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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Hard to go after a guy for a clean hit though..
  2. Tossing hardware in any of the Lake O tribs wouldn't be a bad idea. Cohos, browns, steelhead. Spinning gear is fine as are spinners, spoons etc. Goodluck!
  3. The worst. I can't count the number of times I've almost been sideswiped. I take the back entrance off Bayview now.
  4. Problem is then you'll have guys fishing two rods for bass, muskie and everything else out there...
  5. I think the OP meant to post this on Reddit and not a fishing forum. Take this crap somewhere else.
  6. Lots of big pike have been posted here. A few examples.
  7. It's basically AliExpress. All goods from China. If you're good with that, then go for it.
  8. Changing Halloween is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Enough helicopter parenting. If you want candy that badly, grab a poncho and an umbrella, also a flash light and go get your candy.
  9. Appreciate it man hopefully you won't hear from me for a few years, lol!
  10. Most likely the dam that raised the lake 9ft has something to do with it. Everything else around there is pretty clear.
  11. Gotta love customer service like that. I'd love me a 621S
  12. Did you document this with pics? I'm sure I'll be doing the transom in my '03 Pro Sport in the next few years.
  13. Use the Muskoka water web, look up the Lake fact data sheets. Hopefully it's listed.
  14. Did you use epoxied marine plywood Dave? Probably the cheapest way to do it.
  15. Why does Wilson always hang that leg out when he hits? Hit on Muzzin and Barrie were almost identical. Anyhow, bad break with the penalty on Marner, PK guys played awesome. Can't let Ovi T it up from the top of the circle that many times without getting burned.
  16. Really no need to fog a 4 stroke. Change the oil, bottom end oil and you're basically done till the spring. Pulling the plugs and spraying some fogging fluid in there won't hurt anything however, whatever you're comfortable with.
  17. You can get a transom from Lund for about $1000 or make a template yourself out of Coosa or marine plywood. Really depends on what shape your current transom is in. Lots and lots of guys have used Coosa with zero issues. Some guys also use Seacast, which is kinda like expanding foam. Or you can pay a shop to do it for 3-5k, lol. If I ever have to do the transom in my Pro Sport I'll definitely be DIY'ing it.
  18. No problem! I'm sure someone will have an answer for ya.
  19. What are you going to use as a replacement? Marine plywood? Coosa board? Your best bet will be to join the Lund Boat owners group on Facebook and ask there. More then a few guys have replaced rotten transoms.
  20. Absolutely, for 20k that Starcraft isn't going to last long.
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