof is in the pudding. No fish pics, didn't wanna waste any time getting them back down. They were spitting bait and crapping all over my boat though, lol!! The best part about this pattern is that it's not lake specific. I've done this on GPool, GBay, Parry Sound, Upper Severn, you name it.
  14. Get some 1/2 bullet weights or egg sinkers and thread them on your line before your snap or swivel. Simplest way to add a bit of weight to a lure. I do this all the time for spinnerbaits when fishing deep weed edges and it works great.
  15. I dunno how he's still the GM. It baffles me.
  16. If this was a movie theatre I'd be pissed, but it's a Jays game.
  17. Buckshot spoons. Perch love them vertically jigged.
  18. Can't be mad at him for turning down 8.5 @ 3. He's worth more then that. Whatever he does, I just hope this is over and done with soon. I don't want him to turn into another Nylander that fans hate.
  19. Pretty sure it was 11 @ 8 if I'm not mistaken. I'm guessing he would have jumped on that 3 year term, that's exactly what he wants.
  20. Icefishing and bugs would basically be the worst combination possible
  21. Once he's signed no one will care. Not my money and the cap goes up every year.
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